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Lucas Puts Down "Spider-Man 3"


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I'm one of Lucas' biggest critics and while I won't claim American Graffiti or THX-1138 are masterpieces for all time, he HAS done more than just Star Wars. ANd creating Indiana Jones isn't small-time either.
You ask any car guy over the age of 30 about AG and they will all say it's a classic.
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I love the original trilogy but the prequels are complete garbage and poorly directed. I don't know if he lost the magic he once had, or maybe the lack of dissenting voices or budgetary limits ruined his creative ability, but Lucas has lost any of the talent he once had. Despite my real love for the original trilogy, I think he is full of **** and a complete hypocrite for making fun of spiderman 3, which is substantially better then episode III.

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In his defense, he neither directed nor wrote Howard The Duck. He helped fund the project, which is why he's listed as producer, but creatively he had nothing to do with it.

He financed a piece of ****.

Could you easily apply his logic against Spidey 3 towards Howard the Duck? Whether he created it or not makes no difference. He financially backed it, which means he must have believed that it'd do well and that it'd be a good movie.

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What do you have against Ewoks?

You're kidding, right? They're EWOKS. And if you need anyting else, here's this little tidbit.

Originally, the Ewoks were supposed to be Wookies, and the planet (or moon as it turned out to be) was supposed to be the home of the Wookies, fighitng against the Empire (and Bounty Hunters) for thier freedom. But then Lucas though the merchandising would be better if he created a "cute" race for the kids.


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Lucas has a severe case of "Blockbuster Envy."

He said the same thing about "Independence day" in 1996. I read in "Entertainment Weekly" That he saw it and criticized it non-stop...it was bothering the people who were sitting around him. When it was over he said he could've made it for less money and in a shorter time.

Lucas had a brilliant trilogy with the first 3 "Star Wars" films...the last three were made for nothing more than to sell the merchandise.

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he wasnt just A producer on howard the duck, he was the EXECUTIVE producer! Either way i remember both my brother and me wanted to see that movie at the time cause all the hype. needless to say how dissapointing it was. I actually watch HTD about 2 weeks ago (been watching alot of bad movies lately) and as bad as it is it still is quite fuuny to watch. still if i was involved in any way in that movie i'd try to hide it. Like tim robbins, I doubt he would tell anyone that he was in HTD! Still waiting for the sequel or at least to get my hands on the soundtrack, those 80's songs are too much.

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I almost pisses me off how mediocre works like the Spidermans and the Star wars series make so much money.

what exactly is wrong with the spiderman series it goes more with the comics then any other comic turned into movie in the past

out of all the marvel movies this has been the closest to what the comic is about

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