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Killer Rob's 1991 Redskins recap!!!

Killer Rob

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For those that can't see the show on NFL Network, here's a recap.

Nov 12, 1990 Redskins @ Eagles . Week 10 of the NFL season. 9 Redskins players go down with injuries. QB Stan Humphries is carted off the field. The game is referred to by some as 'the bodybag game'. The Eagles won 28-14. Two months later would be an NFC wildcard playoff matchup. Redskins @ Philly rematch. Rypien starts and leads the Skins to a 20-6 victory, and redemption from the bodybag game defeat. The next week, the Skins would take on the 49ers and lose 28-10, ending the 1990 season.

Many believed that the Redskins nation were a "spoiled" bunch by this point, pretty much expecting nothing less than a Super Bowl appearance each and every year. Jack Kent Cooke started to become envious of other teams methods, and furious at the Redskins progress and direction. Head coach Joe Gibbs recalled a meeting he had with the boss which he was insulted by comparisons with that hair-gelled guy down in Texas. Cooke basically pointed his finger in Gibbs face and said, " You messed this up!" "You kept too many old guys!" "Look at Jimmy Johnson, he's doing it the right way!!!" Gibbs was insulted, disrespected, and shocked by the comments. He responded, "Yes sir Mr. Cooke! I got it!" (lol @ Gibbs, such a calm, cool, collected guy! I'd a been fired that day!)

Mark Rypien, a 1986 6th round draft pick, struggled often with his play. Rypien left many players and fans unsure that he could lead the team. Some players doubted whether Mark believed in himself. The team started the 1991 preseason going 1-3, leading to more negative speculation. Even though Rypien was often clumsy and made mistakes, Gibbs always had faith in him. One thing Rypien could do was hit the long ball! (and man! with the posse in full effect, it was a thing of beauty to watch!)

The Redskins started the 1991 season beating the Lions 45 to freaking 0!!! Rypien led the Skins with over 400+ yards offense, and needless to say, the Skins D did their job. The next week the Skins beat Dallas 33-31!!! (it was cool seeing highlights of Aikman being sacked!!!That never gets old!) The night before the week 3 Cardinals game, Charles Mann got a call in his hotel room late that night from Coach Gibbs. Charles's wife was in labor! Little Cameron Wesley Mann was born at 6:46 am, gameday morning! Charles, who had been up all night, played in the Cardinals game having multiple sacks, 1 forced fumble, and 1 fumble recovery in a 34-0 Redskins victory. (On a side note, it was great to see Charles Mann again. A total professional and class-act as well as a helluva football player. I'm glad he played for us!)

Fast-forward to week 11 Redskins vs Falcons. I include this because of what would later result in the "MC Hammer circus"! Anyways, the Redskins crushed Atlanta 56-17. Rypien, who had 442 yards and 6 TD's in the game, was just one TD shy of the NFL record. He was asked by Gibbs if he would like to go back in the game and try and set the NFL record with a 7th TD. Rypien declined out of good-sportsmanship.

Week 12 would result in a 41-14 victory for the Skins. Undefeated and 11-0 @ the time, the national media attention and speculation starts coming on heavy. Gibbs feared that with the law-of-averages, something bad would eventually happen. Week 13 would prove him right as the Cowboys lucked out or whatever and stole a win 24-21. The Redskins finished the 1991 season going 14-2, clinching homefield thruout the playoffs. Rypien had 3500+ yards and 28 TD's. Charles Mann would go on to his 4th pro bowl.

Playoff game 1: Redskins vs Falcons

The Falcons rolled in feeling confident and ****y, thanks mostly in part to Neon-Deion and Jerry Glanville. Along with Evander 'Real Deal' Holyfield, MC Hammer was in attendance shooting clips for a music video! lol! The Falcons were talking mad trash and smack! (which usually I can respect unless it's against us!) -especially after the 56-17 beating we handed them a few weeks back. Needless to say, the Redskins were VERY disrespected by this circus-like atmosphere happening on our turf. Gibbs stated he was so sickened by all of it he "wanted to throw up" lol! The pissed-off Redskins would go on to force 6 turnovers, beating Atlanta 24-7. Redskins fans everywhere in RFK stadium littered the field with those foam, burgundy & gold seat cushions!!! It was beautiful to watch! Much like his career, MC Hammer would leave the game early.

Playoff game 2: Redskins vs Lions

Charles Mann said he was thrilled going into this game because Detroit was starting a rookie right tackle against him!!! lol! It was funny too, because on the 1st play Mann just steamrolls over the rookie and get's to the Lions QB, forces a fumble and the turnover on the Lions own 8 yard line!!! That led to our first TD! I guess the Lions QB Kramer got benched at some point, because there was a beautiful clip of Andre Ware being INT'd by #28 Mr. Darrell Green(K-Rob's personal all time fav) for a 33 yard INT/TD!!! Final score 41-10!!! = 4th Super Bowl berth in 10 years!!!

Super Bowl 26: Redskins vs Bills Minneapolis, Minn.

The media pretty much found our team very boring. That credit should go to coach Gibbs. Charles Mann said Gibbs had a brilliant way of 'brainwashing people', basically saying the same things over and over again about the opponent such as "they have a great team" "they have a great running back" "they have a great quarterback", which in turn subliminally led to ALL of the Redskin players saying the same EXACT things and quotes! In other words, we were not adding any fuel to the fire by saying dumb things. This led to the media hating us for being boring and the Bills receiving all the media attention. There was a funny clip of 'the sports reporters' espn show during the super bowl week and that little old nerd Mike Lupica was infuriated that noone could get any 'dirt' out of any of the Redskins players! Lupica's little 100lb soaking-wet a** was jumping out of his seat ranting! lol! - because little weasels like himself get off on that sorta stuff! ya know... They were running stories about Rypiens hairstyle lol! On a side note from that clip, and while we're on the topic of hair, Tony K. had what was the very last of his comb-over still happening at the time!!! lol!

Thurman Thomas, who was the NFL MVP for that year, Bruce Smith, and Jim Kelly were garnering all the press and media spotlight. The thing is, with all the attention they were getting during super bowl week, they were losing focus of the task at hand. In fact! It preoccupied them so much that at the start of the actual Super Bowl game, Thurman Thomas couldn't find and didn't have his helmet for the Bills first offensive series!!! lol! A guy named Kenneth Davis started the game in Thurman's place @ RB and botched the first hand-off of the game which led to Jim Kelly being tackled.

The Skins defense forced 5 sacks on Buffalo, as well as 1 INT that led to a touchdown. The score at the half was 17-0. Gibbs was right about Rypien chucking the rock deep too! Watching clips of him bomb it all over the field to Monk, Clark, and Sanders was awesome!(I can't wait to see it again with Campbell and Moss/Lloyd/Randle El!!!) The final score of Super Bowl 26 was 37-24. Joe Gibbs 3rd Super Bowl victory with 3 different QB's -NFL record. Mark Rypien earned Super Bowl MVP honors.

Gibbs tells a story as he was leaving after the super bowl win. He walked out from the stadium, kissed his wife, and stepped into the limo in the parking lot. Gibbs says as he was slowly leaving the lot a fan opened up one of the limo doors and shouts, " HEY! We gotta get em' next year YA HEAR ME?!?!?!!! & Gibbs thought to himself, 'geez, gimme 30 minutes will ya!!!!' lol!

HAIL to the REDSKINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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No prob bro!

See, I was about 14 when all of that took place. I just recently turned 30yo...(gosh, it feels so weird to say that still!) But anyway, I DON'T remember the Dolphins SB. I BARELY remember the Raiders SB, all I really remember is Marcus Allen had a good game. I remember the Broncos SB pretty well. What I remember most about that one is everyone thought we'd get killed, they went up 7 on us early, and then Doug Williams and Timmy Smith proceeded to rout the crap out of the Broncos.

While I remember this 1991 season, it DOES seem soooo long ago. Like I almost remember it on the level of the 1987 season. In fact, while I was watching the show on the '91 Skins, I kept trying to catch who was running the rock for us. Was it Byner? I'm not really sure. I wish they would have went more in-depth on other players on the team. Guys like Dexter Manley were around then right? It was only an hour special so they couldn't fit it all in I guess. That's why I want Snyder to start the Redskins Network. Maybe I'll bump that thread to the top in hopes he sees it! lol!

Either way, I think it's good to reflect on the history and tradition of the Washington Redskins. It helps me get pumped about being a Redskins fan, and I get excited about the future. Especially considering Gibbs is our coach in 2007!!!!! I mean, who woulda thought in 1991 Gibbs would STILL be leading our team to this very day?!? I find that so fascinating! I think newer Redskins fans who maybe weren't around for these glory years, it might help them appreciate who this man is, and what the Redskins represent. With all the craziness and players and coaches in the league these days, I need this stuff to remind myself of what we are about!

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i remember those bowls, i took it for granted, i thought all the redskins did was win, must be how boston, and indy, kids feel like now. they have no idea, ten years from now it will be another team on top of the heap...damn. hope it us again.

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I envy you all, the best vivid memories I have are of 2005. I've been going to games since I was old enough but most of them were the forgetable losses to Dallas. The earliest good or at least meaningful memories I have were of watching the last game at RFK and the first at FedEx on TV with my dad.

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Dexter Manley was NOT on that team. The defense had a quite different look from 1991 as compared to 1987.

Off the top of my head, here are the players (defense) I remember from 1991 that were not on the 1987 squad:

Danny Copeland

Brad Edwards

Martin Mayhew

Jumpy Geathers

Fred Stokes

Eric Williams

Wilbur Marshall

Andre Collins

Kurt Gouviea (may have been on the roster in 1987, but I don't think he was active)

Charles Mann, Darrell Green, and Monte Coleman were the only defensive players I remember that made contributions in both 1987 and 1991.

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Thanks for the compliments guys. I really appreciate it.

SonOfWashington, you must have been that added good luck charm that put us over the edge that much more! CM916, hang in there bro. I'm kinda like you in a way because I vaguely remember these glory years too. But it's fans like us that stick with OUR team because we believe in the Redskins.

kleese, good memory! Do you know who the RB was? Byner? Gerald Riggs? I know Terry Allen came later on, but I didn't catch on the show who the running back was at the time?

Either way, it puts a big smile on my face knowing that Art Monk made Peion look like an amateur!!!

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Byner was the primary RB. Ricky Ervins was a rookie, and he came on and got more and more carries as the year progressed. He especially made his mark in the Sunday Night game at the Giants when we rallied in the 2nd half-- it was the first time he really stuck out. But Byner was pretty much the primary RB.

Gerald Riggs was strictly a goal-line specialist.

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Thanks for the recap. That was an amazing game. I watched it with my dad on Armed Forces network from Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. I should've gone to the local bars and seen if they had NFL Sunday ticket! :)

Gawd. I really hope we will win another one in the near future.


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killer rob do you have a 87' recap?

I wish! See, that's the thing about going over stuff like this. All it does is make us better, smarter, more knowledgeable Redskins football fans. If anybody is more familiar with the 87' season, I'd love to see it posted so I could read up on it. I think with all that happened in 1987, it was just as fascinating of a season as the 91' year. Luckily the guys at NFL Network did all the hard work on the 91' season, I just summed it up a bit for us to read and reference here.

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Geez, I haven't heard Ricky Ervin's name mentioned in years.

I really thought Ervins was going to be a productive back in the NFL. He was short and squaty, and although he wasn't real fast, I thought he would carve out a nice little career for himself.

But after 1991, he did nothing for the Redskins....I do remember he played for the Raiders briefly, but I don't think his career lasted very long.

Sort of like Reggie Brooks, who lit it up in 1993, and then totally disappeared.

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I won't go into as much detail, but 1987 was an interesting year to say the least.

I don't think anyone will argue that the 1987 was our least "impressive" of all of the Gibbs Super Bowl era teams, including when we lost in 1983. I would also argue that the 1986 team was just as good, if not better, than the 1987 team.

But the 1987 Redskins were very, very tough and very, very opportunistic.

First, you have to start with the strike.

The Redskins were the ONLY team in the league that did not have a regular player cross the picket line. Yet, they still won all 3 "scab" games, including a memorable MNF win in Dallas when the Cowboys had several regulars, including Danny White and Dorsett (I was actually at that game).

Gibbs encouraged our guys to stick together and for no one to cross the line. A few players were a bit irked by this, but in the end, it seemed to keep the team unified.

By virtue of the 3-0 run during the replacement games, the Redskins were in good shape when regular play resumed.

The QB situation that year fluctuated between Jay Schroeder and Doug Williams. Gibbs seemed to have a tough time making up his mind. The players supported Williams, as it was common knowledge that no one really liked Schroeder. But Gibbs kept giving Jay chance after chance to retain the job.

Finally, Schroeder laid an egg in the last game of the year at Minnesota. Gibbs replaced him with Williams, we came back to win, and Williams was named the starter for the playoffs.

For the second year in a row, the Redskins played at Chicago in the divisional round. After getting down 14-0, the Redskins clawed back. The turning point was the famous kick return for a TD by Green, where he pulled a rib cage muscle. We went on to win the game and knock off the Bears in their house for the second time in as many years.

In the NFL Network show, it is revealed that Green did not think he would play in the NFC Title game. But his teammates encouraged him to "get a shot" and play. So, he did.

The MOST overlooked aspect of the 1987 season, IMO, was our good fortune in regards to the 49ers. This was in the midst of the Niners dominance and they had clinched homefield throughout the playoffs. However, an underdog Minnesota team went to SF and upset the Niners behind a record setting performance from WR Anthony Carter.

Instead of playing at SF, we got to host the Vikings.

Most people know the rest of the story....

The Minnesota game was tight. We had a 7 point lead with under 1:00 remaining. The Vikings had a 4th and 4 from our 6 yard line. Gibbs famously dropped to both knees.

Darrell Green is widely given credit for breaking up the final pass of the game, but if you watch replays, the ball squirts out of Darrin Nelson's hands before anyone touches him. Incomplete. Redskins win.

It was possibly my singular favorite moment as a Redskin fan.

Super Bowl 22.........hopefully all Redskins fan know that story.

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Playoff game 1: Redskins vs Falcons

The Falcons rolled in feeling confident and ****y, thanks mostly in part to Neon-Deion and Jerry Glanville. Along with Evander 'Real Deal' Holyfield, MC Hammer was in attendance shooting clips for a music video! lol! The Falcons were talking mad trash and smack! (which usually I can respect unless it's against us!) -especially after the 56-17 beating we handed them a few weeks back. Needless to say, the Redskins were VERY disrespected by this circus-like atmosphere happening on our turf. Gibbs stated he was so sickened by all of it he "wanted to throw up" lol! The pissed-off Redskins would go on to force 6 turnovers, beating Atlanta 24-7. Redskins fans everywhere in RFK stadium littered the field with those foam, burgundy & gold seat cushions!!! It was beautiful to watch! Much like his career, MC Hammer would leave the game early.

I was at this game and turns out to be the last Skins game I've had a chance to see live. I threw my seat cushion onto RFK and about 15 others that came from above. That was a sight that every Redskins fan should see. We stopped the game for about 5 minutes in our victory celebration, hows that for the 12th man!

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The QB situation that year fluctuated between Jay Schroeder and Doug Williams. Gibbs seemed to have a tough time making up his mind. The players supported Williams, as it was common knowledge that no one really liked Schroeder. But Gibbs kept giving Jay chance after chance to retain the job.

Finally, Schroeder laid an egg in the last game of the year at Minnesota. Gibbs replaced him with Williams, we came back to win, and Williams was named the starter for the playoffs.

Actually, it started with the home game against Detroit ... Schroeder was ineffective and Williams replaced him in the second quarter. The following week, he played pretty good in a home loss on MNF to the (then LA) Rams but also wound up injured to the point that Schroeder started the following Sunday against the Giants (at home in the rain - I was at that one).

Had Schroeder not been successful in leading the team from a halftime deficit, Williams would have likely been the started the following week in St. Louis. But the team clinched the division against the Cardinals, dominated Dallas at home the following week (for the second season series sweep of the 'girls) before that loss at Miami on ESPN.

But, yes, the struggles in Minneapolis and that Williams brought us from 10 down in the fourth quarter to force overtime is what did it.

For the second year in a row, the Redskins played at Chicago in the divisional round. After getting down 14-0, the Redskins clawed back. The turning point was the famous kick return for a TD by Green, where he pulled a rib cage muscle. We went on to win the game and knock off the Bears in their house for the second time in as many years.

... thanks to the Vikings for thrashing the Saints in the Wild Card game at the Superdome. And I was worried about this one because we took them by surprise the previous year and this was Walter's last season. And, yes, the only thing you have to mention about that game was Gree's punt return.

The MOST overlooked aspect of the 1987 season, IMO, was our good fortune in regards to the 49ers. This was in the midst of the Niners dominance and they had clinched homefield throughout the playoffs. However, an underdog Minnesota team went to SF and upset the Niners behind a record setting performance from WR Anthony Carter.

Instead of playing at SF, we got to host the Vikings.

Don't forget that New Orleans had the second best record in the league (only behind the 40-whiners) and, had they won the Wild Card in which they were heavily favored, they would have been off to Chicago and we'd have had to contend with San Francisco first. (For those not old enough to remember the days of just two wild card teams: divisional opponents could not meet until the conference final)

Most people know the rest of the story....

Getting the NFC title game at home was definitely a blessing and it was known before kickoff in Chicago that home field was at stake. This game against the Vikings was just 14 months removed from the offensive explosion with Kramer and Schroeder ... and who were the starters here? Wilson and Williams. Both conference title games came down to the final plays and I can't remember the last time in a season that both had us on the edge or our seats.

Super Bowl XXII ... second quarter: 35 points. Nothing else needs to be said.


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Fast-forward to week 11 Redskins vs Falcons ...

We need to go back two weeks, to Week 9: Redskins at Giants

This was, without question, the redemption game. We had lost six straight following Super Bowl XXII and, just like 1987 after losing three straight, the team felt that if they had to beat the Giants in order to be legitimate.

They trailed 13-0 at halftime but Rypien to Clark got hot in the second half and the Redskins came back to win 17-13 on ESPN.

The team remained undefeated going into Week 10: Oilers at Redskins, when the offense turned the ball over late in the fourth quarter and it looked like Houston was going to kick the game winning FG with no time left. However, Al Del Greco shanked it wide and the game went into overtime, with the Redskins prevailing.

It was then that I felt we had something special happening and even the chance to go 16-0 ... that is, until Dallas came to town. :(

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I watched the program and loved it, at the same time it bothered me because I was 6 when it happened, I had no idea the significance of the moment. My earliest skins memory was my first game at RFK, Leslie Sheppard caught a 73 yard pass for a TD against the cards and we won, I thought it was a good sign at the time. how wrong I was lol.

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1991 was a milestone year for me. It was the year I graduated from high school and started college. 1991 also brings back good memories and the Redskins' Super Bowl victory was definitely one of them.

I could remember that 1991 season as if it were last year. Those were fun times!!

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