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Was i being too emotional??


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Here is a favorite quote of mine used in "Fever Pitch". Let me ask you something, you say you "Love the Redskins", but have they ever "Loved you back". The answer should help you feel better about the Skins, and the situation they have put theirselves in. This team has let down millions of fans, and I think it was the expectations of this team really having a run on the Superbowl this season that has been so disappointing. To be 3-7 is just unbearable to any fan. To be 3-7, with the talent this team has is just ridiculously sickning. I would definitely get away from the television on Sundays until the season is over. At that point, you can start getting yourself physced up for next season. Hopefully with Jason Campbell getting the experience he needs this season, will pay off next season....Hang in there.

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I dont know if i was acting like a wuss or if it shows how much of a skins fan I am..any thouhts??

Acting like a wuss.

What's worse? Those who come on discussion boards whining about the season and calling for the heads ...; or those who weep a little after losing their mind control cuz they did the foolish thing of drinking in the first place?

Those who cry are worse. Much, much worse.

Nancy boys.

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Go buy a Harley, go to a dive bar, order a whiskey and tell them to leave the bottle, then fight the biggest guy in the bar. After that reapply for your man card.

He'd cry after the 3rd drink, after the 1st 1/5 and on his way to the hospital :)

The card has been revoked!

I shed a few tears after the skins lost in the superbowl to the raiders when I was a kid.

As for what happened last night - you drank too much. That's all :)

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I've let it get me real down at time this year, but now I'm just happy to see the team develop on offense.

Don't feel stupid for crying. Who cares? Feel emotional, but then try to think constructively. The thought that always settles me down is that there are 32 teams in this league, and all of them have thousands and thousands of fans (except for the Lions). Every team can't win all the time. It sucks to be Skins fan sometimes, OK lately most of the time. But you gotta think about how happy other fans are right now. I'm happy for Bears fans and Colts fans. The Skins have been to a Super Bowl more recently than either of those teams.

I'm a fan of the NFL as well as the Skins. When the Skins stink it up, I try to follow some of the more exciting players and squads around the league.

That being said, it does suck to watch to Cowboys enjoy themselves so much. But what can you do? You know? If it didn't suck so much to watch them win, it wouldn't feel half as good to watch them suffer!

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You cried because of this season? You're a big girls blouse! :D J/k...it was probably just the alcohol. Hey, people do worse stuff like kill each other over their sports team. So I wouldn't get a complex over it. Do like me...watch more than 1 sport and follow more than 1 team...divide your loyalties. You're guaranteed at least one of them will be doing well and so you'll always be happy.:applause:

edited: cos I can't spell

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I think its funny how people on here are calling him a wuss and saying he takes it too serious, when anyone that participates on this message board takes the redskins seriously. Given the fact that he was wasted, anything can happen. I just hope you didn't embarress yourself. :cheers:

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