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Bauman to safety?

Ignatius J.

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So I've definatley heard some people mention this possibility, but did anyone see the play where Bauman did in fact line up as a safety?

I think it was part of an adjustment to shockey, But bauman was playing a zone in the ceter of the field right behind two line backers. Shockey ran right towards him, caught a ball, and then ran over him.

I think that was the only play I saw him at safety, but I figured some on the board would be interested.


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you mean unlike the veteran players that DO always seem to know what they are doing on this team? :laugh:

the Redskins couldn't cover Shockey and would have been better off having Arrington or a lineman clothesline the guy and get him off the field.

it may not be a nice thing to say but traditionally that is what you do to a guy rather than let him him run his cleats on your face.

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Originally posted by DrunkenBoxer

So I've definatley heard some people mention this possibility, but did anyone see the play where Bauman did in fact line up as a safety?

I think it was part of an adjustment to shockey, But bauman was playing a zone in the ceter of the field right behind two line backers. Shockey ran right towards him, caught a ball, and then ran over him.

I think that was the only play I saw him at safety, but I figured some on the board would be interested.

As you probably know, DB, that was me who suggested moving Bauman to free safety.

But the implication of your post -- that Bauman isn't fit to be a safety -- is off the mark in the example you cite.

Shockey is a special player, big, tall, with tremendous strength. I wouldn't want the best of our back seven, Champ Bailey, covering him. I wouldn't want either of our starting safeties, Terrell and Ohalete, covering him. The only guy on our team with the speed and strength to cover Shockey adequately is LaVar, which is probably why our Gilded Genius DC didn't give LaVar the assignment -- even when LaVar essentially begged for the job.

The Gilded Genius prefers to live or die on the brilliance of his schemes, and hates it when mere athletic ability by individual defenders carries the day.

So yes, I stand by the suggestion to move Bauman to FS. But that assumes a DC who's not arrogant and stupid enough to assign him to cover Shockey. Or a front office that's not stupid enough to cut Serwanga, who might have taken over nickel CB if Bauman moved to FS.

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Originally posted by DrunkenBoxer

I think it was part of an adjustment to shockey, But bauman was playing a zone in the ceter of the field right behind two line backers. Shockey ran right towards him, caught a ball, and then ran over him.

I may be wrong, but isn't this a 3 deep zone with nickel coverage in which case Bauman is just serving as the nickel corner and not a safety???

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ASF, I'm not by any means a Lewis basher. But I heard him before the game essentially blaming his players, saying they don't do things like Ray Lewis does.

That brings up a couple of objections from me:

1. So? Most people feel R. Lewis is the best LB in the game. So your scheme is only good when the best in the game plays?

2. Arrington, and our cornerbacks, are not best suited to the schemes you've been playing them in. Are they supposed to alter their physical and mental attributes to match your scheme, or is it the other way around?

Mebbe this is why this man has not been offered a HC position.

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And also in the minds of several colleges right now and possibly one or two pro teams by the offseason. Irrelevant. Buddha, you are absolutely correct. On that play that is where Bauman was playing. He is a small guy who does bring some game to the table. He may have good leaping ability, but that is negated by many of the taller, fast, and good jumping receivers he would have to play if moved to FS. One of the many shots on Terrell has been his smallish size, though at 6'0, he's about average in that department for FS's. Bauman was drafted it would appear to do just what he is doing now. :cheers:

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True...but if he can't cover those bigger guys as a corner....why move him to FS?

Oh, and for the record books, On several plays during the game, yep, Levar was on Shockey. Shockeys's biggest play came because Levar went for the ball, apparently, not the player.

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Originally posted by Park City Skins

True...but if he can't cover those bigger guys as a corner....why move him to FS?

Because he can cover like a CB, but also has tremendous closing foot speed, can hit with power, and loves to hit.

Bauman is a demon on special teams coverage. I also saw him save a TD against Dallas on that 3rd and 17 play against our goal line -- the RB gained 15, and Bauman saved the TD, crossing from the opposite corner and making a one-on-one tackle against a bigger man with momentum at the two yard line.

Bauman has tremendous "want to" and an ability to shake blockers to close on the tackle. He's got the speed and toughness to carry it off. I'd agree in a heartbeat that he is *way* smaller than most safeties. But I think he's got a safety's heart in him, and the skill to pull it off.

Let's look at the scenario of *not* moving him to FS. Assuming both Bailey and Smoot get their contracts extended (eventually), Bauman will be stuck at nickel CB. But the rest of the NFL will notice that he's good enough to start. So if Bauman does the smart thing, he'll refuse to extend his contract, then leave as a free agent to a team that will allow him to start.

My suggestion solves a major problem (Terrell) without blowing a draft pick or large free-agent dollars. We'll still need to replace Bauman at nickel CB (Serwanga would have been nice), but it's easier to find a nickel CB than a good starting FS.

P.S. The problem with Terrell isn't his size. It's that he's out of position much of the time and couldn't cover his grandma one on one.

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That's fine. Being that one of the primary jobs of the FS is run support, it's good that he can tackle. And coming in from Oregon that was one of the things that was in his favor. Even then, he is still under sized. Still does nothing for the other part of playing FS. Coverage. One may gain a little speed, ( I have seen Terrell with some fine hits this season as well), but lose out on the size. (Terrell has got the height but not the weight). That will come back and bite the team in the butt. Simply put, he is not big enough to play the position. All the foot speed and tackling ability don't change that. Keep this in mind. Take a look at Mike Brown, Darren Sharper, Brian Dawkins, Lance Schulters, Brock Marrion, Kwamie Lassiter and other top FS's in the league. Not a one under under 200 pounds or 5'10". Good reason for this.

He has been and is a Corner.

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Originally posted by Park City Skins

That's fine. Being that one of the primary jobs of the FS is run support, it's good that he can tackle. And coming in from Oregon that was one of the things that was in his favor. Even then, he is still under sized. Still does nothing for the other part of playing FS. Coverage. One may gain a little speed, ( I have seen Terrell with some fine hits this season as well), but lose out on the size. (Terrell has got the height but not the weight). That will come back and bite the team in the butt. Simply put, he is not big enough to play the position. All the foot speed and tackling ability don't change that. Keep this in mind. Take a look at Mike Brown, Darren Sharper, Brian Dawkins, Lance Schulters, Brock Marrion, Kwamie Lassiter and other top FS's in the league. Not a one under under 200 pounds or 5'10". Good reason for this.

He has been and is a Corner.

Again, the problem with Terrell isn't his size. It's that he has poor instincts (causing him to be out of position), and can't cover one-on-one, which makes him useless as a FS.

Mark my words: if Bailey and Smoot get their contracts extended (as they should), we lose Bauman to free agency. My suggestion puts a vastly better player on the field (over Terrell), saves the team from wasting a top draft pick or free agency money on a FS, and helps the team keep Bauman from leaving when his contract is up.

Note: I'm not suggesting that Bauman is Ronnie Lott. But he's leaps and bounds better than Terrell, and solving that problem would free the team to address other critical needs.

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One more thing on moving Bauman: this needs to happen *after* the team extends both Bailey's and Smoot's contracts. Bauman is the team's ace against either Bailey or Smoot leaving, which will help to keep extension deals with those two CBs reasonable. If Bauman is moved to FS prior to extending Bailey and Smoot, then Bailey and Smoot can ask for a king's ransom, knowing the team has no capable replacement ready.

All this could happen in this upcoming offseason, leaving Bauman free to be moved to FS by first minicamp.

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Now, that Terrell has blown a few plays isn't an argument. No doubt about that. Whether the young man has bad instincts or just has brain cramps is up in the air. However, at his weight, yea it would appear that size is still somewhat a problem. Be that as it may, Bauman may be a better athlete, and even a good cover guy, that still does not keep him from being undersized. Moving him to FS may help in coverage,(still a little undersized for some of the guys he may have to cover), but again he is undersized for run support. Take alook again at those guys listed. That's my point. You really don't upgrade at FS if he is undersized for the position and other teams learn to exploit this. It would be nice if the team could keep him, but it's not a perfect world. this is of course assuming that other NFL teams see that after a few plays during the season, he's good enough to start. :cheers:

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