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2006 season on VHS/DVD


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Does anyone have the entire Skins '06 season either on VHS/DVD?????

This is of great importance to me. I live in Baltimore and when the Skins begin their losing streak..instead of showing the Fox 1pm Skins game they show crap like --Dharma/greg, Ernest goes to camp, or Dharma/Greg.

So each loss they occur I F'N scream b/c it is a delayed hassle for me. I missed alot of games due to that, work, and my grandmother would record them for me (lived in DC) but in fact we layed her to rest and burried her on 9/11 so from week 1 the odds were against me enjoying the seasons.

So again what should I do... My collection skips from '05-to nothing and I need to get my Skins fix on.. and I live in Ravens town.


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go ahead and skip the season, you didn't miss much. watch the saints game, or the giants game to watch jason campbell really start clicking.
I think the guy was looking for serious answers.

Anyway "Failing," if you can afford it, you should take pjfootballer's advice and get the NFL Ticket. The whole Directv set up can get kind of expensive if you get all the movie channels, but you can pay the "Ticket" in installments.

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I have most of them on DVD from Pontel and am happy to run you some copies or even send some of the originals. The only thing I need in return is to find out why I can't start new threads in here and have some kind of reduced permissions, I think I've passed the min count number and I seem to remember starting a thread once.


Lee (UK)

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I have most of them on DVD from Pontel and am happy to run you some copies or even send some of the originals. The only thing I need in return is to find out why I can't start new threads in here and have some kind of reduced permissions, I think I've passed the min count number and I seem to remember starting a thread once.


Lee (UK)

Wow.. 17.95 (USD) per game dvd? Wha-wha-wha-what???? Thats place is the scam of all scams. Decent of you to offer but prolly PM or email material if you catch my drift ;)

The NFL takes copyright infringement pretty seriously in the states. I feel dirty just owning the bootleg dvds of the skin's superbowls. oops :D

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I have most of them on DVD from Pontel and am happy to run you some copies or even send some of the originals. The only thing I need in return is to find out why I can't start new threads in here and have some kind of reduced permissions, I think I've passed the min count number and I seem to remember starting a thread once.


Lee (UK)


I strongly recommend you contact the mods and request that your no new threads be removed. Also read the rules for starting new threads before you contact them. Contrary to the opinion of some people they are reasonable.

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Wow, I either live on a totally different planet b/c im 50 miles north from the stadium, got some dood in another country making offers, being offered to buy sunday ticket which I dont think they replay old games on and seems to not even answer the question, and told to forget it altogether.

Dynamite fellas. Be sure to call me when you are stranded on the side of the road or when your house is broken into. Not that my concerns are that desperate but just to put it out there none of that helped. Awesome.

Why can't the NFL sell the season on dvd and add sideline angles, scout camera breakdowns for the hardcore fans? Why is HBO films/NFL hording all these films,angles and so forth that would be a hot collection, give the dorks like us who want to see London Flectcher highlights/insight about the new players coming to the team. The Skins are the top merchandising team we dont even need to follow suit with the others we do our own thing. They already have sold the NFL's soul to EA in the exclusive deal, why don't they see an even greater potential to make money while actually accomplishing a purpose. It wont effect attendance b/c there will always be fools who want to pay the high cost of tickets like my family for the past 30 years, and the guys who prefer nose bleeds and binoculars.

But the direction this country is heading is more work, less money, as the bridge between middle class and upper class diminishes and middle and lower class merge. So the opportunity to get away and waste a day is impossible for more especially if you are raising kids and are chained to the couch. Live entertainment is for the obsessed and rich which is increasing.

Not everyone gets to go see the Skins which have the highest paid ticket in the league but furthermore live 50mins from the stadium and never get to see games b/c they are losing. That is some BS.... what do they think the fans are mindless groupies who only care about whose on top winning??? They lose a few early games and its bye bye for the season-get acquainted with Dharma/Greg. I dont wait all year for the football season and bust my ass at work all week long to not be able to watch the real local team play on Sundays in the comfort of my own home. I am a vegatarian ,beat my alcohol addiction and have 9 months into my tobacco less life so the destination of hanging in a bar, with smokers, forced to pay for garbage food with no sound amongst 31 other teams fans ruining my experience is not even enjoyable. Never even close to it.

I dont believe in changing cable service providers than my internet cost would go up. My family has season tickets but fighting through Ravens traffic, bad seats and face double traffic on the way home amongst drunk/rushing idiots through any sort of weather is a waste of about 10 hours of more sacred day off.

Is it too much ask for the F'N game to be televised or ask does anyone have the games on VHS/Dvd?

Im going to go break something now and play some Olivia Newton John records to console my emotions.......(runs away crying)

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NFL Sunday Ticket + Tivo will be the only way I can see having every game on DVD.

In regards to your rant about how NFL Films should do a full blown documentary on our 2006 season.... If we win the Super Bowl, I'm sure Sports Illustrated will be beating down your door to sell you a copy, along win an official team hat and a 2 year subscription for 66% off the cover price. But I can pretty much guarantee that a documentary on the Redskins 2006 season would have the same effect as watching Schindler's List or Requiem for a Dream. You could also search YouTube for videos of train wrecks or building demolitions.

In terms of your fix ... I recommend Toressa's awesome highlight package. And Madden. Lot's of Madden. Then there's also the NFL Network, which occasionally shows games from last year, plus the America's Game series is really well done, even the ones for other teams.:)

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Wow, I either live on a totally different planet b/c im 50 miles north from the stadium, got some dood in another country making offers, being offered to buy sunday ticket which I dont think they replay old games on and seems to not even answer the question, and told to forget it altogether.

Dynamite fellas. Be sure to call me when you are stranded on the side of the road or when your house is broken into. Not that my concerns are that desperate but just to put it out there none of that helped. Awesome.

Why can't the NFL sell the season on dvd and add sideline angles, scout camera breakdowns for the hardcore fans? Why is HBO films/NFL hording all these films,angles and so forth that would be a hot collection, give the dorks like us who want to see London Flectcher highlights/insight about the new players coming to the team. The Skins are the top merchandising team we dont even need to follow suit with the others we do our own thing. They already have sold the NFL's soul to EA in the exclusive deal, why don't they see an even greater potential to make money while actually accomplishing a purpose. It wont effect attendance b/c there will always be fools who want to pay the high cost of tickets like my family for the past 30 years, and the guys who prefer nose bleeds and binoculars.

But the direction this country is heading is more work, less money, as the bridge between middle class and upper class diminishes and middle and lower class merge. So the opportunity to get away and waste a day is impossible for more especially if you are raising kids and are chained to the couch. Live entertainment is for the obsessed and rich which is increasing.

Not everyone gets to go see the Skins which have the highest paid ticket in the league but furthermore live 50mins from the stadium and never get to see games b/c they are losing. That is some BS.... what do they think the fans are mindless groupies who only care about whose on top winning??? They lose a few early games and its bye bye for the season-get acquainted with Dharma/Greg. I dont wait all year for the football season and bust my ass at work all week long to not be able to watch the real local team play on Sundays in the comfort of my own home. I am a vegatarian ,beat my alcohol addiction and have 9 months into my tobacco less life so the destination of hanging in a bar, with smokers, forced to pay for garbage food with no sound amongst 31 other teams fans ruining my experience is not even enjoyable. Never even close to it.

I dont believe in changing cable service providers than my internet cost would go up. My family has season tickets but fighting through Ravens traffic, bad seats and face double traffic on the way home amongst drunk/rushing idiots through any sort of weather is a waste of about 10 hours of more sacred day off.

Is it too much ask for the F'N game to be televised or ask does anyone have the games on VHS/Dvd?

Im going to go break something now and play some Olivia Newton John records to console my emotions.......(runs away crying)

so you have tickets but wont use them. you wont change cable providers to ensure you can watch from home. you refuse to go to a pub so that you can see if not hear the games. AND you choose to live in b-more where Skins game swill obviously be blacked out. sounds to me like you arent really willing to do anything to solve your "problem".

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I dont believe in changing cable service providers than my internet cost would go up. My family has season tickets but fighting through Ravens traffic, bad seats and face double traffic on the way home amongst drunk/rushing idiots through any sort of weather is a waste of about 10 hours of more sacred day off.

Is it too much ask for the F'N game to be televised or ask does anyone have the games on VHS/Dvd?

Im going to go break something now and play some Olivia Newton John records to console my emotions.......(runs away crying)

Wow! You're certainly up against insurmountable challenges to watch Redskins games, aren't you? :rolleyes:

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Your actually quite lucky in the first place with getting most of the games on telly.

Over here in the UK we get our NFL via Sky Sports & they pick which games we want to see & the Redskins get maybe one a season as they try to show at least one game from all the teams over the 16 week season & then the playoffs but normally we get 2/3 games from the most popular teams & the 'Skins or those teams not performing too well normally go without :(

Sucks big time :(


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so you have tickets but wont use them. you wont change cable providers to ensure you can watch from home. you refuse to go to a pub so that you can see if not hear the games. AND you choose to live in b-more where Skins game swill obviously be blacked out. sounds to me like you arent really willing to do anything to solve your "problem".


I am also Dan Snyder's son to complicate matters more....

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Have you tought about trying Slingbox? I have never used it, but I seem to recall people on this site raving about it at one time.

BTW, you did not miss much in the 2006 season. Considering how much of a let down this was from 2005, you should consider yourself lucky. I seem to recall that last year NFL films put out a video on the 2005 team, but I have not heard of one for the 2006 team.

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Hey sound .. I live in the lands of the Colts, so getting to see Skins games is tough. I ended up using .... http://www.streamtvnow.tv/ and plan to do so again this season.

There is a slight delay in the plays, but beats watching the little football move on the NFL play by play screen I used to use. ;-)

Thanks for that I'll try to sign up for that this season.

Just hope Sky decide to show both the Bills & the Bears games on TV this year so I can record the games I'll be seeing live for prosperity :D :D


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