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How does this resume objective sound to you?


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I really suck at doing these things and I know we have some experts on here so any help would be greatly appreciated.

To obtain a position with The Department of Justice as a __________ which will utilize acquired knowledge and collective experience.

Thanks dudes

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which will utilize acquired knowledge and collective experience.

I'm no expert but this part here doesn't sound like it should be an objective. It doesn't sound very professional and should be replaced with something along the lines of "... to build a firm base of knowledge and advance to the position of ___"

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Put yourself in their shoes, and ask yourself, "would I hire him (me)?"

And if you do that, with the "objective" that you stated, I think the answer would be "no"

No offense, just being honest.

And without knowing you better, it's almost impossible for me to make a suggestion for what you SHOULD say.

But you need something more unique, honest, and with a "punch" to it.

Set yourself apart from the rest of the "pack"

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The __________ is a Program Support Assistant.

I'm really having a hard time truing to figure this crap out but thanks for the help guys.

I'd say, at very LEAST, be specific about exactly what kind of acquired knowledge and experience you have to offer. Of course, don't get to lengthy, because naturally, an objective should be short and to the point. But one of the reasons it sounds so generic is because it's so vague. At the least, briefly mention what knowledge/experience and where you got it. Once again, it's setting yourself apart from the other 1000 blah-blah resumes that they have to sift thru

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knowledge and experience in what??? playing video games?

Your objective doesn't say...and it doesn't show what value you add.

figure out what skills the position will require, then mention those skills in your objective and show how it benefits the company.

ie: To obtain a ____________ position, where my business and financial skills will add value to operations.

You may want to skip this section all-together and put in a "summary of qualifications" where you highlight all of your experience

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I might not need to submit a resume at all be cause they state "Applicants must submit a resume, OR the Optional Application for Federal Employment (OF-612), OR any other written format chosen, including the SF-171." So I might just turn the 612 in and leave it at that.

Thanks for the help everyone.

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Objectives stated at the beginning of resumes are fine, but a couple of sentences are all you'll need. And, for your resume, what Blondie suggested is also extremely useful: For your profession, include keywords in your resume that are "hot" words that will be picked up by the HR person (or program) reviewing your resume. I have literally spent years fine tuning my resume, even when I didn't need to do so, just so I can always have a presentable resume if needed.

I'd recommend to Google some example resumes, especially for your profession. You can find some example resumes and expert advice that you may find to be very useful.

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