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Reid takes leave of absence

Kurd Cudins

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17 posts in, an not word had been said about the man himself. Instead folks went straight to how it affects FA and the team and quickly fell into the requisite argument over roster building philosophies. The day I stop noticing or mentioning **** like that is the day I find another community.

I'm not telling you not to care, or not to say anything (nor would I have the authority to make such a request, obviously). Your post felt a bit as though those of us who didn't share your sympethetic persepctive were being scolded. To that, I say: we all have problems. It doesn't mean I don't care for the guy, or that I don't wish for a gainful resolution, or that I'm overlooking the severity of his problems.

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Meanwhile, in the real world ... a good man is going through a painful and difficult time, forced to deal publicly with the kind of parental nightmare millions of the rest of us can barely begin to fathom.

Here's to simply having a good thought for Andy Reid and his family.

Just sayin'.

Great point. Sometimes we forget these guys have to deal with the same junk we as "normal" parents do, with maybe even more pressure due to being in the limelight. It's hard to imagine how difficult it must be to be a HC, much less be a HC while trying to be a husband, father, etc.

Excellent article by Phil Sheridan (Phila. Inquirer) which ties this story together and lets us see the "human" side of AR a little bit.


"Still, it is worth telling at least part of the story for two reasons:

First, it shows the catastrophic effects drug use can have on a family - even an otherwise good and hard-working and well-meaning family. If you think that this is a problem that happens to the poor, or to those in the inner city, or to random spoiled rich celebrities, and that it can't happen to you, then you are grievously mistaken. If you have kids and you think that, you may find yourself paying a high price for the mistake.

Second, Reid's reaction to my situation reveals something about the kind of man he is and about the kind of torment his sons' recent troubles must be for Reid and his wife, Tammy."

More in the article.



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17 posts in, an not word had been said about the man himself. Instead folks went straight to how it affects FA and the team and quickly fell into the requisite argument over roster building philosophies. The day I stop noticing or mentioning **** like that is the day I find another community.

You might be looking for this thread. The one where people talked about Reid, his family, made judgements about his parenting skills...


This is the thread where we're talking about its football ramifications.

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some of us feel that he's most likely in this situation because he wasn't a great father to begin with. While I feel bad for him, and his situation is something I wouldn't wish on anyone, it is my opinion that he put himself there.


I do not feel this way.

Sometimes bad things happen to good people.

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Also, some of us feel that he's most likely in this situation because he wasn't a great father to begin with. While I feel bad for him, and his situation is something I wouldn't wish on anyone, it is my opinion that he put himself there.

I'm sure it was argued, but that is basically saying that anyone who has kids who turn into drug addicts was a bad/poor/neglectful parent. Not sure if people have ever researched drug addicts backgrounds, but don't all fit the stereotypical drug addict mold. Covers all walks of life.

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Since the story broke about two weeks ago (give or take a few days), does this seem to anyone else that he maybe decided to take this time off after he finalized their offseason plan of action?

Once the priorities have been set and the players evaluated, particularly the way the Eagles do business, Reid's day-to-day importance could be greatly diminished.

Yay or nay?

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I'm sure it was argued, but that is basically saying that anyone who has kids who turn into drug addicts was a bad/poor/neglectful parent. Not sure if people have ever researched drug addicts backgrounds, but they're not all stereotypical people. Covers all walks of life.

It was. http://www.extremeskins.com/forums/showthread.php?t=189385&page=1&pp=15

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Since the story broke about two weeks ago (give or take a few days), does this seem to anyone else that he maybe decided to take this time off after he finalized their offseason plan of action?

Once the priorities have been set and the players evaluated, particularly the way the Eagles do business, Reid's day-to-day importance could be greatly diminished.

Yay or nay?

Vai Sikahema thinks otherwise.

Who knows, maybe he does take the year off.

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Since the story broke about two weeks ago (give or take a few days), does this seem to anyone else that he maybe decided to take this time off after he finalized their offseason plan of action?

Once the priorities have been set and the players evaluated, particularly the way the Eagles do business, Reid's day-to-day importance could be greatly diminished.

Yay or nay?

If so, then it only furthers my case that he isn't the greatest father. I mean, in the face of this family crisis he STILL puts football first? :whoknows:

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Yeah, you're right. How silly of me. ALL good teams forsake free agency. :laugh:

Good teams use a mix of the draft and free-agency. You know this. I'm not sure why you continue to harp on the no FA approach. :doh:

How active are the Patriots during FA? Or the Colts?
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I'm working pretty hard to make this a football discussion. Give me a hand.

Could be....I would hope that it wasn't the case. But then again, maybe he's the type of guy who "escapes" into the job. Does the player evaluation process only take 2 weeks? I think it takes a little longer than that - maybe he tried to do that, but realized his heart wasn't into it? :whoknows:

That question kind of steered the debate away from football, imo. ;)

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Also, some of us feel that he's most likely in this situation because he wasn't a great father to begin with. While I feel bad for him, and his situation is something I wouldn't wish on anyone, it is my opinion that he put himself there.

I don't think any of us can sit here and say that Andy Reid is a bad father.

I was raised by wonderful parents, and it was a miracle I didn't get caught doing stupid things.

That comes across as an incredibly cold-hearted statement. This man has been thru the emotional wringer. He loves his kids... and now people are saying he's a bad father and its all his fault.


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So I guess every thread that involves Andy Reid is going to turn into a topic on The View.

There was another thread where jrock tried to convince everyone that he knew definitively that Reid was a bad father. Because his kids are bad and all.

I guess this is that thread part deux.

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How active are the Patriots during FA? Or the Colts?

Arguably the most important part of the Patriots last two Championship defenses, Rodney Harrison, began his career in San Diego. Arguably the most important part of their 2003 Championship offense was Corey Dillon, who began his career in Cincinnatti. One of their team leaders, and an INTEGRAL part in their recent success since 2001 is Mike Vrabel - who began his career in Pittsburgh. Two of Brady's WRs, including his favorite target (Caldwell), were free-agents this year.

You people need to work on your reading comprehension. I said successful teams use a mix of the draft and free-agency. Not to mention UDFAs.

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I don't think any of us can sit here and say that Andy Reid is a bad father.

I was raised by wonderful parents, and it was a miracle I didn't get caught doing stupid things.

That comes across as an incredibly cold-hearted statement. This man has been thru the emotional wringer. He loves his kids... and now people are saying he's a bad father and its all his fault.

I did stupid things as well; every kid does stupid things. What his kids did went way beyond "stupid." And I never said it was ALL Andy's fault. They do have a mother as well. I also made it clear that this was MY OPINION, which I am entitled to.

So I guess every thread that involves Andy Reid is going to turn into a topic on The View.

There was another thread where jrock tried to convince everyone that he knew definitively that Reid was a bad father. Because his kids are bad and all.

I guess this is that thread part deux.

You are an idiot. Please go reread the other thread again and find where I said I knew definitively that Reid was a bad father. You took personal offense to what I posted for some reason or another, and now are trying to put words into my mouth. Not to mention I wasn't the only one who argued that stance - you choose to only single me out for some reason. Shoo fly.

EDIT: You know what? Your football opinions are rather lacking anyway; welcome to Ignoreville.

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Arguably the most important part of the Patriots last two Championship defenses, Rodney Harrison, began his career in San Diego. Arguably the most important part of their 2003 Championship offense was Corey Dillon, who began his career in Cincinnatti. One of their team leaders, and an INTEGRAL part in their recent success since 2001 is Mike Vrabel - who began his career in Pittsburgh. Two of Brady's WRs, including his favorite target (Caldwell), were free-agents this year.

You people need to work on your reading comprehension. I said successful teams use a mix of the draft and free-agency. Not to mention UDFAs.

But none of those signings, save Corey Dillon, would have been praised as a significant move on an internet message board when it happened. My point initially was only that people get caught up in free agency every year but the most meaningful signings are generally underplayed when they happen, and the majority of improvements to good teams are a result of in-house development.

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I did stupid things as well; every kid does stupid things. What his kids did went way beyond "stupid." And I never said it was ALL Andy's fault. They do have a mother as well. I also made it clear that this was MY OPINION, which I am entitled to.


Well I hope that someday when you have kids, and you love them like only a father can love his son... that when they fall, there will be someone standing right there to tell you that you are a bad father.

You're right though, you are entitled to your opinion.

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But none of those signings, save Corey Dillon, would have been praised as a significant move on an internet message board when it happened. My point initially was only that people get caught up in free agency every year but the most meaningful signings are generally underplayed when they happen, and the majority of improvements to good teams are a result of in-house development.

Rodney Harrison was a superstar in San Diego...I think his signing was a pretty big deal. Dillon was obviously a huge topic. Vrabel, Caldwell and Gaffney? Maybe not so much, but still go to refute the point that the Pats never do any free-agency signings. Both Caldwell and Gaffney have shown flashes on their original teams as well, so its not like they were bums off the street.

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Rodney Harrison was a superstar in San Diego...I think his signing was a pretty big deal. Dillon was obviously a huge topic. Vrabel, Caldwell and Gaffney? Maybe not so much, but still go to refute the point that the Pats never do any free-agency signings. Both Caldwell and Gaffney have shown flashes on their original teams as well, so its not like they were bums off the street.

Rodney Harrison was a superstar but it was thought his best football was behind him. He wasn't courted by many teams and didn't receive much attention as a big-deal signing initially.

Caldwell, Gaffney and Vrabel were the sort of signings that received one run on the ESPN bottom line before they were removed. Obviously good teams pull their players from everywhere, and clearly it's impossible to put together a team while COMPLETELY neglecting free agency. There isn't a team in the league that doesn't have a few meaningful contributors from the free agent pool, and their won't be a single team in the league that will be completely outside the process this year.

My point wasn't that it should be completely ignored. That goes without saying and I'm sure you didn't think that was my implication.

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I did stupid things as well; every kid does stupid things. What his kids did went way beyond "stupid." And I never said it was ALL Andy's fault. They do have a mother as well. I also made it clear that this was MY OPINION, which I am entitled to.

You are an idiot. Please go reread the other thread again and find where I said I knew definitively that Reid was a bad father. You took personal offense to what I posted for some reason or another, and now are trying to put words into my mouth. Not to mention I wasn't the only one who argued that stance - you choose to only single me out for some reason. Shoo fly.

EDIT: You know what? Your football opinions are rather lacking anyway; welcome to Ignoreville.

Now now, insulter.

People can read the thread themselves to see how you make your opinions.

If I insulted you by saying you don't know crap about how drugs can destroy someone despite all the best intentions of loved ones, I am truly sorry.

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