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Meeting D. Green


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Darrel Green was at a Circuit City tonight for a grand opening. I wish I could say it was a great experience. I'll give the guy the bennefit of the doubt because maybe he's done 20 of these this week and he's tired and just thinking of getting home.

But, we waited in line for a couple hours and were told he wouldn't be signing anything personal. I had brought along my program from his last game and was hoping to get it signed. I understand though, there were several hundred people in line and he was only going to be there an hour. I did buy the Redskin football for $25 that helped to support his charity that he would sign. When I got to the front of the line, I was handed a ball asked my name, shuffeled in front of Darrell, he signed the ball and handed it back to me. I said Hi and asked for a picture and was told that I could take one while he signed footballs. Thats it. He never looked up, never shook anyones hand, never said thank you or hello. Nothing.

Again, I understand, there were lots of people and he looked tired.

The whole experience reminded me of the "Soup Nazi" episode from Seinfeld. Order your soup, pay your money, get your soup and get out. No personal interaction whatsoever.

Again, I understand, just a little dissapointed.:rolleyes:


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I met him once at the grand opening of a store near my house in Sterling, maybe 10 years ago or so. He was one of the nicest, most engaging people I've ever met. I remember thinking this even when I was 9 years old. He took time to talk to me and my parents, sign a football, and everything.

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Pro athletes, regardless of personal character, are always wary of signing events and what could come of their signature.

If you met him in a more personal setting Im sure he would have acted different, but when you have so many people to satisfy, you certainly cant satisfy them all.

That being said, I wish the experience could have been better for you but hey...you did get the ball and help an inspiring charity at the same time. Good for you.

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His son goes to a lot of my friend's high school, talked to him a bit and showed him the bathroom.

He also helped with the CBs and a couple friends of mine went to his house before.

I dont see how that man could be anything but nice, and you have to give him the benefit of the doubt on about everything

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I think someone on this board once told the story about how a little kid approached Green for an autograph but referred to him as Darrell, and Green responded to the kid by saying no and that he might have thought about it if the kid had addressed him as Mr. Green.

Take it for what you will.

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Yeah, that sux. I had no idea until a couple hours ago that he was in town (read it in the paper). I think its pretty lame that he couldnt be a little more interactive, especially since it was for his charities cause. I guess he feels its enough to sign autographs, who knows.

Did you happen to TRY to ask him if he can still play? We could use him!!!

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The year the Chicago Bulls won 72 game, I went to see the Bullets vs. Bulls at the cap center. I feel like it might have been the end of the season, maybe even the last game of the season. Anyway,

My dad, my brother, one of my best friends (who is also a member on Extremeskins) and I had badass box seats. After the game we snuck down some steps and came out in a hallway between the two locker rooms. I turn around to look at my dad and realize he is talking to D. Green. He was super nice. Security proceeded to "ask us to leave" and we realized we were going out the player exit where there were like metal rails and everyone lined up to get autographs. D. Green walked down just in front of us, people were freaking out, it was rad. After we got out to the Van we were in, I grabbed my camera and ran over to D. Greens van. He rolled down his window, waved, and smiled while I took his picture.

Sad part is, that was like 1996 and we were all like "**** the Redskins have been bad for so long"...

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I've met him on a couple of occasions and he isn't into fan interraction. I do have an autograph from him from about 10 years ago also from a fundraiser. He is still one of my favorite redskins of all time, but I compare him to Ripken who also does not give autographs.

These players are highly recognizable and bombarded by fans day and in day out.

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When I was a kid, I got DG's autograph at training camp in Carlisle. I don't remember much about him but he was very nice to me. As a matter of fact, back then I got almost the entire team's autograph. It's a lot different nowadays and with the camp at Redskins Park. This past camp, I held out a football for Jon Jansen to sign and he skipped right over me. What a douche. I could sense something wrong with his attitude and he was getting beat like a drum by rookiee defensive linemen too. He sucks this year so I say to him, Karma baby! Bitin' ya in the rear, Jansen. Karma's a *****.

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I've met DG a number of times around Loudoun at various youth events that his kids attend. I can understand if he gets a litlle jaded in public as the crowd he seems to attract are fat old guys who are frothing at the mouth, and way too excited about meeting another guy. :laugh:

He gave my son's football team a pep talk before their league final as a former teammate's son was also on the team. He came across just fine as a nice guy. Sadly, I don't think most of the kids really knew who he was and probably would have prefered if TO had showed up. :doh:

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I took my son to Carlisle years ago. He had his Posse Poster and everyone there signed it except for Darrell Green. Even Emmitt Thomas, who told us he was a nothing, signed it for us. Art Monk, Gary Clark and Ricky Sanders stood around at their cars just to shoot the breeze with us. It was a great experience for my son. Sorry Darrell wouldn't sign the poster as it really upset my son.

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My 5th and 6th grade teacher was Charley Taylor's wife, and one day Charley, Darrell Green, and Art Monk all came to our school, talked to us in class, played football with us at recess, and ran the gym classes for the whole school. It was probably the single coolest day of my life. Charley Taylor autographed a rookie card for me that I still have to this day, and I remember Darrell and Art both being very quiet, but also very friendly.

I wish the 'Skins would do more stuff like this, though I know it's probably hard nowadays, especially the guys that are currently playing and not retired. That day was the reason I started playing football, and I continued to play all through youth and high school, and was a major part of my life. It's amazing to think of the impact that these guys can have on kids' lives.

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I met Darrell Green when I was 11 years old or something. He was the nicest Redskin by far that I have ever met! He signed an autograph, talked to me about how fun it is to return punts, and everything. I was at Wintergreen Ski resort with my parents and we were in a buffet line to eat breakfast. Charles Mann was with him too, and Ken Coffey, but they were really quiet. However, Darrell was great and it was one of the greatest chance meetings of my childhood.

Maybe since it was such a long line it was a hard day for him? Who knows. There are probably so many people and he was tired and wanted to get home. Maybe for me it was easier because not many other people were around.

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