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KC Joyner- Dallas safety metrics in his chat 7-5


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SprungOnSports (Long Island): How does Roy Williams stack up based on your safety metrics?

SportsNation KC Joyner: Williams had bottom 10 of the league coverage metrics in many places, but I didn't put him on the overrated list because everyone knows he has some coverage issues.

Hyman (rochester, ny): Let's keep the saftey talk going. How much do you see the Seahawks improving by replacing Hamlin and Boulware with Deon Grant and Brian Russell? Isn't Dallas setting themselves up for disaster by starting Williams AND Hamlin?

SportsNation KC Joyner: Hyman, I don't know that Dallas is set up for a disaster but Hamlin isn't the panacea he's being made out to be. I really like Seattle's upgrades a lot and it might be just what their cornerbacks need to improve their play.

Todd (Detroit): Hey KC. Enjoyed the sample. Is there any reason to believe the Cowboys play Pat Watkins, or were his metrics as poor as a scout's eye suggests?

SportsNation KC Joyner: Glad you enjoyed the sample! Watkins metrics were as bad in a lot of ways as you might think. He did get better after he got out of the Parcells doghouse, though, so I wouldn't be surprised to see him develop into a decent backup safety.

Adam (Spokane): The only thing Hamlin lead the league in last year was whiffs on knock out blows. The guy is considered a big hitter but does not wrap up. I would consider him a big liability in coverage also, by Michael Boulware actually made him look halfway decent last year.

SportsNation KC Joyner: Adam, I am inclined to agree with you on most of that. I will say that Hamlin's metrics say he will be an upgrade over what Dallas had at coverage safety last year, so that's a plus for them.

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Adam (Spokane): The only thing Hamlin lead the league in last year was whiffs on knock out blows.

The guy is considered a big hitter but does not wrap up.

I would consider him a big liability in coverage also,

Michael Boulware actually made him look halfway decent last year.

SportsNation KC Joyner: Adam, I am inclined to agree with you on most of that.

Hey THA, can you say Meriweather!;)
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SprungOnSports (Long Island): How does Roy Williams stack up based on your safety metrics?

SportsNation KC Joyner: Williams had bottom 10 of the league coverage metrics in many places, but I didn't put him on the overrated list because everyone knows he has some coverage issues.

Hyman (rochester, ny): Let's keep the saftey talk going. How much do you see the Seahawks improving by replacing Hamlin and Boulware with Deon Grant and Brian Russell? Isn't Dallas setting themselves up for disaster by starting Williams AND Hamlin?

SportsNation KC Joyner: Hyman, I don't know that Dallas is set up for a disaster but Hamlin isn't the panacea he's being made out to be. I really like Seattle's upgrades a lot and it might be just what their cornerbacks need to improve their play.

Todd (Detroit): Hey KC. Enjoyed the sample. Is there any reason to believe the Cowboys play Pat Watkins, or were his metrics as poor as a scout's eye suggests?

SportsNation KC Joyner: Glad you enjoyed the sample! Watkins metrics were as bad in a lot of ways as you might think. He did get better after he got out of the Parcells doghouse, though, so I wouldn't be surprised to see him develop into a decent backup safety.

Adam (Spokane): The only thing Hamlin lead the league in last year was whiffs on knock out blows. The guy is considered a big hitter but does not wrap up. I would consider him a big liability in coverage also, by Michael Boulware actually made him look halfway decent last year.

SportsNation KC Joyner: Adam, I am inclined to agree with you on most of that. I will say that Hamlin's metrics say he will be an upgrade over what Dallas had at coverage safety last year, so that's a plus for them.


Andrew (Indianapolis): If Williams is not considered overrated because everyone knows his coverage issues, why isn't Sean Taylor put in the same category?

sn2.gif KC Joyner: (4:26 PM ET ) Andrew, because Taylor is a coverage safety and Williams is a run safety.

So Dallas has a run support safety with serious coverage issues and the Skins have a coverage Safety with serious coverage issues. hmmmm.


sn2.gif KC Joyner: (4:29 PM ET ) Adam, I am inclined to agree with you on most of that. I will say that Hamlin's metrics say he will be an upgrade over what Dallas had at coverage safety last year, so that's a plus for them.

as it has been said 100 times, he is an upgrade to last season.......expect improvment.

Kerry (DC): Sean Taylor has cover skills, but run safety mentality and body. As a skins fan I would rather bring him into the box and let Landry play deep middle.

sn2.gifKC Joyner: (4:33 PM ET ) I wouldn't disagree with that, Kerry.

but isnt ST losing weight to regain his quickness to be able to play better back in coverage.....so he will be back in coverage while the rookie is playing in the box to help with the zero pass rush the front 4 can bring.......

Now thats what you mean by "Bombs away"......Eli, Mcnabb and Romo sits to pee will have all day and their pick of the litter when it comes to open recievers.....:laugh:

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So Dallas has a run support safety with serious coverage issues and the Skins have a coverage Safety with serious coverage issues. hmmmm.

:nono: not what he said... didn't say ST had "serious coverage " issues.. that he wasn't as good as a pro bowl safety should be.. Roy Williams he flat out says he sucks Bottom 10.. OUCH! and that everyone already knows RW sucks :laugh:

in fact he says being overrated from their

in fact he said about ST a little later

My question is regarding Sean Taylor. Maybe my memory is wrong but it seemed his coverage was much better the first two years, particularly 04. How did his metrics those years compare to last year (when terrible LB and CB play caused the whole D to unravel)?

SportsNation KC Joyner: Adam, I'll go into this in more detail in Scientific Football 2007, but in a nutshell, Taylor's coverage responsibilities changed some this past year and that's what caused his metric downfall

or all the injuries to the Skins secondary hurt ST performance

as it has been said 100 times, he is an upgrade to last season.......expect improvment

but the point you keep missing is, Watkins was so bad, anything would be an improvement... but an improvement doesn't mean he will be good , just better than a horrible watkins :laugh:

Todd (Detroit): Hey KC. Enjoyed the sample. Is there any reason to believe the Cowboys play Pat Watkins, or were his metrics as poor as a scout's eye suggests?

SportsNation KC Joyner: Glad you enjoyed the sample! Watkins metrics were as bad in a lot of ways as you might think.

but isnt ST losing weight to regain his quickness to be able to play better back in coverage.....so he will be back in coverage while the rookie is playing in the box to help with the zero pass rush the front 4 can bring.......

Now thats what you mean by "Bombs away"......Eli, Mcnabb and Romo sits to pee will have all day and their pick of the litter when it comes to open recievers.....:laugh:

keep hoping :laugh:

only you would try to turn it into a redskin discussion by exaggerating what was posted (BTW a KC Joyner ST thread already started in the stadium forum... you even posted in it) It is obvious you can't defend your pokes...

sorry but trying to change the topic doesn't change the fact the Pokes secondary stinks :laugh:

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So Dallas has a run support safety with serious coverage issues and the Skins have a coverage Safety with serious coverage issues. hmmmm.

:nono: not what he said... didn't say ST had "serious coverage " issues.. that he wasn't as good as a pro bowl safety should be.. Roy Williams he said flat out says he sucks Bottom 10.. OUCH! and that everyone already knows RW sucks :laugh:

in fact he said about ST a little later

My question is regarding Sean Taylor. Maybe my memory is wrong but it seemed his coverage was much better the first two years, particularly 04. How did his metrics those years compare to last year (when terrible LB and CB play caused the whole D to unravel)?

SportsNation KC Joyner: Adam, I'll go into this in more detail in Scientific Football 2007, but in a nutshell, Taylor's coverage responsibilities changed some this past year and that's what caused his metric downfall

or all the injuries to the Skins secondary hurt ST performance

as it has been said 100 times, he is an upgrade to last season.......expect improvment

but the point you keep missing is (refusing to admit), Watkins was so bad, anything would be an improvement... but an improvement doesn't mean he will be good , just better than a horrible watkins :laugh:

Todd (Detroit): Hey KC. Enjoyed the sample. Is there any reason to believe the Cowboys play Pat Watkins, or were his metrics as poor as a scout's eye suggests?

SportsNation KC Joyner: Glad you enjoyed the sample! Watkins metrics were as bad in a lot of ways as you might think.

in case you didn't know

pan·a·ce·a /ˌpænəˈsiə/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[pan-uh-see-uh] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation


1. a remedy for all disease or ills; cure-all.

2. an answer or solution for all problems or difficulties: His economic philosophy is a good one, but he tries to use it as a panacea.

Hamlin isn't the panacea he's being made out to be.

but isnt ST losing weight to regain his quickness to be able to play better back in coverage.....so he will be back in coverage while the rookie is playing in the box to help with the zero pass rush the front 4 can bring.......

Now thats what you mean by "Bombs away"......Eli, Mcnabb and Romo sits to pee will have all day and their pick of the litter when it comes to open recievers.....:laugh:

keep hoping :laugh:

only you would try to turn it into a redskin discussion by exaggerating what was posted (BTW a KC Joyner ST thread already started in the stadium forum... you even posted in it) It is obvious you can't defend your pokes...

sorry but trying to change the topic doesn't change the fact the Pokes secondary stinks :laugh:

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:nono: not what he said... didn't say ST had "serious coverage " issues.. that he wasn't as good as a pro bowl safety should be.. Roy Williams he flat out says he sucks Bottom 10.. OUCH! and that everyone already knows RW sucks :laugh:

in fact he says being overrated from their

in fact he said about ST a little later

or all the injuries to the Skins secondary hurt ST performance

but the point you keep missing is, Watkins was so bad, anything would be an improvement... but an improvement doesn't mean he will be good , just better than a horrible watkins :laugh:

keep hoping :laugh:

only you would try to turn it into a redskin discussion by exaggerating what was posted (BTW a KC Joyner ST thread already started in the stadium forum... you even posted in it) It is obvious you can't defend your pokes...

sorry but trying to change the topic doesn't change the fact the Pokes secondary stinks :laugh:

gee Bubba, i wonder why you left out the key sentance to that response....

.sn2.gifKC Joyner: (4:38 PM ET ) Adam, I'll go into this in more detail in Scientific Football 2007, but in a nutshell, Taylor's coverage responsibilities changed some this past year and that's what caused his metric downfall. His metrics have never been that good but they were especially bad this year.

had to be just an oversight on your part right, you wouldnt have just left it out to benifit your argument....would ya?

and yes, I know that an upgrade is not always an improvment...that was my point exactly a month ago about Smoot.

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gee Bubba, i wonder why you left out the key sentance to that response....

had to be just an oversight on your part right, you wouldnt have just left it out to benifit your argument....would ya?

and yes, I know that an upgrade is not always an improvment...that was my point exactly a month ago about Smoot.

:rolleyes: yeah

like you I only posted the relevant part to your twisted logic...

Funny how in last years book He had ST rated #1 in success rate, and in the top 8 in two of his three top metrics for coverage safeties...... I guess that is bad in your book.. :laugh: but compared to the Pokes unholy trio it is all world :rotflmao:

now tell us all, how is that relevant to the fact that Roy Williams sucks, BOTTOM 10 sucks?

or how does it change the fact that Watkins was so bad that Hamlin could only go to Dallas to be considered an upgrade ... but in no way the cure all for the pokes keep trying to make him to be?

oh, you can't because it is only childish avoidance.... cover those eyes and ears... don't admit the poke secondary stinks..... and all the troubles will just go away :laugh:

Smoot? now you are just reaching... you really are desperate to change the subject :no:

(insert NO EVIL MONKEYS pic here)

again this is a poke thread, the ST discussion is in the stadium, that I started and included quotes in full about Taylor from the chat in the thread as well

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now tell us all, how is that relevant to the fact that Roy Williams sucks, BOTTOM 10 sucks?

or how does it change the fact that Watkins was so bad that Hamlin could only go to Dallas to be considered an upgrade ... but in no way the cure all for the pokes keep trying to make him to be?

oh, you can't because it is only childish avoidance.... cover those eyes and ears... don't admit the poke secondary stinks..... and all the troubles will just go away :laugh:

Smoot? now you are just reaching... you really are desperate to change the subject :no:

(insert NO EVIL MONKEYS pic here)

again this is a poke thread, the ST discussion is in the stadium, that I started and included quotes in full about Taylor from the chat in the thread as well

Bubba, don't you understand? The Cowboys secondary sucks, but not as bad as the Redskins, so it's ok. And the secondary was a major factor in the late-season collapse for the fourth straight year. But it isn't as bad as the Redskins so that makes it all ok. The League will just hand them wins b/ c their secondary isn't as bad as the Redskins...at least based on last year.

Healthy Springs, the return of Smoooot at the nickle CB (who TRPB, you admitted is as good as Henry, the Dallas #2 CB) and I pray to oh holy God that Rogers improves (Newman's 2nd season was just as bad so there's hope).

No AA, Wright or Rumph, great depth, as opposed to...another year of Henry, Glenn, Williams and the Great Ken Hamlin. Bombs away!

The Dallas secondary still has only one person that can cover...

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Bubba, don't you understand? The Cowboys secondary sucks, but not as bad as the Redskins, so it's ok. And the secondary was a major factor in the late-season collapse for the fourth straight year. But it isn't as bad as the Redskins so that makes it all ok. The League will just hand them wins b/ c their secondary isn't as bad as the Redskins...at least based on last year.

Healthy Springs, the return of Smoooot at the nickle CB (who TRPB, you admitted is as good as Henry, the Dallas #2 CB) and I pray to oh holy God that Rogers improves (Newman's 2nd season was just as bad so there's hope).

No AA, Wright or Rumph, great depth, as opposed to...another year of Henry, Glenn, Williams and the Great Ken Hamlin. Bombs away!

The Dallas secondary still has only one person that can cover...

its officailly booked!

The Skins have a top ten Pss D in and Dallas will be bottom 5! Now we will just have to wait and see.........but dont think i wont be back laughing, when you have no pressure on the Qb, No one that can get to the ball and make an INT, and ST......a horrible coverage safety begging for 15 million dollars in signing bonuses...........:laugh::laugh:

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its officailly booked!

The Skins have a top ten Pss D in and Dallas will be bottom 5! Now we will just have to wait and see.........but dont think i wont be back laughing, when you have no pressure on the Qb, No one that can get to the ball and make an INT, and ST......a horrible coverage safety begging for 15 million dollars in signing bonuses...........:laugh::laugh:

Deflect, deflect, deflect. You can exaggerate all you want. You can make assinine statements all you want. $15 mil? pfft. Has he said ANYTHING about a new contract? No - quite the opposite - he has said in the Washington Post he is fine with the contract.

Dallas secondary is horrible. Period. They were ranked 24th last year. They did very little to upgrade it. Not to mention they were almost totally healthy last year. Think that'll continue? Ha. But that's ok, b/c they're not as bad as the Redskins last year. Oh yeah, throw on top of that a new defensive scheme. But that's ok b/c they weren't as bad as the Redskins last year.

You really are making an ass of yourself by pointing fingers at the Redskins secondary. You really have nothing but recrimination. You know it, I know it. You know how bad the Cowboys pass defense is. It's obvious.

And do me a favor, point to where I said they were going to be top 5? Nope, nowhere. I said they'd be better.

And for your information Dallas WAS near the bottom 5 last year (9th worst ranking, 5th worst TDs and 6th worst YPA). Yes Washington was worse. But really, can you actually be PROUD of that?

They had almost twice the number of sacks the Redskins had, were almost completely healthy, and still were just as bad as the group that boasted Archuleta, Wright and Rumph, yet did next to nothing to improve - and as bad as everyone says Taylor was - Hamlin and Williams were worse - so how exactly are the Cowboys going to be better??

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is it possible to not bring the Skins into a thread exclusively about the pukes?

The initial post mentioned no puke players. It was about RW, Hamlin and what's his name...

How good or bad the Skins' pass defense is had NO IMPACT on how bad the pukes' pass defense is.

Please, in the future, try to stay on topic...and if you must mention another team, compare your pukes to the Bears' pass defense...okay?

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I've never seen anyone as sensitive to "safety metrics" as Bubba. We'll see who's defense turns out to be better on the field. Get a life.
Awesome. You have an unparalleled genius. you have single-handedly ended this discussion with irrefutable testimony. But can you handle this:





In coverage of course. Irrefutable. I win.

but isnt ST losing weight to regain his quickness to be able to play better back in coverage.....so he will be back in coverage while the rookie is playing in the box to help with the zero pass rush the front 4 can bring.......

Now thats what you mean by "Bombs away"......Eli, Mcnabb and Romo sits to pee will have all day and their pick of the litter when it comes to open recievers.....:laugh:

I just don't understand this entire comment. It doesn't make any sense and leads to no logical conclusion. How will Sean Taylor losing weight to improve his coverage make it easier for QB's? That is like saying bringing Roy Williams closer to the line to play on his strengths will lead to the downfall of the Dallas D. Is that what you think is going to happen? Awesome. HEY EVERYONE, THIS FOOLISHNESS THINKS ROY WILLIAMS IS GOING TO RUIN THE DALLAS DEFENSE THIS YEAR BY PLAYING CLOSER TO THE LINE!!! :applause::applause::applause::applause::applause::applause:
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I've never seen anyone as sensitive to "safety metrics" as Bubba. We'll see who's defense turns out to be better on the field. Get a life.

Says the poke fan who spends many hours every day on a Redskin Message board responding to every post about the Pokes, trying to spin it into a positive, or if he can't spin it... he will go for the personal attacks to keep the thread topic away from the point so he can keep from admitting the Pokes have flaws

Shouldn't you follow your own advice??

TRPB is "sensitive" to safety metrics... should he "get a life" too? :rotflmao:

classic Poke mantra response :laugh:


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Deflect, deflect, deflect. You can exaggerate all you want. You can make assinine statements all you want. $15 mil? pfft. Has he said ANYTHING about a new contract? No - quite the opposite - he has said in the Washington Post he is fine with the contract.

Dallas secondary is horrible. Period. They were ranked 24th last year. They did very little to upgrade it. Not to mention they were almost totally healthy last year. Think that'll continue? Ha. But that's ok, b/c they're not as bad as the Redskins last year. Oh yeah, throw on top of that a new defensive scheme. But that's ok b/c they weren't as bad as the Redskins last year.

You really are making an ass of yourself by pointing fingers at the Redskins secondary. You really have nothing but recrimination. You know it, I know it. You know how bad the Cowboys pass defense is. It's obvious.

And do me a favor, point to where I said they were going to be top 5? Nope, nowhere. I said they'd be better.

And for your information Dallas WAS near the bottom 5 last year (9th worst ranking, 5th worst TDs and 6th worst YPA). Yes Washington was worse. But really, can you actually be PROUD of that?

They had almost twice the number of sacks the Redskins had, were almost completely healthy, and still were just as bad as the group that boasted Archuleta, Wright and Rumph, yet did next to nothing to improve - and as bad as everyone says Taylor was - Hamlin and Williams were worse - so how exactly are the Cowboys going to be better??

Riggo, you have seen me post and you know how i feel about my team. Dallas is not a very good team vs the pass and i have never said otherwise...i did however say that Hamlin was an upgrade, as little of an upgrade it is or as bad as watkins was, making it an upgrade by default is all true, but again, its a start.

Dallas could have had one of the best Def. players in the draft (Merriwether) and chose to go a different route. They went Hamlin in FA and decided he was enough to pass on Merriwether...we shall see how it works out......

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is it possible to not bring the Skins into a thread exclusively about the pukes?

The initial post mentioned no puke players. It was about RW, Hamlin and what's his name...

How good or bad the Skins' pass defense is had NO IMPACT on how bad the pukes' pass defense is.

Please, in the future, try to stay on topic...and if you must mention another team, compare your pukes to the Bears' pass defense...okay?

your right, the 31st ranked (total yards) Defense, should not be in a discussion with the Dallas D......i take it back, I will leave the Skins horrid D out of the discussion...

The Bears have a much better D then the Cowboys and i have no problems admitting it.

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Awesome. You have an unparalleled genius. you have single-handedly ended this discussion with irrefutable testimony. But can you handle this:





In coverage of course. Irrefutable. I win.

I just don't understand this entire comment. It doesn't make any sense and leads to no logical conclusion. How will Sean Taylor losing weight to improve his coverage make it easier for QB's? That is like saying bringing Roy Williams closer to the line to play on his strengths will lead to the downfall of the Dallas D. Is that what you think is going to happen? Awesome. HEY EVERYONE' date=' THIS FOOLISHNESS THINKS ROY WILLIAMS IS GOING TO RUIN THE DALLAS DEFENSE THIS YEAR BY PLAYING CLOSER TO THE LINE!!! :applause::applause::applause::applause::applause::applause:[/quote']

I was playing off of the fact that someone said it would make more sense to put ST in the box and leave LL in the coverage spot.......i was just saying, no matter how good that would work, its not going to happen...someone in Washington thinks, ST is a coverage Safety, and i for one am glad of it...leave him there by all means...just leave him there......Ballhawk Taylor! :laugh:

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Awesome. You have an unparalleled genius. you have single-handedly ended this discussion with irrefutable testimony. But can you handle this:





In coverage of course. Irrefutable. I win.

I just don't understand this entire comment. It doesn't make any sense and leads to no logical conclusion. How will Sean Taylor losing weight to improve his coverage make it easier for QB's? That is like saying bringing Roy Williams closer to the line to play on his strengths will lead to the downfall of the Dallas D. Is that what you think is going to happen? Awesome. HEY EVERYONE' date=' THIS FOOLISHNESS THINKS ROY WILLIAMS IS GOING TO RUIN THE DALLAS DEFENSE THIS YEAR BY PLAYING CLOSER TO THE LINE!!! :applause::applause::applause::applause::applause::applause:[/quote']

No, no, no, you don't understand - it doesn't matter how bad the Dallas defense is. It doesn't matter how badly it hamstrings them. So long as it's better than the Redskins - everything is ok.

Wait, I thought it was Redskin fans who cared more about the Rivalry and were only happy when Dallas lost...

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:rolleyes: yeah

like you I only posted the relevant part to your twisted logic...

blame me for you leaving out a sentence in that quote....U flat out left part of the response out to make your argument.....classsic!!!!!

Funny how in last years book He had ST rated #1 in success rate, and in the top 8 in two of his three top metrics for coverage safeties...... I guess that is bad in your book.. :laugh: but compared to the Pokes unholy trio it is all world :rotflmao:

you need to ask KC that and not me...KC is the one quoted as saying "terrible as usual"...i guess he is off the list of people we can trust for honest evaluations of player perfromances.......again, it was KC that said it not me..........

now tell us all, how is that relevant to the fact that Roy Williams sucks, BOTTOM 10 sucks?

as a run support safety it makes him much less of a liability in coverage then your ballhawking coverage safety........

or how does it change the fact that Watkins was so bad that Hamlin could only go to Dallas to be considered an upgrade ... but in no way the cure all for the pokes keep trying to make him to be?

they dont need a cure, just better play....in which we will all have to wait and see. An upgrade is an upgrade........

oh, you can't because it is only childish avoidance.... cover those eyes and ears... don't admit the poke secondary stinks..... and all the troubles will just go away :laugh:

Smoot? now you are just reaching... you really are desperate to change the subject :no:

(insert NO EVIL MONKEYS pic here)

again this is a poke thread, the ST discussion is in the stadium, that I started and included quotes in full about Taylor from the chat in the thread as well

just bringing in the smoot to make a point aboput upgrades, not always meaning improvment...Smoot and Hamlin are both upgrades, but to what exactly????

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No, no, no, you don't understand - it doesn't matter how bad the Dallas defense is. It doesn't matter how badly it hamstrings them. So long as it's better than the Redskins - everything is ok.

Wait, I thought it was Redskin fans who cared more about the Rivalry and were only happy when Dallas lost...

Riggo....they both suck......luckly for Dallas we can A) sack the QB 34-19 and B) get INT's 18-6 (Roy Williams had 6.......which coincidentally (sp?) enough equalls the whole Washington Redskins TEAM! OUCH!

So are you going on record right now on July 6th 2007, to say that the Skins have a better Def. then the Cowboys?

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Well, here is this Poke fan's opinion for you guys to have fun with. (Give TonyRomoProBowl a short break.)

Here is the way I see it...

Most agree that Hamlin is an upgrade from what Dallas had last year. Henry played injured all of last year but is healthy now. I don't have any metrics to look at, but from watching the games his first year with Dallas I thought he was pretty good so we're in better shape at CB.

The return of Ellis and/or the addition of Spencer opposite Ware, along with a more attacking style of defense should help the secondary out by reducing the amount of time QB's have.

We'll see how it goes when the games start.


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Riggo, you have seen me post and you know how i feel about my team. Dallas is not a very good team vs the pass and i have never said otherwise...i did however say that Hamlin was an upgrade, as little of an upgrade it is or as bad as watkins was, making it an upgrade by default is all true, but again, its a start.

Dallas could have had one of the best Def. players in the draft (Merriwether) and chose to go a different route. They went Hamlin in FA and decided he was enough to pass on Merriwether...we shall see how it works out......

Yes a slight upgrade...but somehow they'll be better then the Redskins still?

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Riggo....they both suck......luckly for Dallas we can A) sack the QB 34-19 and B) get INT's 18-6 (Roy Williams had 6.......which coincidentally (sp?) enough equalls the whole Washington Redskins TEAM! OUCH!

So are you going on record right now on July 6th 2007, to say that the Skins have a better Def. then the Cowboys?

Better pass defense, yes.

And by the way, apparently you missed this one, but Miami has 8 total interceptions. And had the #5 pass D. So, I guess you can hang your hat on that on if you like...

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I've never seen anyone as sensitive to "safety metrics" as Bubba. We'll see who's defense turns out to be better on the field. Get a life.

Great comeback, :rolleyes:

He has a good time owning Dallas fans on here, why should he stop now :laugh: Dallas fans love getting :owned: on ES.

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