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Gears of War


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Anyone bought this game yet? One of my roommates bought it today and he instructed everyone in the apartment to not play it till he got home from work. :laugh: Played it upstairs though at my friends and it is badass, can't wait to play this thing later tonight when my roommate gets home.

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No its not, its 3rd person.

I played it today, pretty cool. I dont like 3rd person...should be first. Hard time trying to get good angles and shots. but other than that, the game is great.

Damn, could have sworn i saw in game footage of it being 1st...everything I read about it though leaned towards it being a great game, I think a friend of mine just bought it, i'll have to try it out

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I just finished scene 3... 2 more to go. It's pretty good. The game play and cenematic scenes inbetween look the same, that is how good the in game graphics are. I personally can't wait for Halo 3. They been workin on that game for at least a year or 2 and won't come out for 1 more year.. has to be great. Take their time and get it right.

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Man Gears of War is so freakin addicting! I got it Thursday and can't stop playing it!

I did start playing Madden for a bit but of course it glitched while I was online so i said screw this b.s game, and got right back to Gears of War!

If you don't have it, GET IT NOW FOR THE 360! Chainsaw, curb stomps, 2 player co-op online, It's sick! Pick it up ASAP!

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I picked it up this evening and it is pretty f-ing sweet! The cover system, the chainsaw, the multiplayer maps with tons of cover, it's all good....and the graphics?! The graphics are awesome! So far I even like all of the guns(usually there are some serious 'throw away' guns in games), although I still don't know exactly what the bow thing does...I can't seem to aim it to save my life.

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Gamer tags people!! Gamer tags. Oh yeah i changed my gamer tag to CaucAZN 21 so send me a friend request.

I was playing multiplayer earlier today and i had the craziest game. The game was tied 2 rounds to 2 rounds, we were playing to win 3. There was one annoying **** who only used the sniper rifle and his whole team would always surround him so he could pick us off easily with that protection. My team didn't even work together but somehow all 4 of us found their team (of course they were camping). Well my team took cover and was just randomly shooting keeping their heads covered well cause that sniper would just get easy head shots. I noticed the enemies just were going to just hang in one area just waiting for us to pop our heads out so i decided i would flank them. My team didn't give diddly squat what i did so i just stealthly ran to the other side and pulled out the shotty and rushed. I shot one guy in the leg, (I was playing execution), shot a guy who just noticed me in the face, and then went after the sniper. Now this sniper was a sniper whore. The guy was a pretty good shot but he missed when i ran up to him and 2 shots with the shotty ended his suffering. Then i ran back to the 1st guy i shot in the legs and curb stomped his ass to win the game. 3 kills in less than 10 seconds. It was the most amazing feeling!!! I love this game.

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