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One hour until KO!! What is your mood?


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Me personally? I am very subdued for it being a Dallas game. I have no expectations and I think that is healthy versus the vein popping screaming I usually do.

But, this is all subject to change come game time. :D What is your mood?

EDIT:Almost 12:00 and I'm getting the pregame jitters.

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Personally, I'm bitter. I really wish that I was able to go to this game, but I'll be watching from the comfort of my bed or the recliner.

I think that this is going to be a good game. I'm not super excited about it because I can't be there, but I'm beginning to feel a little excitement.

This has been a very calm week in the land of the Redskins. I havent heard a lot of chatter (like we normally hear Dallas Week).

I think that this will be a good game. I think that the Skins will dominate and win, but by no means is this a light at the end of the tunnel for us. We've still got a long way to go.

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Personally, I'm bitter. I really wish that I was able to go to this game, but I'll be watching from the comfort of my bed or the recliner.

I think that this is going to be a good game. I'm not super excited about it because I can't be there, but I'm beginning to feel a little excitement.

This has been a very calm week in the land of the Redskins. I havent heard a lot of chatter (like we normally hear Dallas Week).

I think that this will be a good game. I think that the Skins will dominate and win, but by no means is this a light at the end of the tunnel for us. We've still got a long way to go.

I am so bummed that I can't be there Candace. First, I couldn't get tix and then I came down with the stomach virus Tuesday and I'm just recovering. To top it all off Rachael Ray is there and I would've loved for her to taste my chili. Maybe me, you and HSF should've made plans to watch the game together on the couch or in bed. :D

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I am so bummed that I can't be there Candace. First, I couldn't get tix and then I came down with the stomach virus Tuesday and I'm just recovering. To top it all off Rachael Ray is there and I would've loved for her to taste my chili. Maybe me, you and HSF should've made plans to watch the game together on the couch or in bed. :D

Haha! There's still time! We've got 2 hours and 45 minutes before kickoff! We can do this!!!

So sorry to hear about the tummy virus. That sucks and it's never ever good.

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I am pumped and ready to go! Although it is not for the division lead that I had hoped I want to see the Skins romp the boys. I have been trying to temper my excitement because of all that has been going on but this morning I woke and said to myself..."I am a diehard Redskin fan and I believe in my team, now let the ass kicking commence!"

So right now I am pumped up and ready to see the B&G show the pukes that they don't come to our house and take this game!

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I am miserable right now fighting this cold. I am saying tons of prayers and still have hope that they win!

Wish I were at the tailgate.

Here's to the Skins winning and good health for KG' date=' Candace and ME![/quote']

:( Hope you feel better soon sweetie. Take Alkaseltzer. It won't cure you, but it will relieve you of your symptoms.

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I won't know what kind of mood I am in until I see what QB steps on the field today. Right now I am feeling a bit beat down from packing up my house to move back to the DC area. I'm also a little bummed because I had to take all of my fish from my 125 gallon tank to the fish store, and I miss them already.

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I won't know what kind of mood I am in until I see what QB steps on the field today. Right now I am feeling a bit beat down from packing up my house to move back to the DC area. I'm also a little bummed because I had to take all of my fish from my 125 gallon tank to the fish store, and I miss them already.

Dude! That's great you are moving back east. What area?

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I won't know what kind of mood I am in until I see what QB steps on the field today. Right now I am feeling a bit beat down from packing up my house to move back to the DC area. I'm also a little bummed because I had to take all of my fish from my 125 gallon tank to the fish store, and I miss them already.

Hope your move back to DC goes smoothly! :cheers:

Maybe Santa will bring you new fish this year!

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You should be happy that you're coming back here to DC! You have someone wonderful waiting for you!!! ;)

Sorry about your fishies! You can get more when you're in DC!!! :)

I wonder who the lucky girl is. Do you know???

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