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The best part about our poor liberal friend is they think of Bush as a stupid monkey. They do not have a high opinion of him. They are in chaos right now wondering how he outmaneuvered them so easily because they have so little respect for him.

At the end of the day, what they don't realize is that despite their lack of resect for the President, he's the smart one. One Democrat at my wife's firm was so angry that Iraq played a role in this election that he actually said, "Bush just made an issue of Iraq. It's not like they are doing anything they haven't done the last eight years." The thought never came to him in the form of my wife's response of, "You mean the last President let this go on for eight years? Do you think that's why people wanted to do something about Iraq?"

My wife's not even political and hates that kind of thing. But, it's one heck of a point :).

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Um...Bush IS a stupid monkey. People electing someone as obviously UNQUALIFIED and just flat out STUPID to be the president of the most powerful nation in the world is laughable. Mr.Redneck has trouble putting together a sentence without mispronouncing half the words how the hell can you expect a moron like that to do a decent job. No wonder the economy is going down the ****ter.

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To be fair, the President certainly appears much more intelligent than you do, I'm sure you'll agree. So, since you are obviously less qualified than many to judge intelligence, I would recommend that you not invite others to make fun of your own lack of brainpower before you offer an assessment on others.

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complete idiot's don't win the presidency...no matter who they are. dems and liberals are so amusing...instead of focusing on their own message they must vent in the loudest, most puerile way they can every ad hominem thought that comes to mind. and then they wonder why no one will go along with them on their noble causes EVEN WHEN THEY ARE RIGHT. they don't get it....even the reasonable among us who could be swayed will never team up - too much polluted water under the liberal bridge......

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I can't believe the only thing you liberals can find on our president is his mispronunciation of certain words.

At least he hasn't gotten on television and lied directly to your face like that moron Clinton.

Maybe Bush has lied to us but can you say for sure he hasn't?

Clinton admitted it.

And if your wife considers oral sex with another person not sex then more power to you.

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Bush indeed mispronounces words. What all of you myopic critics fail to realize is that public speaking abilities are only one criteria to judge a president.

Perhaps that's why you so rabidly support Clinton, because that's about all he brought to the table.

Bush by all accounts is excellent behind the scenes, running meetings and making things happen. He works well with people, and is able to win them over.

Doesn't it strike you as amazing how much he's been able to work closely with Tony Blair on Iraq when Blair only two years ago was being called the British Clinton because of their political similarities?

Unlike Clinton, Bush is seen as a decent person and a leader. Is he perfect? No. I for example wish he'd come out much stronger in denouncing and cracking down on corporate fraud.

But people accept him as he is because they don't believe that there's a surprise about him that's waiting out there in the wings. People are therefore willing to live with his flaws.

There are many different ways to lead. Bush does it his way and it works very well for a lot of people, and it's worked better as he's gotten more experience on the job. Deal with it.

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Originally posted by The Evil Genius

Do we need to revisit the Harken energy (and for Cheney the Halliburton) issues again?? :rolleyes:

Lets just accept that in order to get to the Oval office, you have to be as corrupt as a former Dallas Cowboy and have to step on as many toes as a current Skins owner.

Well, since we are looking at others so much why don't we take a look at the Clinton admin...

Whitewater, Buddist temple fiasco, Monica, Travelgate, Filegate, Elian, Vince Foster suicide, Chinagate, impeachment and the list goes on and on...

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Originally posted by FordHQ

Depends who their daddy is.

No, because Gore didn't win despite being the pampered Senator's son from Tennessee who got a cushy journalism job in Vietnam before cruising into politics.

You gotta have the goods, or you're going to be revealed as a fraud sooner or later. It should be instructive that Bush is more revered and respected now than he was two years ago when people were alleging that he stole the election and that he was incompetent.

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We have a remaining test tube experiment called the left coast.

Cali is now completely liberal and if it sucks in 2k4 there will be a new world order out there.

I almost forgot that Cali has that tax on your salary if you are in the state more than 12 hours which is why the Wizards should try to be based out of Arizona on their west coast trip

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Cali's a funny state. For the first time since I think 1884 all of the major state positions are occupied by one party, Dems.

However, because Gray Davis ****ed up the power crisis that we had 18 months or so ago by making lousy alternative stop-gap deals that cost huge money, the state simply must raise taxes right now.

With the Dems in charge there will be no one else to blame come the next election. I'm expecting a backlash.

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Cmon Redman - seriously. You did hear about the Enron thing right? How there never was really a power crisis. It was just set into motion to make profits for the power suppliers.

Funny thing is, no matter what Gray Davis would have done, he would have been lambasted for it.

There are a lot of other things to beat Gray Davis over the head with (like he would rather be raising $'s than governing) - but the alleged power crisis isn't one of them.

The irony with California is is that most of the area is GOP - its the large concentration of people in LA and SF (all the way down to San Jose) that voted for the DEMS. Been that way for awhile now.

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TEG, he panicked, plain and simple. And it compounded an already bad situation.

He's no leader, the Dems know it. What's funny is that if it were virtually anyone else who was the Democratic governor of California right now, with the Democratic leadership in such disarray, they'd be considered the front-runner for the presidential nomination in 2004. But Davis hasn't got a chance there.

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