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OCT. 26th to DEC. 6th, make or break our season


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Though it is still way too early to really make a legitimate prediction

there is a stretch in the season from 10-28 until 12-2 that anyone can speculate will make or break our season... as far as being contenders or pretenders..

10-28 @ NE, Patriots always a tough team on the road :paranoid:

11-4 @ Jets, are the Jets for real, or will they be a one year wonder?

11-11 Philly, will McNabb still be upright, will their defense be able to stop the run??

11-18 @ Dallas, first meeting with the pokes on the road 3rd road game in 4 weeks

11-25 @ Tampa Always a tough team for the Skins, 4th road game in 5 weeks

12-2 Buffalo, what kind of shape will we be in after that five game stretch, first chance at Big Dock

12-6 Chicago, Thursday night short week game... will the Bears able to survive all the off season turmoil?

Four road games in Five weeks, face 5 playoff teams in that 7 week stretch, and have the dreaded short week Thursday night game

if we come out that stretch 4-3 or better we maybe a playoff contender

or we could have a good start tailspin into another losing season because of this tough stretch of teams

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I think it is a bit early to make that kind of prediction at this point. Even so, I'd say it's much more important for this team to get a fast start. If we start out struggling like we did last year our confidence may falter a bit. We really can't afford that.

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Agree with Yusuf.......while the portion in the schedule Bubba highlights may well torpedo us, the first part of our schedule really gives us a shot. Four of the first six at home and an away game against a suspect Packers team, and 5-1 isn't so far-fetched, even for a team that finished 5-11 last year.

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geez lighten up

I acknowledge it's way to early, just trying to spark some discussion

sorry man, not trying to be a wet blanket on the discussion. rough year for everyone last year.....:D

If I were to get into this business of looking at all the games again, I'd say 3-4 is going to be tough. I think the Jets are for real and dont count on Buffalo being an "easy" game, maybe not a loss, but not a guarentee win either. :cheers: :logo:

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Man i didn't think about what a tough stretch that part of the season is, or what it potentially can be. The fact that there are so many road games during that stretch will take its toll, I'm confident our guys can pull through. I think we'll lose at New England, beat the Jets, beat Philly at home, win at Dallas, win at Tampa Bay, but lose a close one at home to Buffalo and Chicago.

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The skins have a chance to build momentum with the first three games of the season, after that, it's going to be a tough road to hold.

With the worse D-line in football, I don't see how we don't end up 6-10 or 7-9 at best.

No D-line means the back 7 of the defense is virtually neautrilized no matter how good it is. That's football 101.

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The skins have a chance to build momentum with the first three games of the season, after that, it's going to be a tough road to hold.

With the worse D-line in football, I don't see how we don't end up 6-10 or 7-9 at best.

No D-line means the back 7 of the defense is virtually neautrilized no matter how good it is. That's football 101.

off topic..sorry...but is it road to hold or row to hoe? I think Ive been saying the wrong thing for 35 years!:doh: :D :logo:

***Im serious about that question...and Im not messin with ta GIBBSLIVES

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Though it is still way too early to really make a legitimate prediction

there is a stretch in the season from 10-28 until 12-2 that anyone can speculate will make or break our season... as far as being contenders or pretenders..

10-28 @ NE, Patriots always a tough team on the road :paranoid:

11-4 @ Jets, are the Jets for real, or will they be a one year wonder?

11-11 Philly, will McNabb still be upright, will their defense be able to stop the run??

11-18 @ Dallas, first meeting with the pokes on the road 3rd road game in 4 weeks

11-25 @ Tampa Always a tough team for the Skins, 4th road game in 5 weeks

12-2 Buffalo, what kind of shape will we be in after that five game stretch, first chance at Big Dock

12-6 Chicago, Thursday night short week game... will the Bears able to survive all the off season turmoil?

Four road games in Five weeks, face 5 playoff teams in that 7 week stretch, and have the dreaded short week Thursday night game

if we come out that stretch 4-3 or better we maybe a playoff contender

or we could have a good start tailspin into another losing season because of this tough stretch of teams

I think it's key to head into this stretch with a winning record and maybe some momentum, 2-3 wins in a row heading into this stretch. Hell that Pats game alone, if we're playing well, will be a big litmus test for us. I don't think that game is a must win but I do believe it's a must compete kind of game. To lose and put up a fight against the Pats would be a win mentally if you ask me.

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very tough stretch of 7 weeks. But honestly, I am just looking forward to pre-season. I would like to have a solid start, I don't really care about JG's superbowl willing years pre-season paradox. Lets start with the pre-season focusing the dolphins. Since this topic is being discussed, I think think for those 7 weeks 11/11 and 11/18 will be the most critical momentum builder for the team. If we can beat philly and dulles back to back, tempa and buffelo will have the a very tough time stopping us.

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geez lighten up

I acknowledge it's way to early, just trying to spark some discussion


Then I say we gotta start of well in the 1st 6.

We got Dolphins, Lions, Giants and Cards at home

and Philly and GB on the Road.

with that long stretch that bubba mentions, we have to go at least 4-2 in those first 6 to start cushioning some of those away losses in the next 7.

3-3 or worse and we could be in a world of trouble.

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Then I say we gotta start of well in the 1st 6.

We got Dolphins, Lions, Giants and Cards at home

and Philly and GB on the Road.

with that long stretch that bubba mentions, we have to go at least 4-2 in those first 6 to start cushioning some of those away losses in the next 7.

3-3 or worse and we could be in a world of trouble.

ok..and look at that part.

Dolphins that should be a win

Lions - Go ahead and sleep, that secondary better be upgraded like everyone thinks it is, or it will be a long day.

Giants - Who knows, its a division game, lets give us the win for arguements sake.

Cards- Not going to be an easy game either, much like the Lions game.

Philly - See giants with a loss

GB - We get them before it gets cold I think its a win.

Somehow we lose either the Lions or Cards game. That puts us at 4-2 then with my 3-4 thats 7-6...not looking good. Give us another win (Bubbas theory) and are we still feeling good in the NFC with a record of 8-6?:logo:

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if you take my 4-2 with bubba's 4-3, that's 8-5 with NY (away), Min (away) and Dallas (home) left.

We'd have to win at least 2 out of those 3 to probably guarantee a playoff spot at 10-6.

NY away under Gibbs is harder than Dallas away. L

Min away is a ?, but I lean towards win despite us losing to them last year. W

So then it comes down to a home game vs. Dallas.......

If you go by DOOG's 3-4, then we're at 7-6 and we'd have to sweep the final three (I don't like that possiblity)

This is a tougher schedule than I thought :(

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If we get out of that stretch above .500 I will be very surprised, and it will say a lot about how good we are.

I determined when the schedule first came out that our first six games gave us a good chance to get to 5-1 or 4-2. If we dont make a statement during those first six games it is going to be a long, dissapointing year.

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It's the traveling during that stretch that concerns me moreso that the teams they're playing...4 road games in 5 weeks is a helluva lot.

True...but nothing farther than CHI/DAL...no west coast trips...thats a big help.:logo:

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