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Marcus Washington left me a voicemail message!!!


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I still have to get in a picture with you :laugh:.

Congrats on the phone call, Joe is a good man, if I was a girl, I'd hit it...:D

Heck, since Beach Blitz all my drinks come with dresses, so I guess I am close.

Ok, I am done with that.:doh:

Grats on the call, that is cool as hell :)

Thanks, Reic! Hope you are coming to BG-we'll take plenty of pics!!

Here is a pic of the call.

OMGOSH that is SO AWESOME! Thank you SO MUCH! I am going to blow that up and put it in my office at work next to my blow up pic of Marcus!! SO COOL!!! :cloud9:

Very cool moment.

The truly geeky part of me would suggest that you burn it onto a CD, take the photo covert that into a label and either scrapbook it or frame it, because it is a moment of double excellence.

First and most importantly, that a friend was looking to help and support you when you were feeling rotten.

Secondly, as a keepsake from a great Redskin.

OH SO TRUE!!! I will have to figure out how to do that, thanks!!

And YES. True friendship coupled with favorite Redskin experience. I am truly blessed.

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Does she have ability to transfer it from tape to digital medium? WAV or MP3?

I don't know. I'll have to consult with David about this one!

One of my friends (female) met him, smoked a joint with him, and bull****ted while him and others played XBOX.

True story. So now all of the do-gooders probably don't like him any more.

Wrong-O! NOTHING could make me love Marcus Washington less. I don't believe in drugs, especially since I cannot control my alcohol consumption, but that doesn't make me think less of my Burgundy & Gold hero! :D

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