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Redskins Electric Football


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I came across this on e-bay and i had forgotten all about these games. I used to have one when i was a little kid and i would play it for hours. I know we have video games now and im sure no one plays them but i just came across it and thought i would share and see if anyone else remembers these or had one.


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Never seen that. How does it work? Does anyone still make them?

There are a few of the games on ebay for sell. Its basically a flat piece of metal you plug in and it vibrates and moves the players. It sounds boring but its very entertaining. Some of them on ebay are like 100 bucks im not paying that much for one but it would be kewl to have one.

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I mentioned this in a tailgate thread about favorite Christmas presents. I got an electric football game for Christmas in 1968 but it came with the Bears and Cardinals. For my birthday three months later my parents gave me two sets of Redskins players so I could number them for both offense and defense. Seeing this brings back a lot of great memories.

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It brings back good memories for me to. When i was like 5 my parents got me a monday night football electric football game. It was so awesome they have some really kewl pictures of me playing it when i was little and i was wearing a mark rypien jersey my grandma made for me. I had so much fun with that thing im prolly gonna go buy one right now.

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Never seen that. How does it work? Does anyone still make them?
You set up all the pieces in your "formation" with the board turned off and designate which player is the ball carrier, then the defense sets up all their pieces. There's little slits of plastic along the bottoms of the pieces that help determine the path of the piece. Some of the players go straight, some travel on a wide arc, some just spin around in a circle.

Once both side are set up, you turn on the board which makes a noise kind of like an amplified dial-up modem, and the pieces come to life. Whereever the ball carrier gets hit, he's down. We played you get 4 chances to score, then you switch sides.

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Note that the players have holes in the base. The hole slid onto a notched protrusion on a green plastic base. The base had many very small thin pieces of plastic protruding down from the bottom that sat on the metal playing field. When you turned on the switch to run a play, the vibration of the metal moved the players along.

The footballs I had were made of tan colored felt. You could stuff the ball into the arms of the ball carrier but if you didn't stuff it tight, the vibration could actually make the ball carrier fumble. The first base to touch the ball after the fumble was the recovery of the fumble. It could be the offensive player or defensive player. If nobody player's base touched the ball after a couple minutes then whoever was closest got the recovery. I actually kept a tape measure handy to see who got the ball. Occasionally, the ball carrier would get turned around and run the wrong way. I ended up giving up more safeties than I care to mention. :laugh: My father used to call me Roy Riegels when that happened. For those of you who don't know who Roy Riegels is, click here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roy_Riegels

Completing a pass was almost impossible so we generally stuck to the running game. One thing that game taught me was patience because it could be very tedious at times.

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Electric football and VCR Quarterback, two things I always thought were pointless, but continued to play.

Strategy was impossible in electric football (for me at least) and after a while I memorized all of the plays on the tape for VCRQ and that kind of ruined the fun. Until I tried to manipulate it to my advantage.

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I got one for xmas in mid 60's.

It came with Giants and Browns.

Later that year me and my dad sent away for the Redskins and Packers.

The stadium and painted players were cool to look at but were more fun to play with like "toy soldiers" ie.playing football. The electric game was awful.

The players kept vibrating around the metal fields in all directions without purpose. Plays were over in 5 seconds, then it took you a minute to set up the pieces. Passing accuracy was next to impossible with those little felt balls

that were constantly getting lost. Kicking was almost as bad. 1 yard kicks were not infrequent. The TV ads made it seem so easy. lol

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