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Letter To Dan

Fischer fan

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Here's some tough love for you.

I can appreciate the 'Yes Virginia, there is a Santa Claus' sentiment behind your post. Its the season of giving. No one wants to pile on, particularly when you're as opportune a whipping boy and lightning rod as Daniel Snyder is.

But the fact is, Daniel Snyder himself would tell you he doesn't deserve the praise and graciousness. Snyder's no dummy. He pulled himself up by his own bootstraps and built an empire from almost nothing but conviction, self-confidence, and grit. But he hasn't built a winner (outside of the marketplace that is) of the Washington Redskins. I'm certain, absolutely certain, that he's acutely aware of this almost singular failure in his adult career. It's unacceptable, not just to me as a fan, but to a guy whose proven his critics wrong nearly every day of his adult life - Daniel Snyder himself.

No matter what the excuses, the extenuating circumstances, or myriad of explanations - he hasn't gotten it done with this team. Record-wise, we're but a slim bragging-rights margin above perennial losers like Detroit, Arizona, and the Raiders over the past decade. That my friend is scary stuff. And I believe, successful and driven as he is in every other part of his life, Daniel Snyder would be the first to assail your claim that he is praise-worthy.

Is he to blame for our teams chronic mediocrity? I don't know. But he is certainly accountable - he'd tell you so himself. This is the Snyder era. Whatever happens, the bucks stop at his desk. The storied Redskins of the late 70's, 80's, and early 90's are no more. The history of his time at the helm isn't finished. Heaping praise and appreciation is premature.

I had a Pat Fisher beltbuckle too. I want him to finally build a winner. And I'll be as happy for him as anyone if/when success comes our way. Earn it Mr. Snyder. Redskins fans deserve a winner. Get 'er done.

Excellent post and I think Dan knows the responsibility is ultimately his and no one elses. This offseason is going to be a significant one for him and this franchise, in my opinion. Dan has to do some real soul searching on the team and with that he has to do what is best for the franchise, regardless of what others think. He can't entirely defer to Gibbs, Gibbs will only be here a short while longer in the grand scheme of things, Dan needs to realize that this is ultimately his legacy and responsiblity on the line more than anyones

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Craig swallows.

Meaningless driveby's are fun, aren't they. :)

How about actually adding some substance instead? Or is that to hard?

And who is Synder? The bad guy from NBC's Heros? ;)

I have no problem with drive bys, if as I stated above, the drive by is a follow up to everything that has been stated before. And as I indicate below, all the anti- Snyder material is well documented. Maybe you like to re-read the same stuff over and over again...if so, please feel free to use the search feature and discover why Snyder is a *%##.

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Synder has done everything to try and make this franchise win. Even when everyone was calling for him to step down and let someone else control the team, he did just that. Gibbs makes all of the decisions now and Danny just writes the checks Gibbs asks of him. What more can we ask for? Hiring a GM will help alleviate some of these pressures off Gibbs more than anything. I too support Synder, even some things I have not approved of. Like charging money to come watch training camp.

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