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Bly Bait!


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Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but the only one being fooled here is you. You have obviously been listening to someone that doesn't have the terms of the deal straight. The reported offer was pick 21, 53, 70, 117 and Dre Bly for the #6 pick. Lets say they draft Alan Branch at 6, here is the possible compairison...

#6 DT Alan Branch, Michigan


#21 DE Anthony Spencer, Purdue

#53 OG Justin Blalock, Texas

#71 DT Tank Tyler, NC State

#117 CB Young Prospect

And CB Dre' Bly

Now which team got the best of this trade again?

And since when does signing all the Cleveland Brown washouts to be your D-Line and drafting Maurice Claret, who everyone knew was trouble, with a 3rd rnd pick qualify as good team management?

I am a true Skins fan, but I dislike the current management of the team I love. Now to respond to the above quote...

**1st-for this to happen Denver would have to recieve S. Springs or another DB from the skins.

**2nd- of those optimistic 5, Bly & possibly Blalock are the only ones close to starting for the Redskins (remember that other teams pick also!)

**3rd- Skins would most likely include an average TE somewhere here (Since that's a concern & this yrs draft isn't deep at TE).

**4th- Denver (along with most NFL guru's) knows the true value of a solid 300+ lb. DT like A. Branch. They can occupy a lot of space and even require 2 blockers sometimes which opens up a lot for the LB's and keeps pressure off the secondary. Football starts on the line of scrimage (OL & DL)...someone please remind Gibbs!

"Quality is far better then quantity my confused friend"


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I don't think that trading the #6 pick is a bad Idea but I think we should hold onto it until Draft day when it will have the most value.

Very true! More teams should also be in the mix on draft day other then the Broncos. Even then, I prefer A. Branch at number six or drop down 3 - 6 places and get a pass-rushing DE (and grease-up Griffin for 2008 season) or Leon Hall if he's still available.


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I am a true Skins fan, but I dislike the current management of the team I love. Now to respond to the above quote...

**1st-for this to happen Denver would have to recieve S. Springs or another DB from the skins.

**2nd- of those optimistic 5, Bly & possibly Blalock are the only ones close to starting for the Redskins (remember that other teams pick also!)

**3rd- Skins would most likely include an average TE somewhere here (Since that's a concern & this yrs draft isn't deep at TE).

**4th- Denver (along with most NFL guru's) knows the true value of a solid 300+ lb. DT like A. Branch. They can occupy a lot of space and even require 2 blockers sometimes which opens up a lot for the LB's and keeps pressure off the secondary. Football starts on the line of scrimage (OL & DL)...someone please remind Gibbs!

"Quality is far better then quantity my confused friend"


!st --dont open an account on this forum just to make an ignorant thread to bash the skins...if you wanna do that try another forum this is extremeskins forum The bronocs suck get used to that fact

2nd -- if you want to tute the horn of your front office dont do it less than a week that they give up a draft pick for Dan Wilkinson...enough said

3rd --If you read one of the many threads on here or in the washingtonpost or the JLC blog or one of the many DC outlets you will find that the trade talks include our 1st for denver's 1st a 2nd and a 3rd and a few variations of that this isnt wishful thinking by skins fans....a month ago denver offered us a 1st 2nd and a 3rd and al wilson and gibbs said no

4th the lately most of what has been comming out of ashburn has said the skins are in love with Okoye the 19 year old 300+ lb beast who was faster and stronger than branch at the combine

5th and this one is key with what we have we dont need bly and if we make the deal we prob wont get rid of springs unless he agrees to suirrender money because if we trade him or relase him before june 1 we take close to 7.5 million against the cap and if trade or release him afterwards then it will be about 2.5 million against the cap

If you wanna talk about Bly and trades with Denver fine we have like 10 threads to that subject but dont bash my skins unless you do your homework and even then better not do it in arms reach!


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Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but the only one being fooled here is you. You have obviously been listening to someone that doesn't have the terms of the deal straight. The reported offer was pick 21, 53, 70, 117 and Dre Bly for the #6 pick. Lets say they draft Alan Branch at 6, here is the possible compairison...

#6 DT Alan Branch, Michigan


#21 DE Anthony Spencer, Purdue

#53 OG Justin Blalock, Texas

#71 DT Tank Tyler, NC State

#117 CB Young Prospect

And CB Dre' Bly

Now which team got the best of this trade again?

And since when does signing all the Cleveland Brown washouts to be your D-Line and drafting Maurice Claret, who everyone knew was trouble, with a 3rd rnd pick qualify as good team management?

Dam........, EXCELLENT POST :applause:

Got me rethinking this #6 pick Im so obsessed with. I definetly believe we have to tighten up that D-line. I mostly want a DT, because we cant keep going season after season, not gettin any pressure up the middle or having these dam RBs have 200 yard games on us. And I do believe the theory that if our line plays better, that will permit our secondary to play better and get more turnovers. But mannnn, we cant blame it all completely on the D-Line, or secondary struggle on their own to. I love what Shawn Springs has done for us, and he's also from DC, so I have that much extra love for him, but Im not trying to go into next season, like last season, wondering if he's gonna play every week, and when he does play, wondering if his age is gonna hamper him from making the big play, or holding my breath whenever he gets up slow. And Im also not trying to watch Carlos Rogers drop 100 INTs or get burnt all day. Im not comfortable with him D'n up the opposite teams best reciever. And I love Smoot, but lets be real, he's coming off of a injury, I dont know if he's fully recovered from that, and if he has, he has not proven himself to be an above average corner. He had a great year, that last season he played with us, if Im remembering correctly. He only had 1 INT last year. Im glad we picked him up, but we need a more proven player back there. If Dre Bly is not a shut down CB, he has the potential to be one, and if not a shut down CB, he'd be pretty dam close to one. We sucked at creating turnovers. Turnovers win games. Good, proven CBs dont come cheap. But if we get one, we wont have to be terrified everytime the opposing team goes deep.

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Ha!...this is an amusing thread.

This supposed trade scenario that had Denver offering #21, plus Dre Bly, Al Wilson and our 2nd and 3rd for the #6 pick was hatched in the mens room of the Washington Post...nobody in Denver, either media or team related confirms this nonsense. What's funny is that after the Skins dubious trade history in the recent past with Denver, you guys actually believe it. Trust me...Mike Shanahan is not going to give the Skins two pro bowl caliber players, plus his entire first day's draft for the 6th pick in the draft, especially in a draft that is deep in defensive linemen, which is what we need. If you believe otherwise I have some swamp land at affordable prices for you. If I had to bet on who gets suckered...Danny Snyder or Shanahan...I'll bet the rent on Snyder every time. If Denver does trade up for the #6 spot...it's likely to be Bly plus the #21, and a 3rd coming your way along with Wilson, and the Skins then sending Wilson and Springs to the Lions, who in turn would then send the #2 pick to Denver. The final trade would look like this:

1) Detroit gets Al Wilson and Springs to move from #2 to #6, allowing them to drop down and still take the player they really want...Brady Quinn at #6, while plugging Wilson in between Boss Bailey and Ernie Simms in their defense. They get a pro bowl LB and a great leader in Wilson and an ageing though still solid corner in Springs just for moving down 4 spaces and spending less than they would if they drafted Quinn at #2.

2) Washington gets Bly and the #21 pick plus your 3rd rounder back...maybe a 4th we have coming from Atlanta in 2008 as well...and you get to dump Springs salary...that's a pro bowl caliber CB whose in his prime coming to you, a good player at #21, and one, possibly two middle round picks to restart your draft with, but only one this year.

3) Denver gets the #2 pick and takes Calvin Johnson, the best player in this draft. It works for Denver because A) We gave up nothing for Bly...Tatum Bell was replaced with Travis Henry and George Foster was going to be cut...so Bly was basically free; B) Dominique Foxworth is a solid corner and we don't really need Bly, and C) Giving Jay Cutler a weapon like Calvin Johnson will stretch the field and turn our running game into twice the force it is now. Thus, from Denver's perspective, since Bly was essentially free to us...this trade is effectively the #21 pluls a 3rd and Al Wilson for Johnson...possibly a 4th next year also. Wilson's good...and he's 30. If I can trade a 30 year old LB plus a late 1st and a third for a Randy Moss talent who doesn't come with the baggage...that's a winner.

Win/Win/Win all the way around...

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What the person who wrote that statement doesn't realize is.. Redskins hold all the cards.. We already have a servicable starter in Springs. They want our number 6. There is nothing the Bronco's have that we desperately need. The Redskins play this right we can make out like bandits..

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not this time, they want to get the 6th but they would give us Bly, the 21st pick, their 2nd rounder, and their 3rd rounder and we need those draft picks

Find a confirmation from a Denver source for this. Sorry...not happening. You're not geting the entire first day of our draft plus Bly for the #6...Check Mike Shanahan's draft history: http://www.drafthistory.com/teams/broncos.html

and you will find that 1) we don't draft defensive linemen high in the draft, and 2) we don't move up for defensive players more than a few spots, and 3) Shanahan rarely addresses defense first in the draft, even when that's the primary need. Instead he uses the draft almost 60% of the time for offensive players, and the free agency markets or trades (Champ Bailey) to fix holes in the defense. Shanahan, if he is targeting somebody as high as #6, is looking at an offensive guy, and there are only two can't miss impact players in this draft that he would want: http://www.orangemane.com/BB/showthread.php?t=53969, Adrian Peterson and Calvin Johnson. We won't go after Peterson since we have Henry, so it has to be Johnson at #2 IMO. Regardless of whether I'm right about that or not...rest assured you're not geting our entire day 1 draft plus Dre Bly for one draft choice. NOTHING in Shanahan's prior history would indicate he's going to do that.

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What the person who wrote that statement doesn't realize is.. Redskins hold all the cards.. We already have a servicable starter in Springs. They want our number 6. There is nothing the Bronco's have that we desperately need. The Redskins play this right we can make out like bandits..

Don't kid yourself. Actually you hold none of the cards because you want Bly and he's under contract to us already. It isn't the #6 Denver wants anyway...it's the #2, which would come our way with a 2nd trade or a 3 way deal. And we don't need Springs or Bly either. Foxworth is a very solid corner and Karl Paymah in reserve is also a guy highly regarded by the coaches who Shanahan has actually said he thinks will eventually be the best of the three CB's we drafted in 2005. In fact some Denver fans think Foxworth was the better choice over Darrent Williams to start opposite Champ because he didnt' gamble and get beat like D-Will did. Williams was an excellent playmaker, but he also gave up to many big plays. Bly is somewhat like him in fact. Second, you do need something we have...you need draft picks...which we have. But you're not getting the entire first day of our draft...see the Cutler move last year for a guide to how Shanahan moves up this high. We leverage later picks or players to move up in increments. No way Shanny is givng the top 3 picks we have plus Bly...let alone Wilson as well...just to move up for a D-linemen. That will not happen. In the entire Shanahan era he's only drafted one defensive linemen in the first round...Trevor Pryce at #27 in 1997, and ony because he believed he was a top 5 talent if he'd come out his senior season in stead of a year early. Shanny will move up for an offensive impact player to the top of the draft or a few spots for a defender...or he'll sit pat. What he won't do is give away the entire draft for one guy.

Especially not to Daniel Snyder...:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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giving up the 6th pick and Springs for Bly is just plain dumb

This is my exact point! Plus, I can almost start to hear the excuses if the defense is lousy again in 2008; "We had too many new guys on defense"

(Boo hoo...you poor millionaire's).


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With more teams involved, especially a division rival in the Giants, we're going to force Snyder into more of his crazy antics to get Bly. Denver will come out with a good deal: We always do.

Yeah, you guys really made out when you lost Portis and drafted Tatum Bell as his replacement. Haha! You did get our precious Bailey, but he wanted out anyway. I'd take Portis over Bailey again and again and again.

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Don't kid yourself. Actually you hold none of the cards because you want Bly and he's under contract to us already. It isn't the #6 Denver wants anyway...it's the #2, which would come our way with a 2nd trade or a 3 way deal. And we don't need Springs or Bly either. Foxworth is a very solid corner and Karl Paymah in reserve is also a guy highly regarded by the coaches who Shanahan has actually said he thinks will eventually be the best of the three CB's we drafted in 2005. In fact some Denver fans think Foxworth was the better choice over Darrent Williams to start opposite Champ because he didnt' gamble and get beat like D-Will did. Williams was an excellent playmaker, but he also gave up to many big plays. Bly is somewhat like him in fact. Second, you do need something we have...you need draft picks...which we have. But you're not getting the entire first day of our draft...see the Cutler move last year for a guide to how Shanahan moves up this high. We leverage later picks or players to move up in increments. No way Shanny is givng the top 3 picks we have plus Bly...let alone Wilson as well...just to move up for a D-linemen. That will not happen. In the entire Shanahan era he's only drafted one defensive linemen in the first round...Trevor Pryce at #27 in 1997, and ony because he believed he was a top 5 talent if he'd come out his senior season in stead of a year early. Shanny will move up for an offensive impact player to the top of the draft or a few spots for a defender...or he'll sit pat. What he won't do is give away the entire draft for one guy.

Especially not to Daniel Snyder...:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

We want Bly, we don't NEED him. You guys covet our 6 pick more then we covet Bly or else the trade would of been done and our FO would of made another bone headed trade. Don't kid yourself.. Redskins are in control of this trade there bub. The Broncs will either take a deal we want or nothing will happen at all.

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not to mention that the 6th pick is going to want BIG money and we might not be able to afford him

Well I think that the first 10 picks of the draft are guareenteed the big payday(at least a 4 or 5 year deal), if I am not mistaken. All we need to do is cut Golden Arches and I think we will have the cap money.

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We want Bly, we don't NEED him. You guys covet our 6 pick more then we covet Bly or else the trade would of been done and our FO would of made another bone headed trade. Don't kid yourself.. Redskins are in control of this trade there bub. The Broncs will either take a deal we want or nothing will happen at all.

That's some odd "logic"...the fact that the trade has not been done yet tells you we want...sorry..."need"...the 6th pick....more than you "need" Dre Bly? Why? Look at it this way...you want Bly...we HAVE Bly...we want a high pick...but it doesn't have to be from you guys. There are 10 teams in the top of the draft we could deal with and there's undoubtedly at least ONE other team there that could use a pro bowl caliber corner in his prime. So IF...and I emphasize IF...Shanny decides to move Bly, he has other options. Frankly I think Denver got Bly in the first place just because he knew the Skins wanted him, because that's the only scenario that make sense since we really don't need Bly with two young highly regarded corners already opposite Champ.

Fact is...we LOVE doing business with Danny Snyder...:laugh: You won't find any threads on www.orangemane bemoaning the fact that we got screwed in our past dealings with the Skins like we see over here.

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Yeah, you guys really made out when you lost Portis and drafted Tatum Bell as his replacement. Haha! You did get our precious Bailey, but he wanted out anyway. I'd take Portis over Bailey again and again and again.

Wow...I can't believe you're actually defending that trade.

How does the fact that Bailey wanted out anyway bother us? No NFL GM would reverse that trade today and do a Portis for Bailey and Bell swap. Bell provided basically the same thing in Denver as Portis did...a speed back to stretch the defense, and working in conjunction with Mike Anderson (239/1014/4.2/12 TD's in '05) and Mike Bell (157/677/4.3/8 TD's in '06), our running game hardly missed a beat in terms of production while our defense benefitted enormously from Bailey's presence. Granted, Bell does not appear to be the every down back we need, but we now have Travis Henry, who is...so we're happy. Portis is not the best runner in the NFL. Bailey is the best corner. We crank out runners right and left...we even take undrafted rookies or benchwarmer fullbacks from other teams and turn them into sold production...so we didn't need Clinton Portis...and we did need Champ.

Portis averaged 5.5 ypc in Denver...4.0 in Washington. Bell filled in nicely for what he does...speed back just like Portis, who went for almost a whole yard per carry more than CP did in Washington; Advantage Denver, and it's not close.

Portis in Washington: 822 carries, 3354 yards, 4.0 ypc, 23 TD's

Bell in Denver: 481 carries, 2342 yards, 4.9 ypc, 13 TD's

You do realize that we traded Bell and a warm bucket of spit named George Foster who was going to be cut for Dre Bly...right? So the Portis trade not only netted us Champ Bailey, but now Bly as well. I'll take Bailey and Bly plus 2 years worth of Tatum Bell's contribution for Clinton Portis 8 days a week...especially if we turn Bly into the 6th pick in the draft.

No brainer...:D

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