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Was Cooley Smashed!!!

Cane Corso21

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Just wondering if anyone else noticed it yesterday, at the Draft party at Fed Ex. After Gibbs spoke Cooley came out of nowhere and was slurring his words, I couldnt understand anything he was saying, and it looked like Larry Michael came out to try and get him back, but he then went into the crowd, he just seemed a little too happy.

Did anyone notice this as well?

:40oz: :cheers:

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I'd a' been drunk too. How boring would that have been to be there yesterday as a player. I'd have kicked back with my teammates and had a couple, wouldn't you have? Hey Chris!, tuggin' or tuckin'...watcha' doin' there pal? :paranoid:


LOL I think he's tuckin.


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I didn't even see Rocky yesterday or Smoot or Campbell. I didnt hear Cooley I was too busy getting Joe Gibbs' autograph. After I got his I got Cooley's in that swarm of people. That was CRAZY!

Nobody heard him he was slurring I swear I couldnt understand nothing.

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I wouldn't be surprised if he was, he seemed very goofy and enjoyed going through that crowd. I actually was plowed over by him when he was trying to get away from the crowd. I wasn't mad actually, I was thinking "Dude ... I got run over by Chris Cooley .... AWESOME!" :D

That security guard looked pissed that Cooley was putting him through that. I'd hate to have been him!

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Nah he wasn't smashed... just enjoying the draft day party. I was actually hanging out with him when Gibbs was giving his speech, and he said "man I need to get some tv time" and then headed down towards the field. didn't think he'd actually do it.

On a related note, anyone see him drilling those field goals right after his speech? he was hitting 35+ yarders with room to spare. Someone better go warn Suisham...

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