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thesportingnews redskinreport


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Typical ridiculous analysis from Woody and the Times Disgrace. Yawn.

What exactly was ridiculous?

That comment isnt totally out of line. Him not getting playing time until the season was dead indicates that. This is a huge offseason for McIntosh and Campbell. These two can be a few glimmers of hope to this confused franchise.

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Glad to see you other Richmond guys are as unimpressed with Woody as I am. He's the master of the obvious. I get much better insights just from reading this board.

That was my point. It isn't that he's dead wrong or something, just that my 8 year old nephew points out the same things he does about the game. However, it should be noted that there are people on this board who can break things down better than pretty much any reporter or analyst.

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Guys, this article is written for the Sporting News, a national, not local, publication. Anything written about a Redskins' second string linebacker is news to ninety percent of that audience. And the article is accurate. So cut Woody some slack.

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That report was garbage. It offered no real insight. If you are going to write about a team during the offseason, you need to come up w/ more than that. Tell me something I didn't already know or something that shows you are using your "scoop" skills, not from some old file laying on your desk.

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Not really much insight at all, but I don't think it's ridiculous to suggest that McIntosh needs to improve his grasp of the D. When he finally did play, it looked to me like he was just let loose. With his speed & athleticism, good things can come of that, but he probably gets out of position more than makes Williams comfortable.

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the fact it took so long to get McIntosh ready to play even in small sequences in the regular defense is one of the reasons Lindsey is history.

yeah, he has a big mouth and spouted off publicly before the Giants game which Gibbs didn't like. BUT, if his unit was playing outstanding football and McIntosh had gotten on the field I don't think you would have seen Lindsey released.

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