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Skins Pro Bowlers are... Samuels (Merged)

Dirk Diggler

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Samuels is a beast, he just gets exposed time to time by speed rushers. He's still our best linemen at the toughest position (well when Campball's been in at least).

Dockery will get his due soon enough. And Cooley only had the 3rd best stats at his position. Little upset Taylor couldn't get in but Dawkins deserves it.

Man, I was agreeing with everything that you said until you came up with Dockery getting his. :doh:

Dockery is the weakest link on the o-line. I just can't believe that Thomas can't get to go yet. I don't think that he has ever had a bad game for us.

Dockery and Probowl doesn't even begin to look right in the same sentence.

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Dawkins agian WTF

WHO Impacts a game more Brian im washed up Dawkins

or ST the Hitman

Man, I hate the Eagles, the fans and I definitely am a Sean Taylor fan. But, Brian Dawkins is a pleasure to watch. He is a straight up, in your face football player. The guy is rarely out of position and he can still bring the thunderous hits more times than most young safeties also.

He deserves to go or at least the recognition.

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