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The Times Talks About SS Leaving at Year's End


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Can you provide a quote, sources, or context for that, Sham, or are you doing your typically gleeful Redskin-bashing?

I don't doubt that you saw it, but how about adding the context of the article, too? Or does that pour cold water on your bashing?

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Such hor$hit!!!

Who besides Bill Gates would actually walk away from 20 million dollars? Not to mention - being considered a failure and a quitter by pretty much everyone. THere is no way this man's ego will let this happen. He will get a little more power and everything will be honkeydorey. :cheers:

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Sorry, Sham, you'll have to do better than that.

I realize you are a flaming, bashing, inconsequential poster lacking facts or reason behind his views, but, right now, you're going to find and post the article you're talking about. In today's paper there was a "crystal ball" report, unauthored, about the future for the team this year and in it the question at the very end was:

Q: But Spurrier will be back, right? The last two coaching staffs that finished 8-8 in Washington are now working elsewhere.

A: Let's end this now: Spurrier will be back. He's building a good program. It just won't happen overnight. Ask Nero.

So, go ahead and post the information you're talking about now. All Washington Times articles are in the news archive so you shouldn't have to search much. If one is missing please post it so we have it and can discuss it.

Oh, and how is your prediction coming that we'd only win one more game before Thanksgiving? Don't you own me money on that bet?

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Ok, about the only thing I can find about Spurrier leaving on WT website is following:

" Q: But Spurrier will be back, right? The last two coaching staffs that finished 8-8 in Washington are now working elsewhere.

A: Let's end this now: Spurrier will be back. He's building a good program. It just won't happen overnight. Ask Nero."


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Impaled yourself again, eh, Sham?

Why is it that you're supposedly a fan (and, for some reason, I really believe you are), yet you take such joy in any rumored hint of bad news surrounding the team?

I can only figure that you must be a masochist. Nothing else makes sense.

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I suspect Sham has been caught lying again about the team and news surrounding it. I suspect the quote here is precisely what he saw and so eager he is to ignorantly bash the team having never been able to do so with any accuracy that he just wants to find traction with an issue eventually :).

Sham, I do hope you saw something else though and that you weren't caught again lying. I am waiting for you to support what you said here with what you saw so as to prove my belief that you are lying wrong.

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this may or may not be true... either way, i think the old fart is a jackass...

but, in the past, i've met fellow Redskins "fans" who claim to love this team and root for this team only to eventually have their true colors shown... it seems some "fans" don't believe in the "die-hard" aspect of rooting for a team and it makes them sick to see other fans bleed a teams colors... to despite these true fans, they will claim to cheer for the team they love, but really, they root against them and cause controversy to pi$$ off the "great ones"... this may sound confusing and even a bit far-fetched, but i have witnessed it first hand...

whether it applies to sham or not is unknown... but, i don't consider anyone who constantly trashes their team a true fan... maybe it's just me...

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what would have been more valuable for us here is a thread about why or why not Spurrier should come back in 2003 :)

at least I could see an argument made about that eventuality, although I think it would take a shift of seismic dimensions for Spurrier not to return.

I don't assume at this point that the Redskins are going to the Super Bowl, but to assume at 4-4 the team is definitely not going to make the playoffs is just a bad bet.

Besides the Redskins winning a good chunk of their remaining games against mediocre opponents :), you can also look at teams that bank all of their success on one player such as Atlanta with Vick and the Eagles with McNabb. Either of those players goes down and those teams are on the ropes if enough games are left in the season by that point.

Finally, a rookie head coach has to be judged as a rookie head coach. Spurrier is in a new league with new rules for success and failure. He didn't have a 15 year head start like Marty did coming in, so the expectations for him have to be tempered in 2002 and we have to be more patient as he gets his bearings.

The record of first year coaches is not that outstanding by and large to say that achieving a double digit win total is any kind of benchmark for later success.

Walsh won 2 games in 1979. Parcells won 3 in 1983. Johnson won 1 game in 1989.

You can't tell me that a record of 7-9, 8-8 or 9-7 means that Spurrier has either succeeded or failed.

It is merely a start :)

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Agreed, Bulldog.

Gibbs went 8-8, so if Spurrier does too, great. A winning record of 9-7 would be a significant achievement. 10-6 means we've got the seeds of a potential dynasty, as Spurrier will have won that many with an inherited roster and a patchwork OL.

All I ask for is a perennial contender, like Denver, GB, and SF: A team that always hangs out near the top and almost always makes the playoffs. A team, unlike Marty's teams, that can be explosive and dominant on occasion.

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Yes. Sham is making it up and lying as he's prone to do.

As this is a make believe post I'm moving it to the Tailgate where this kind of fantasy belongs. Should Sham be able to validate his statements we'll certainly move it back.

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