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All Hallows Day Proclamation


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In the spirit of Halloween, I want you...every man woman and child...to look deep inside your black little hearts (some may have to look deeper than others).

Whaddya see?

I'd bet that it's a little Redskin guy, with the number 17 on his jersey, and he's throwing touchdown after touchdown to one receiver after another. He's not running around, away from the rush, finally being caught, to be swarmed under by a bunch of guys wearing stars on their helmets. In fact, he's standing tall and proud IN SPITE of the rush, looking stoicly down the field as his receivers streak into the open spaces, arms outstretched.

He's really good.

And you know what? It's okay. We dream of what could be and imagine.....if.

It's what we do.

We can't help ourselves, really. Each off-season we allow ourselves to be sucked in...enchanted by all the big names and so far minimally tapped potential. Up until that first snap, all we can think about is how THIS is the year that it all comes together. That THIS is the year we take the bar to another level. That THIS is the year our heros show character and passion and pride and that THIS is the year we can again hoist our savior, Joe Gibbs, onto our shoulders and ride him down Constitution Avenue...the parade to end all parades!

And then.....

....it's week eight....

....and we're again 2 and 5.....

.....and we're wallowing in our dashed expectations....

....and enduring the criticism and chiding of the rest of the NFL...

...and of our friends....

..cause we let ourselves hope again...

...and we probably shouldn't have. We should have known better.....

....and we're sullen....and we feel like fools.


And, last night, after reading thread after thread...argument after argument...I have to admit it. That I, Mr. "Cup Half Full"....felt like crap. Capital "C".

And then, the new day dawned.....and I was walking the dog.....and I ran into a guy also walking his dog.....and he was wearing a Redskin sweatshirt.....and we started talking.....and talking.....about the team, about their troubles...about the Cowboys....and about the season....and about our hopes...and our dreams.....and you know what?

I felt better.

'Cause the funny thing is, I live in Los Angeles...and THIS conversation occurred on my street in Manhattan Beach. Four thousand miles from Fedex Field.

And it occurred to me, that for all our differences of opinion....of age.....of backgrounds....of memories and experiences......we're ALL Redskin fans. At that in the end, we all want the same thing.

We want the parade.

And so, I'll just say what I came to say......I'll say to you with all the passion I can muster in print.....


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You know at first I was really pissed at another title like this sucking me in and getting my hope up, but then the point of the thread really wasnt that bad, but for the love of god just dont use Campbell Starting as your title unless its backed up by a source and has audio of Gibbs saying it. Damn IT!!!!

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