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Gibb's Press Conference Audio: WELCOME BACK CB FRED SMOOT!


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I have to say, when Smoot started talking, I had the biggest smile on my face. The man has heart, and he seems genuinely happy to be back.

Smoot, I feel will be a lot like a Defensive "Clinton Portis" in terms of intensity and heart. I think that's something that we definitely need, and even if Smoot is not the greatest CB in the world, I feel like he'll be somewhat of a Defensive Emotional leader.

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I definitely feel good about him being back. He should consider the Darrell Green program this offseason! It would give Los and him a good chance to work together.

He sounds happy to be here, and that's probably the most important thing. Happy players will be more likely to play their guts out! :laugh:

Welcome back, Smooter! :laugh:

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Tarhog... are you guys going to post a transcript again? My computer sucks and cant listen or watch the press conference. :laugh:

The team usually sends it to us - so yeah, we'll post it up as soon as we get it.

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The stadium is gonna go bananas when he steps back on the field @ Fed Ex in the burgundy and gold.I noticed how truly happy and full of apperciation SmOOt and London Fletcher seem to be here.For all the criticsm this organization gets about the bad things. I have to say they are doing a bang up job so far.:point2sky

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