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FA moves right/wrong/good/bad


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I find it amusing that the one fan you'd like to debate on this subject refused to post on the topic.

I'll give my honest assessment of the Eagles FA acquisitions from year ago:

Jeff Garcia: A+ Obvious grade

Darren Howard: D- Maybe it's due to injuries, age, no DT help, Kearse being gone, whatever. No excuses, he wasn't worth the money the Eagles paid him last season. Inconsistent, mostly bad. And now they're stuck with an older DE who has a huge contract.

Matt Schobel: C- Picked it up a little in the 2nd half of the season, but doesn't seem to have the surest of hands.

Shawn Barber: C-/D Injured fairly often, definitely didn't have what he had the first time he was in Philly.

Jabar Gaffney: F Although I'm sure the Patriots wouldn't agree.

Jon Runyan: A Had a very good year, especially later in the season with his run-blocking, and late hits down the field. :) I'm a big runyan fan.

Dirk Johnson: C- His punting has been inconsistent and less than spectacular

Quintin Mikell: B Great special teamer

Reno Mahe: I have no clue how to grade this one. He performed up to his expectations, let's just say that.

Hank Baskett: B Just based on the few chances he had, he seemed to do pretty well.

Just my take on the Eagles FAs last year. Some of them were just resigned so they were never really out there on the market, but figured I'd include them b/c they were part of the overall class.


That is a fair player assesment. To be picky I think Garcia gets an A. A+ is reserved for further advancement in the playoffs.

I was mad last year that Runyan settled for less money and came back to the birds. The Bird FO let him go and got lucky to bring him back. He was a good tackle for the money the birds paid him and will continue to do so until age catches up with him. I wish he had gone to the Jets and left a hole on the right side of the line.

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That is a fair player assesment. To be picky I think Garcia gets an A. A+ is reserved for further advancement in the playoffs.

Man, you're like my college calc prof! Seriously, I based my grades on pre-season expectations for them. Howard was expected to be a force on the other side of Kearse and he was nowhere even close to that more than 2-4 games out of the season. Reno Mahe should probably be given an A as well based on the fact he was paid minimally and expected to be a safe punt returner and that's it. He did exactly that.

As to Garcia, only reason I gave him highest grade possible, is that he helped lead the team much further than ANYONE (Eagles fans included) thought he would, especially considering the defense was lackluster for much of the season. But otherwise, you are probably right.

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That is a fair player assesment. To be picky I think Garcia gets an A. A+ is reserved for further advancement in the playoffs.

I was mad last year that Runyan settled for less money and came back to the birds. The Bird FO let him go and got lucky to bring him back. He was a good tackle for the money the birds paid him and will continue to do so until age catches up with him. I wish he had gone to the Jets and left a hole on the right side of the line.

When he does retire thats what we have Justice and Herramans for.

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This is the deal. There is a core group of around 40 posters in Around the NFL. We all know each other. 90 percent of us are fans of the Skins, Eagles, Giants, or Cowboys.

In ATNFL, it is commonplace to mindlessly bash the Giants, Eagles or Cowboys; normally by a select few individuals.

Inevitably, the Skins will be brought up. If anything, it is moreso to see how anyone can think the Skins are doing the right thing when they seemingly think every other team in the NFC East is doing the wrong thing all the time.

At that point, we are normally told to talk about the Skins in the stadium. A true sign of a coward, in my opinion. People act like ES is going to disintegrate if the very word Redskins is ever uttered in ATN.

We all know we will never track down certain posters in the vast forum which is the Stadium. This leads to ATN to become a place where people can post crap with zero accountability. That is not right; most normal people understand this.

The day I can talk the Skins with tr1 in the Stadium, I'll be all for it. I'm not holding my breath.

Westy gets my point. Great post. This is exactly how i feel, but i described it a tad different in my post, however the truth is, I would love to talk football about all the NFCE teams evenly in the ATNFL....not just my own team being bashed....ect...and then next line coming is the other famus words of ES...have you noticed the colors.....this is a Redskins forum and if you dont like it, you do not have to be here...Well i do like it, and i do enjoy almost all the members that frequent the ATNFL.

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I find it amusing that the one fan you'd like to debate on this subject refused to post on the topic.

I'll give my honest assessment of the Eagles FA acquisitions from year ago:

Jeff Garcia: A+ Obvious grade

Darren Howard: D- Maybe it's due to injuries, age, no DT help, Kearse being gone, whatever. No excuses, he wasn't worth the money the Eagles paid him last season. Inconsistent, mostly bad. And now they're stuck with an older DE who has a huge contract.

Matt Schobel: C- Picked it up a little in the 2nd half of the season, but doesn't seem to have the surest of hands.

Shawn Barber: C-/D Injured fairly often, definitely didn't have what he had the first time he was in Philly.

Jabar Gaffney: F Although I'm sure the Patriots wouldn't agree.

Jon Runyan: A Had a very good year, especially later in the season with his run-blocking, and late hits down the field. :) I'm a big runyan fan.

Dirk Johnson: C- His punting has been inconsistent and less than spectacular

Quintin Mikell: B Great special teamer

Reno Mahe: I have no clue how to grade this one. He performed up to his expectations, let's just say that.

Hank Baskett: B Just based on the few chances he had, he seemed to do pretty well.

Just my take on the Eagles FAs last year. Some of them were just resigned so they were never really out there on the market, but figured I'd include them b/c they were part of the overall class.


thats fair...and its a good assesment of the Eagles FA of 05. And I agree with the A+ for Garcia...as much as i gave Romo sits to pee his props for getting it done and doing well enough in his 10 games for the pro-bowl...I have to be fair Garcia for the most part out played Romo sits to pee and was the best QB in the NFCE this year. He did a great job for them.

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This is the deal. There is a core group of around 40 posters in Around the NFL. We all know each other. 90 percent of us are fans of the Skins, Eagles, Giants, or Cowboys.

In ATNFL, it is commonplace to mindlessly bash the Giants, Eagles or Cowboys; normally by a select few individuals.

EA is the internets police. He's the guy that claims everyone takes this site too seriously, then goes around spouting his opinion about people breaking the rules. :laugh:

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I've never noticed where TR1 has stopped you from posting anything, you seem to hold your own with him, but if he has, then I would suspect your easily intimidated.

No. No. No....never has he "stopped me"...from posting, nor intimidated me....matter of fact, i really feel that i kill him in all the debates that we have had. Bubba posses a bit of a threat as far as debating, because he is very knowledgable about football and the little thing in the game that make winning important...ect

But TR1 cant touch me. He just never has been able to. But what i was saying is, no matter what i say about Washington its "take it to the Stadium" or This is not about the Skins its about the Poke or Eagles or Giants"....Its annoying, but most definitly not intimidating......pfffft, TR1 is never a challenge to me when it comes to debating...because i can be honest and objective, which puts me 2 up on him right off the break!

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why? What did he do to make you say that? Just asking.

Carter deal is fine by me, but "give AA and Lloyd another shot"...I just dont get it.....You had to see enough out of those two to admit it was a bad FA deal for both....

Not to steer in another direction, what do you think of your free agent bust in Owens? The guy probably dropped more passes than he caught. He also missed some clutch catches that cost them games... week 9 comes to mind... LOL!

The ARE thing was a good move IMO, but we did pay him too much for what we saw last year. I think he was a legitimate threat to bring one to the house on every punt return (when he got the chance that is)

I think what alot of people do not realize is that all of these players were great on their respective teams. But when you try to bring in 5 FAs from 5 different systems, and try to re-invent the wheel with your own system (ala Saunders) and expect to do better than .500, you are going to be in for a long season. The Skins looked great on paper, but we all saw what happened. But I digress...

To call any of our FA aquisitions busts at this time is a complete waste. It has only been 1 season. Should we call Leinhart a bust after one season? I think not. Did we overpay? Yes. Busts? Lets see what happens with some continuity (finally) for next season. That is all.

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I've never noticed where TR1 has stopped you from posting anything, you seem to hold your own with him, but if he has, then I would suspect your easily intimidated.

I'll make a slight change to reflect my stance on it:

"...easily irritated"

Next time I'm intimidated over the internet will be the first.:D

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Not to steer in another direction, what do you think of your free agent bust in Owens? The guy probably dropped more passes than he caught. He also missed some clutch catches that cost them games... week 9 comes to mind... LOL!

The ARE thing was a good move IMO, but we did pay him too much for what we saw last year. I think he was a legitimate threat to bring one to the house on every punt return (when he got the chance that is)

I think what alot of people do not realize is that all of these players were great on their respective teams. But when you try to bring in 5 FAs from 5 different systems, and try to re-invent the wheel with your own system (ala Saunders) and expect to do better than .500, you are going to be in for a long season. The Skins looked great on paper, but we all saw what happened. But I digress...

To call any of our FA aquisitions busts at this time is a complete waste. It has only been 1 season. Should we call Leinhart a bust after one season? I think not. Did we overpay? Yes. Busts? Lets see what happens with some continuity (finally) for next season. That is all.

Please....:laugh: So T.O dropped 86 passes huh? Riiight!

I am not a TO fan and am not in favor of his sideline antics, and i hope and pray he dosn't screw this team up. His past tells me i will be dissapointed, BUT to call him a bust on the feild is just not being honest. He led the NFL with 13 TD catches had 85 Rec. for just over 1300 yards....Did he drop passes YES....but come on man he didnt drop more then he caught.....and he did drop a pass vs Washington that would have put us ontop for the moment...no gaurantee that we would have held it.....and the man to blame for our loss most certainly is not Owens, he didnt wif on a block during a chip shot game winner.

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This thread really belongs in the Stadium.

Please try not to clutter ATN with this stuff.

And...good luck in the stadium...

Does anyone actually read anymore? I made my point so many times, yet its the same thing over and over and OVER again.

TR1, do me a favor and read my post...please, it will clear it up for you, i promise you it will.

Cant we just discuss things in the ATNFL about all the teams, Skins included.........

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Not to steer in another direction, what do you think of your free agent bust in Owens? The guy probably dropped more passes than he caught. He also missed some clutch catches that cost them games... week 9 comes to mind... LOL!

Ummm... I HATE T.O. But how in the world can you call him a bust??? :laugh::laugh::laugh: I despise the man, but there is no way you can call a guy that had like 1300 yards and like 13 tds a bust because he dropped a lot of passes...:doh:

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Since TR1 does not allow us (other fans) to bring up the Redskins in threads realated to other teams (Boys, Eagles and Giants), I thought i'd start a new one.

Can all those Skin fans that are honest, admit to any of the FA signings/trades of 05 (AA, ARE, Lloydd and Duckett) were bad? Seriously you cant all be the same as TR1 and Bubba, someone has to be able to say....hey maybe AA for all that money was a bad move...or you know what for what ARE did, our FO may have over spent....or what the heck was our FO thinking giving up those picks for Duckett and/or Lloyd.......I left Carter out cause i think for the money you guys spent on him, he did enough late in the season to be a good deal for the team.

Have you not been reading any post in The Stadium? That's all I read over there.

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Ummm... I HATE T.O. But how in the world can you call him a bust??? :laugh::laugh::laugh: I despise the man, but there is no way you can call a guy that had like 1300 yards and like 13 tds a bust because he dropped a lot of passes...:doh:

Ok... so I was exagerating a little. ;)

To be honest, I have not followed TO stats for this year. 1108 yds and 13 TDs is good. I still cant call AA, ARE, Carter and Lloyd busts yet. But I do think that Lloyd is going to be one. I would like to put him on the trading block and/or pick up Bennett or Toomer. We need a bigger "possesion" receiver.

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Ok... so I was exagerating a little. ;)

To be honest, I have not followed TO stats for this year. 1108 yds and 13 TDs is good. I still cant call AA, ARE, Carter and Lloyd busts yet. But I do think that Lloyd is going to be one. I would like to put him on the trading block and/or pick up Bennett or Toomer. We need a bigger "possesion" receiver.

In Carters last five games where he started to get comfortable, he had 27 tackles and 4 sacks. Carter is not a bust. We can be excited about him. ARE is not a bust either. We did overpay for him, but I think this next year will be better then this last year as well. He will be great for us and I am very glad we got him even if we did overpay. The whole D played bad so I cant call AA a bust. He was at least decent before he came here so there was obviously something wrong with how he was being used or somthing. I say give him another year to see what he can do. I would not label Lloyd a bust yet either. New offense, Brunell for most of the year was throwing to him, and then switching up QBs on him with different arms and Campbells first starts...etc... Give Lloyd another year as well. He did pretty well in San Fran so I find it hard to believe he already sucks.


:doh: i give up....its worthless trying to make a point when noone READS ANYTHING!!!!


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Ok... so I was exagerating a little. ;)

To be honest, I have not followed TO stats for this year. 1108 yds and 13 TDs is good. I still cant call AA, ARE, Carter and Lloyd busts yet. But I do think that Lloyd is going to be one. I would like to put him on the trading block and/or pick up Bennett or Toomer. We need a bigger "possesion" receiver.

yes its "good",

Yep thats what it is...but on the other hand 78 rec. 1155 yds and 6TD's is awesome.

PS: Thats combimned stats of Lloyd and Moss:laugh::laugh:

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yes its "good",

Yep thats what it is...but on the other hand 78 rec. 1155 yds and 6TD's is awesome.

PS: Thats combimned stats of Lloyd and Moss:laugh::laugh:

Moss was injured for a couple games, got all the TDs listed, got no help from Lloyd to take pressure of as he was supposed to get, Brunell would not throw it deep, I think when Campbell finally came in Moss was out for two games, the offense was learning a new offense.... etc...

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Moss was injured for a couple games, got all the TDs listed, got no help from Lloyd to take pressure of as he was supposed to get, Brunell would not throw it deep, I think when Campbell finally came in Moss was out for two games, the offense was learning a new offense.... etc...

And TO wasnt injured......and we he had the statue himself for 6 games then a brand new starter for 10. Teams go through things each and every year, its just an excuse.

Dallas will have a new Off. next year another bad line and 2 average RB's as well as a way over rated QB....and TO will still go 85-1100 and 10 TD's at least..............

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And TO wasnt injured......and we he had the statue himself for 6 games then a brand new starter for 10. Teams go through things each and every year, its just an excuse.

Dallas will have a new Off. next year another bad line and 2 average RB's as well as a way over rated QB....and TO will still go 85-1100 and 10 TD's at least..............

Except players that have been in Saunders offenses say that it takes at least a year to learn.

And I am not arguing agianst T.O. being an elite reciever.

Also, at least the statue had an arm and could throw it downfield.

And Romo sits to pee had been in the same system for 4 years.

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Except players that have been in Saunders offenses say that it takes at least a year to learn.

And I am not arguing agianst T.O. being an elite reciever.

Also, at least the statue had an arm and could throw it downfield.

And Romo sits to pee had been in the same system for 4 years.

It will never stop.....Its Sauders system or Marks arm....or something else, its never. We paid too much for a FA reciever thats not that good.

EDIT: and same system or not Romo sits to pee lost Sean Payton, and that should account for alot. He rean the off. a little different then Parcells, so there was some things for the Dallas Off. to learn....

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:doh: i give up....its worthless trying to make a point when noone READS ANYTHING!!!!

Its a wide-spread pandemic on ES called "Stadiumitis." All the morons in that forum post the same things over and over without reading the entire thread - this in turn increases the length exponentially, and you can no longer read the entire thread. Therefore you naturally begin to skip posts and only skim others...its a vicious cycle. :laugh:

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