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Dungy Fired.


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It's being reported at ESPNNews. Happened within the last hour.

Not a great move for the Bucs IMHO. The guy won 10 or more games for them in 4 of 6 seasons. He was an offensive player or two from contending ... it's just that those players weren't KJ and/or BJ. smile.gif

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if Parcells goes to Tampa. Brad Johnson will be fighting for his job. The cap situation will be dealt with there. He'll make that team good but they won't win anything until people like Dunn, Keyshawn and maybe even Sapp are gone and their Blue Collar counterparts are getting it done.

peace out


<IMG SRC="http://www.nba.com/media/wizards/kwame_bobble90.gif" border=0> <IMG SRC="http://a188.g.akamaitech.net/f/188/920/1d/www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/images/I44993-2001Sep05" border=0>

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Don't be surprised if Dunn and/or Alstott are gone or at least supplanted by the Tuna for (drumroll puleaze......) Curtis Martin. Testaverde (or maybe even Ray Lucas) may be an outside possibility also. I think the Jets are going to go with a youth movement and Tuna could do a lot of good with Martin alone given an improvement on their O line or two.

It's going to be as interesting in Buc land as it is here next season.

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The Bucs with Parcells are going to be a very dangerous team. Be ready for year four of "The Bucs are heading to the Super Bowl," preseason talk. This year it might just happen.


Doom is in the box.

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I agree that Parcells is likely to fix a couple of the Bucs major problems in this offseason.

One, is the jekyll and hyde personality of the Bucs offense with Alstott and Dunn alternating as the feature back. Where that type of big and small lineup works in Oakland and with the Giants, it does NOT work in Tampa.

The Bucs need to decide on who the feature back is going to be and then trade the other player for draft choices.

The other thing the Bucs need to do is sign a quality line coach and get the front 5 to provide adequate protection for Johnson and the running game.

The Bucs pass protection was god awful in 2001, remember that one game where Johnson was sacked 5 or 6 times?

Kenyatta Walker and Cosey Coleman have talent but are young. I don't think they have been pushed by the right coach to really work hard and accelerate their development.

That will end with Parcells biggrin.gif

Christy is over the hill at center. He needs to be replaced. The Bucs could also use an upgrade on Jerry Wunsch at right tackle. Wunsch is an okay run blocker but is poor in protection.

On the outside, Keyshawn is there by contract if not by popularity smile.gif

Reidel Anthony and Jacquez Green are not starting caliber receivers in the NFL and a #2 with speed THAT CAN CATCH THE FOOTBALL needs to be acquired to complement the overpaid possession receiver on the other side laugh.gif

By the way, the selections of Anthony and Green at the top of the draft order by Rich McKay are a couple of good reasons NOT to bring him to Washington as the GM.

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You have to wonder how will be taking snaps for the Bucs by the middle of next season. My guess is a couple of bonehead red-zone INT's from Brad won't sit too well with the Tuna.

Perhaps Ray Lucas heads south?


From Marty Ball to Fireball.

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If I were Peyton Manning, I'd be on the phone with Bill Polian begging him to hire Dungy and on the phone to Dungy begging him to take the Indianapolis job.

He would already have a good OC in place so he could concentrate on the defense.

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But, the question is, can Dungy be a head coach who just lets the offense do it's thing and not get involved in it? Kind of a converse of the Gibbs/Pettibone relationship.

It's all well and good to say, well, we got this side of the ball down, let's just bring in a head coach who can concentrate on the other side. That head coach may want his offense to operate within certain parameters.

It has been often reported that Dungy built his defense on being effective for 50-60 plays a game, max. After that, there was a marked decline in that unit's effectiveness.

So, having him with a high-powered offense doesn't necessarily make it a good fit. I think he's just another flavor of Marty.

[edited.gif by SonnyJ on January 15, 2002.]

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the thing with Indy is the offense is already in place. Dungy really doesn't have to do much other than sit back and watch them play. the emergence of Dominic Rhodes only gives the Colts more flexibility in bringing in some better defensive talent in the offseason.

besides, whatever anyone says, being fired always causes you to re-evaluate your methods to some degree, well except for Marty that is laugh.gif

I am sure wherever he goes, Dungy will work with the GM to ensure that the team is covered on that side of the ball.

[edited.gif by bulldog on January 15, 2002.]

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