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Journalists dole out cash to politicians (quietly)


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“MSNBC.com identified 143 journalists who made political contributions from 2004 through the start of the 2008 campaign, according to the public records of the Federal Election Commission. Most of the newsroom checkbooks leaned to the left: 125 journalists gave to Democrats and liberal causes. Only 16 gave to Republicans. Two gave to both parties.”

Guess we can put to rest the whole liberal media myth. :laugh:

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For the life of me I can't figure out why anyone in this country would like to see the Republican party removed from power.

I mean, everyone thinks they've done such a bang up job and all, it's amazing when you find pinkos that just don't like them.

Maybe the country would be more apt to listen if your party hadn't used the Constitution as toilet paper for the last few years.


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For the life of me I can't figure out why anyone in this country would like to see the Republican party removed from power.

I mean, everyone thinks they've done such a bang up job and all, it's amazing when you find pinkos that just don't like them.

Maybe the country would be more apt to listen if your party hadn't used the Constitution as toilet paper for the last few years.



You said this far too delicately and politely.

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Maybe the country would be more apt to listen if your party hadn't used the Constitution as toilet paper for the last few years.


Maybe some of us would be more interested in listening to Democrats if they could actually at least spell the words M-O-R-A-L-S or V-A-L-U-E-S and maybe at least occassionally pay lip service to some level of loyalty and patriotism to this country.

I'm no fan of the Republican party in general, or this current administration specifically, but at least they've paid some level of lip service to the things that the majority of Americans tend to believe in. Unfortunately for them, the American voters have paid more attention to their actions than their words, but they got where they are by at least saying the words. The Democrats aren't even in touch enough with their constituents to do that.

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Is it really better to pay homage to the people who look you in the eye and lie repeatedly?

Are you suggesting it's wrong to pay attention actions versus words? What someone does is more important than what they say. That's really a horrible indictment of the Republicans to say that their actions are all dishonest and reprehensible, but at least they can spin a good yarn and lie better.

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Maybe some of us would be more interested in listening to Democrats if they could actually at least spell the words M-O-R-A-L-S or V-A-L-U-E-S and maybe at least occassionally pay lip service to some level of loyalty and patriotism to this country.

I'm no fan of the Republican party in general, or this current administration specifically, but at least they've paid some level of lip service to the things that the majority of Americans tend to believe in. Unfortunately for them, the American voters have paid more attention to their actions than their words, but they got where they are by at least saying the words. The Democrats aren't even in touch enough with their constituents to do that.

It doesn't matter to me if you guys want to listen to Democrats or not.

The point is, after the last six years of watching the Republican party abuse power, how anyone could be whining that people are actually donating money to get rid of them is beyond me.

The right uses the tactic of demonizing everything left. It's a strategy that has worked well for them. However after the Bush presidency people aren't falling for it anymore.

Case in point, crying over this bias in the media. According to the last poll I saw, 83% of this country has a bias towards this administration.

To shift gears, again we know the media is dollar driven. Changing parties is good for them too, because it gives them a new way to cause division and dissent and garner ratings. Fresh meat on the carving table, as it is. Job security.

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For the life of me I can't figure out why anyone in this country would like to see the Republican party removed from power.

I mean, everyone thinks they've done such a bang up job and all, it's amazing when you find pinkos that just don't like them.


I believe the article is questioning the integrity of journalism and journalists in general who (1) give money to political candidates at all (2) overwhelmingly support one side over the other. 143 random people off the street probably do not have such a bias, and they have no power over what is transmitted to the public.
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I believe the article is questioning the integrity of journalism and journalists in general who (1) give money to political candidates at all (2) overwhelmingly support one side over the other. 143 random people off the street probably do not have such a bias, and they have no power over what is transmitted to the public.

Anyone who needs to be told that our media is questionable needs to pull their heads out from under whatever rock they've been buried under.


Our media is compromised. You can't trust it. It has an agenda, and part of their agenda is to tell all of us that their competitor has an agenda... much like this article.

Yelling about a bias towards the left or the right is pointless. Maybe we should yell that our political parties have changed our media into tools of party propaganda, and that WE the people have no one we can trust.

The ring in our noses can be blue or red, doesn't matter. It still hangs there.


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Maybe some of us would be more interested in listening to Democrats if they could actually at least spell the words M-O-R-A-L-S or V-A-L-U-E-S and maybe at least occassionally pay lip service to some level of loyalty and patriotism to this country.

Can someone please tell me exactly when being a democrat meant someone was immoral or unpatriotic. I haven't taken that class in college yet but would really like to.

Just because we dont agree with you, doesn't mean we're immoral or unpatriotic.

Yes, I would rather see a drug addict get treatment then just throw them in prison, I do not believe it is my place to tell a woman what she can do to her body, I believe that the different economic classes in this country should pay different tax rates. I believe that homosexual couples should the exact same rights as heterosexual couples and anything less is discriminatory. I would rather pay higher taxes as long as the money is going to something useful like the environment or education. And remember, you can support the warriors without supporting the war. I think that the best place for American soldiers right now is back in the United States with their families. Not caught in the middle of an Islamic civil war. I don't object going to war, I just object going to a war that we have no business fighting in.

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Is it really better to pay homage to the people look you in the eye and lie repeatedly?

I'm not paying homage to either group. Personally, I'd be in favor of totally outlawing political parties and installing an extensive set of term limits to ensure we get back to an AMATEUR government rather than a PROFESSIONAL one, but that's a totally different topic.

What I'm saying is that at least the Republicans are smart enough to say what they know people want to hear on the campaign trail. Whereas the Democrats seem to constantly run on the "America SUCKS and always has. Let's become China" campaign concept.

Are you suggesting it's wrong to pay attention actions versus words? What someone does is more important than what they say. That's really a horrible indictment of the Republicans to say that their actions are all dishonest and reprehensible, but at least they can spin a good yarn and lie better.

Burgold, as much as I truly HATE BOTH of the current political parties, the main reason why I will at least give the Republican candidates the time of day before deciding they're not worth supporting is that they will at least SAY the right things, even if they don't get my support because they won't follow through on them. The Democrats don't even bother to pay lip service to the things I believe in.

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Can someone please tell me exactly when being a democrat meant someone was immoral or unpatriotic. I haven't taken that class in college yet but would really like to.

Just because we dont agree with you, doesn't mean we're immoral or unpatriotic.

Yes, I would rather see a drug addict get treatment then just throw them in prison, I do not believe it is my place to tell a woman what she can do to her body, I believe that the different economic classes in this country should pay different tax rates. I believe that homosexual couples should the exact same rights as heterosexual couples and anything less is discriminatory. I would rather pay higher taxes as long as the money is going to something useful like the environment or education. And remember, you can support the warriors without supporting the war. I think that the best place for American soldiers right now is back in the United States with their families. Not caught in the middle of an Islamic civil war. I don't object going to war, I just object going to a war that we have no business fighting in.

Momma says you can't debate with retarded 4 year olds. You're wasting your time.

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Momma says you can't debate with retarded 4 year olds. You're wasting your time.

Yes he is wasting his time debating ANYTHING with me. I've been over that in the past. Oh, and most mentally challenged children I've met in my life have a better handle on the differences between Right and Wrong than most liberals I've ever met, so I'll take the comment as a compliment.

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Yes he is wasting his time debating ANYTHING with me. I've been over that in the past. Oh, and most mentally challenged children I've met in my life have a better handle on the differences between Right and Wrong than most liberals I've ever met, so I'll take the comment as a compliment.

Yea, because blowing up abortion clinics is the right thing to do, as is protesting outside of soldiers funerals with picket signs proclaiming that God hates America.

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Yea, because blowing up abortion clinics is the right thing to do, as is protesting outside of soldiers funerals with picket signs proclaiming that God hates America.

When you come up with the post where I've advocated doing either of those things, I've got a $1000 money order I'll over-night to you. Get some level of clue before you put words in people's mouths.

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... most... (4 year old) children I've met in my life have a better handle on the differences between Right and Wrong than most liberals I've ever met, so I'll take the comment as a compliment.

This is actually true. Most four year olds do have a better handle on right and wrong than most adults. The world is so much purer and easier to define at three and four. Then again, most four year olds have no concept of nationality, race, political party, etc.

Good is good. Bad is bad. Hurting someone is bad. Helping someone is good. Chocolate is good. Mushrooms are bad. Lying is bad. Playing is good.

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When you come up with the post where I've advocated doing either of those things, I've got a $1000 money order I'll over-night to you. Get some level of clue before you put words in people's mouths.

I didn't say you said those things. However, you seem to think that all liberals are exactly the same, so by that reasoning all conservatives are exactly the same.

I have alot of conservative friends and we regularly debate political matters and it remains civil. I have nothing against conservatives. I may not agree with what they say, but it is their right to say it. I don't want to offend you, just stop acting like the republican party is the great moral compass of our society and can do no wrong while the democratic party is an extension of satan. Both parties have flaws and both parties have people that are less then desirable.

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It doesn't matter to me if you guys want to listen to Democrats or not.

The point is, after the last six years of watching the Republican party abuse power, how anyone could be whining that people are actually donating money to get rid of them is beyond me.

The right uses the tactic of demonizing everything left. It's a strategy that has worked well for them. However after the Bush presidency people aren't falling for it anymore.

Case in point, crying over this bias in the media. According to the last poll I saw, 83% of this country has a bias towards this administration.

To shift gears, again we know the media is dollar driven. Changing parties is good for them too, because it gives them a new way to cause division and dissent and garner ratings. Fresh meat on the carving table, as it is. Job security.

You're right...because we know they all became Democrats in the last 3 or 4 years. Before that they were totally neutral. Except when they voted 90% for Bill Clinton. And Michael Dukakis. And Walter Mondale.

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This is actually true. Most four year olds do have a better handle on right and wrong than most adults. The world is so much purer and easier to define at three and four. Then again, most four year olds have no concept of nationality, race, political party, etc.

It's not that their world is purer or easier. It's that they haven't been corrupted by the concept of compromise and the idea that the world isn't Black & White.

Good is good. Bad is bad. Hurting someone is bad. Helping someone is good. Chocolate is good. Mushrooms are bad. Lying is bad. Playing is good.

I'd suggest that the first two on your list are actually the only absolutes on the list. I prefer Strawberry or Black Raspberry over Chocolate and playing is not always good.

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I didn't say you said those things. However, you seem to think that all liberals are exactly the same, so by that reasoning all conservatives are exactly the same.

Liberals are exactly the same in that they're WRONG. There are a whole lot of different belief systems and shades of grey to the Democrat agenda, but that doesn't make any of them correct. Some of them may be less dramatically WRONG than others, but they're all still WRONG. Hopefully that will help you make see the distinction I'm trying to explain.

I have alot of conservative friends and we regularly debate political matters and it remains civil. I have nothing against conservatives. I may not agree with what they say, but it is their right to say it. I don't want to offend you, just stop acting like the republican party is the great moral compass of our society and can do no wrong while the democratic party is an extension of satan. Both parties have flaws and both parties have people that are less then desirable.

I don't debate things. Largely because I'm not going to waste my time trying to change anybody's mind and mine is never going to get changed on anything.

The Republican Party's compass points to Hell just as readily as the Democrat's does. It's CONSERVATISM, not Republicanism that is the great moral compass of society that can do no wrong. Just as LIBERALISM is the shortest path to hell. Unfortunately, like many others you've wrongly made a connection between the Republican Party and Conservative that isn't there. At least is hasn't been in most of my lifetime.

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I'm no fan of the Republican party in general, or this current administration specifically, but at least they've paid some level of lip service to the things that the majority of Americans tend to believe in. Unfortunately for them, the American voters have paid more attention to their actions than their words, but they got where they are by at least saying the words. The Democrats aren't even in touch enough with their constituents to do that.

They say one thing and do another, but at least they say things people want to hear... :applause:

I hear you on the Republicans vs Conservatives view. However, at this point Democrats actually have more in common with Conservatives then Republicans do... Are you really a Conservative? Would you vote for a Democratic candidate if he/she were more conservative than a Republican one?

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