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Instead of AA, why don't we get rid of.....


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.......Christian Fauria? This guy is ABSOLUTELY WORTHLESS! D. Ware just straight up owned this guy twice....back to back..... on the same series!! He has got to be the worst blocking TE in the league. No wonder NE let him go! Did anybody else notice this? AA and CF are probably the worst to acquisitions this season. :doh: :dallasuck :2cents:

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Mr. Fauria is a good blocking tight end, he had a holding call and was matched up with (i hate to say it) one of the best in the NFL. Any D-end matched up one on one with a tight end has the advantage. So far this season i think Fauria has done a pretty good job.

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Not only the ownage.....but the penalties.

In good news....Carter and especially Kenny Wright are occasionally making plays now.

**hoping both will improve and thinking happy thoughts. Win over dallas and we're 3-5 despite a horendous free agent offseason. If Kenny Wright can learn to cover....maybe mr. 30 million can as well

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Fauria is a solid player, but Ware is one of the top ends in the league. Come on, do you seriously expect him, as a tight end, to handle Ware all by himself? If you do, you have no idea how football works. Ware was owning Samuels too, should we get rid of samuels? Maybe, but that's a whole other debate for a whole other time.

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Mr. Fauria is a good blocking tight end, he had a holding call and was matched up with (i hate to say it) one of the best in the NFL. Any D-end matched up one on one with a tight end has the advantage. So far this season i think Fauria has done a pretty good job.

I'm sorry, I haven't seen this guy do one thing to help this team out. No, not one. This guy has been beaten on numerous occasions, not just today. All I can say is, he needs to pull his head out.

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.......Christian Fauria? This guy is ABSOLUTELY WORTHLESS! D. Ware just straight up owned this guy twice....back to back..... on the same series!! He has got to be the worst blocking TE in the league. No wonder NE let him go! Did anybody else notice this? AA and CF are probably the worst to acquisitions this season. :doh: :dallasuck :2cents:

There $30 million reasons why we should get rid of AA. Don't get me wrong, Fauria has sucked for the better part of the year but Archuleta is making him look like a probowler.

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Fauria is a solid player, but Ware is one of the top ends in the league. Come on, do you seriously expect him, as a tight end, to handle Ware all by himself? If you do, you have no idea how football works. Ware was owning Samuels too, should we get rid of samuels? Maybe, but that's a whole other debate for a whole other time.

I've seen rbs block Ware more effectively than Mr. Fauria, so don't give me the ol' he's a top DE spill. He is a blocking TE people. That is his job, you know, to block, and he really sucks at it. If he can't block any better than that, then what do we have him for? The guy is a waste of money IMO.

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Fauria is a solid player, but Ware is one of the top ends If you do, you have no idea how football works. e......Ware was owning Samuels too, should we get rid of samuels? Maybe, but that's a whole other debate for a whole other time.

Okay I have to laugh at people (just poking for fun of course ;) ) who make statements like this "...if you do then you don't know what your talking about" and then completely swallow their foot.

News flash Mr. Football Knowledge(poke poke :D) ....Ware is an OLB. The Pokes play a 3-4 scheme. Canty and Spears are DE's. Ware didn't own anyone Sunday. We gave up one sack (I believe...not positive), and Brunell had forever and an eternity seemingly the entire game IMO.

I'll agree that Fauria is solid, but he's made some costly errors as well Mr. Football :silly: :jk:

I hope you take this in fun. :cheers: I think you need to learn a little more yourself before you tell someone they don't understand football but thats just my :2cents: Tryin' to help a brotha' out ;)


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Okay I have to laugh at people (just poking for fun of course ;) ) who make statements like this "...if you do then you don't know what your talking about" and then completely swallow their foot.

News flash Mr. Football Knowledge(poke poke :D) ....Ware is an OLB. The Pokes play a 3-4 scheme. Canty and Spears are DE's. Ware didn't own anyone Sunday. We gave up one sack (I believe...not positive), and Brunell had forever and an eternity seemingly the entire game IMO.

I'll agree that Fauria is solid, but he's made some costly errors as well Mr. Football :silly: :jk:

I hope you take this in fun. :cheers: I think you need to learn a little more yourself before you tell someone they don't understand football but thats just my :2cents: Tryin' to help a brotha' out ;)


Thanks for the assist :cheers:

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Archuleta sure was a bad pickup. Everyone knew before he came here that he wasn't good on passes. His strength was supposed to be on the run and from watching the one time today that they mentioned his name maybe the only reason he got so many tackles in St. Louis is because he allowed so many catches. Those tackles being the reason he made pro bowls. Pretty sad when you get paid that much and lose your job to an old vet that was on the street. Props to Vincent though he made some big plays and I thought played better than anyone else in the secondary. Good pickup.

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I think troy vincent filled the void that Pierson left when he got injured. GW's def is creative, and P's role in it was obviously bigger than we thought. For example see how many times you saw vincent tonight.

Admittedly I pretty much just make noise durring defense, so I cant be certain who is on the field all the time on that side of the ball but I keep hearing people say AA was benched? Is this comming from commentators or something? I swear I thought I saw him out there all the time, admittedly durring defense Im distracted by making noise.

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Sorry to disagree but,(in my chad johnson voice) "who can stop 94"....

the guy is what i thought Andre Carter should've been...

Chris will be ok....

Carter and Arch really suck bad!!!!!!......how much $ and picks were wasted....

Carter played better yesterday and had a nice tackle for a loss after sliding off his blocker.

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Before we get rid of him, I'd have to argue that not many tight ends can block DeMarcus Ware successfully. Someone like that, unless you're a tackle needs to be double-teamed. Plus, on the Cooley touchdown reception, Fauria was open in the flat while the aforementioned Cooley had a token double-team on him. Fauria does things that no one sees, unless he really gets burned like yesterday. Frankly, I think he had been solid up until that point.

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