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Dad Getting Through Radiation All Right -- Updated with Friday's treatment


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Well, one week in the books and Dad seems to be handling the radiation treatments okay. He hasn't shown any nasty side effects and continues to be in good spirits. I spoke with him this morning and he seemed to be just fine. Now, let's hope that it's doing its job on the area being treated. He'll have another one today, then close out Monday and Tuesday.

Meantime, a memorial service is being held for my late cousin in Atlanta this morning. You may recall that he passed away last weekend from a heart attack. My other cousin, his brother, will be attending while my aunt, his mom, will not be. They had a falling out over his continued drug use and they hadn't seen each other in almost 10 years. It's really a sad situation.

Anyway, as always, thanks for your prayers and I'll continue to keep you posted.

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I just got off the phone with my mom and she told me that the area on my dad's stomach that the doctors are blasting appears to be shrinking/going down. He has two more treatments next week, so we'll see how it goes. It's still hard for him to get around like he used to, though.

Thanks again for all the kind words.

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I just got off the phone with my mom and she told me that the area on my dad's stomach that the doctors are blasting appears to be shrinking/going down. He has two more treatments next week, so we'll see how it goes. It's still hard for him to get around like he used to, though.

Thanks again for all the kind words.

keep strong man, yes your dad is fighting but you need to be strong for the whole family

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