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MSNBC: Global Warming in Pictures


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Enough of the politicizing of global warming. We know it is happening, the question is how to slow it down, even if that is possible. I believe it is a combination of humans and also the sun and earth are also responsbible. These pictures below prove there is something going on, and a lot of the dates were prior to the rise of India and China to the levels they are today. Remember the US has already had their industrial revolution, these other nations are hitting it now.

Everyone needs to work together and helping us hopefully save some of these places below.


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Look, the only way NOT to politicize this topic is to open you mind to more than one possibility. Take another article FROM THE SAME WEBSITE.


Oct. 23, 2006 - In April, 1975, in an issue mostly taken up with stories about the collapse of the American-backed government of South Vietnam, NEWSWEEK published a small back-page article about a very different kind of disaster. Citing "ominous signs that the earth's weather patterns have begun to change dramatically," the magazine warned of an impending "drastic decline in food production." Political disruptions stemming from food shortages could affect "just about every nation on earth." Scientists urged governments to consider emergency action to head off the terrible threat of . . . well, if you had been following the climate-change debates at the time, you'd have known that the threat was: global cooling.

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let's set the record straight. There is no global warming! First, science is not based on a vote! Second, I find it truely arrogant that man could destroy earth!

If you look at the pollution that one volcanic erruption causes, and how soon the earth recovers it boggles the mind.

Do we need to find cleaner ways to live, sure, it's only right to do better than do worse, but will the polar ice caps melt away if we don't. NO, heck, we can't even correctly predict the weeks weather accurately, how can scientists predict 100 year from now.

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Joomb, common sense in pollution control and cleaner energy is a good thing and should be supported,but why should we try to "save" these places pictured?

Isn't that effort simply contributing to the problem(if there is a problem) ?

The Netherlands,London and New Orleans are all examples mankind working against the natural order.

ps: I live on the coast and have been patiently waiting for the oceans to rise as promised 30 yrs ago,but it looks like it will not be in my lifetime.

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I didn't know it was happening for the past couple of weeks when I was freezing my nuts off in April.

when the earth warms at an alarming rate then it does tend to create the beginnings of an ice age, the problem is the impact it has prior including the rising sea level

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yes, the problem is this new period is happening much faster than many scientests expected

Bull. WHo expected the "new period" to happen much later than it really is. Show me proof and evidence that a date even exists whereby we could conclude that the date is "suprisingly" being exceeded.

Just admit it Jboom, this is all just a guessing game. And the global warming debate is so riddled with political innuendo as to render a legitimate conversation almost impossible.

I posted a thread before you about global cooling that was all the rage with science and journalism just 25 years ago. They were flat out wrong. Plus (and this is the rich part) they blamed industry and humans on the global cooling effects.


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let's set the record straight. There is no global warming! First, science is not based on a vote! Second, I find it truely arrogant that man could destroy earth!

If you look at the pollution that one volcanic erruption causes, and how soon the earth recovers it boggles the mind.

Do we need to find cleaner ways to live, sure, it's only right to do better than do worse, but will the polar ice caps melt away if we don't. NO, heck, we can't even correctly predict the weeks weather accurately, how can scientists predict 100 year from now.

Then how the hell can you say it's not happening? :doh:

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Bull. WHo expected the "new period" to happen much later than it really is. Show me proof and evidence that a date even exists whereby we could conclude that the date is "suprisingly" being exceeded.

Just admit it Jboom, this is all just a guessing game. And the global warming debate is so riddled with political innuendo as to render a legitimate conversation almost impossible.

I posted a thread before you about global cooling that was all the rage with science and journalism just 25 years ago. They were flat out wrong. Plus (and this is the rich part) they blamed industry and humans on the global cooling effects.


i agree with the political innuendo, however there is proof to global warming, the definition of global warming is the average temp rise every year, well that has happened

humans are somewhat responsible for you think different then you don't understand science, yes i agree we are not the only reasons there are other factors including the earth itself

the fact we have been warming now for quite sometime during these years countries like China and India have been growing at such a rapid rate, there is a connection there

the proof is in the ice, all the core samples from the artic all show there is much more warming substances in the air, all produced by you guessed it humans :)

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here is something interesting:

The beginning of the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum was marked by a huge release of a greenhouse gas, possibly carbon dioxide or methane, into the atmosphere. Methane, frozen in solid "methane hydrate" deposits on the ocean floor, might have been disturbed by some geologic event, such as mudslides or an earthquake, causing the gas to bubble to the surface. The methane would have then broken down into carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

The resulting greenhouse effect caused global temperatures to rise by an average of about 5 degrees Celsius.

"This provides a beautiful natural experiment for understanding global warming and environmental change and is probably the best historical analogy for today's release of greenhouse gases from human-related sources," said Appy Sluijs, a doctoral student at Utrecht University's Institute of Environmental Biology and lead author on the other Nature paper. "There is no clearer evidence for greenhouse-gas-induced global warming in the geologic record."

The concentration of carbon dioxide in today's atmosphere is about 380 parts per million, whereas the concentration 55 million years ago was about 2,000 parts per million.

"We now have a pretty good correlation between records of past warmth and higher carbon dioxide concentrations," Huber said. "What it tells you is that it's not too difficult to push the climate system to a warm state. This event was a large release of a greenhouse gas. That's why it's a good analog for today's greenhouse-gas emissions, and it shows without a doubt that if you pump a bunch of greenhouse gas into the atmosphere, the planet warms.

"If you work out the numbers, it's almost identical to what we are expected to do over the next few hundred years."

While the climate models had predicted that researchers would discover the Arctic Ocean's freshwater past, the models have consistently underestimated by at least 10 degrees how hot the Earth would have been during that time, Huber said.

Over time we were able to decrease the CO in the air, and what we should be trying to figure out is how did that happen?

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Look, the only way NOT to politicize this topic is to open you mind to more than one possibility. Take another article FROM THE SAME WEBSITE.


Oct. 23, 2006 - In April, 1975, in an issue mostly taken up with stories about the collapse of the American-backed government of South Vietnam, NEWSWEEK published a small back-page article about a very different kind of disaster. Citing "ominous signs that the earth's weather patterns have begun to change dramatically," the magazine warned of an impending "drastic decline in food production." Political disruptions stemming from food shortages could affect "just about every nation on earth." Scientists urged governments to consider emergency action to head off the terrible threat of . . . well, if you had been following the climate-change debates at the time, you'd have known that the threat was: global cooling.

In 1975, the laptop I'm using now would have taken up a whole room.

Just Sayin'.

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Is the climate globally warming? Maybe.... are we the cause of it? MAYBE.... has it been doing this for millions of years..... YES..... was the United States and China (the polluters say the UN) polluting millions of years ago? NO.

I'll do my part to save energy, for no other reason than to save on my utility bills, but I'll be dammned if the United Nations and Liberal Left are going to force me to be green based on junk science coupled with their "Blame America" agenda.

When the politics of the debate are dismissed.... something will get done. The thing is.... there isn't a chance in hell politics is going to be separated from the debate.... it's a cash cow for the lefty loons and bunny loving, tree hugging, envirofreaks.

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Enough of the politicizing of global warming. We know it is happening...

17,200 experts in the fields of science and the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine disagree with you. That study is a very interesting - and difficult - read, but I want to point out one thing. A rise in global temperature has often preceded a rise in global CO2 levels, not the other way around. Weird, huh? Makes sense when you think about it, though.

I am 100% for more efficient, renewable sources of energy. It needs to happen if America is going to survive in the future. But it isn't something that should be happening more rapidly that we can prepare for it. That would be more disasterous to the environment than continuing on our present course while simultaneously slowly phasing in newer technologies.

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i agree with the political innuendo, however there is proof to global warming, the definition of global warming is the average temp rise every year, well that has happened

humans are somewhat responsible for you think different then you don't understand science, yes i agree we are not the only reasons there are other factors including the earth itself

the fact we have been warming now for quite sometime during these years countries like China and India have been growing at such a rapid rate, there is a connection there

the proof is in the ice, all the core samples from the artic all show there is much more warming substances in the air, all produced by you guessed it humans :)

Couple that with a hyperactive sun for the past century or so and it makes sense that the planet is getting warmer. The thing you won't hear about from the political global warming people is that this has happened before, just slower, and the Earth will eventually go into a cooling phase and potentially another ice age.

One day the sun will expand, torch and engulf the Earth, then collapse in on itself and everything that has happened on this planet will mean absolutly nothing.

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