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Mount Weather...


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Found this article on Mount Weather, thought it was interesting. Stuff like this is pretty cool IMO.


Is this Bush's secret bunker?

Mount Weather is a top-security underground installation an hour's drive from Washington DC. It has its own leaders, police, fire department - and laws. A cold war relic, it has been given a new lease of life since 9/11. And no one who's been inside has ever talked. Tom Vanderbilt reports

Monday August 28, 2006

The Guardian

'Actually, you may want to just put those down a minute," Tim Brown is telling me, as I peer through binoculars at a cluster of buildings and antennae on a distant ridge. "The locals might get a bit nervous." A Ford F-150 cruises by, and the two men inside regard us casually as they pass.

We are sitting, hazards blinking, in Brown's BMW on a rural road in Virginia's Facquier County, a horsey enclave an hour west of Washington DC. The object of our attention is Mount Weather, officially the Emergency Operations Centre of the Federal Emergency Management Authority (Fema); and, less officially, a massive underground complex originally built to house governmental officials in the event of a full-scale nuclear exchange. Today, as the Bush administration wages its war on terror, Mount Weather is believed to house a "shadow government" made up of senior Washington officials on temporary assignment.

Use the link for the rest of the article.

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My sister used to live just on the other side of Rte 7 from the entrance in Bluemont. On 9/11 she said the sky was full of helicopters and the road shut down with motorcades. Scared the he!! out of her.

I went out there after the plane crash in the 70s. Eerie place.

Now it's mostly used by FEMA, I have a good friend that works there. Per her, it was the "Undisclosed location" that Cheney stayed right after 9/11.

I wonder if the local high schoolers still use the road around it as makeout mountain.

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My sister used to live just on the other side of Rte 7 from the entrance in Bluemont. On 9/11 she said the sky was full of helicopters and the road shut down with motorcades. Scared the he!! out of her.

I went out there after the plane crash in the 70s. Eerie place.

Now it's mostly used by FEMA, I have a good friend that works there. Per her, it was the "Undisclosed location" that Cheney stayed right after 9/11.

I wonder if the local high schoolers still use the road around it as makeout mountain.

LOL.... Places like that are cool, I'd love to visit and tour the Greenbriar hotel, that's a facinating site as well... :cheers:

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Another cool anticdote. My moms maid of honor had a relative that worked their during Kennedy/Cuban Missile crisis. She said the scariest day of her life was the day the secret service showed up with a truck carrying all of the Kennedy kids clothes and toys from the Whitehouse.

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I live close to Camp Peary, which is where the CIA trains its people, a friend of mine was stationed there as an MP and said they had (this was 15 years ago) a full mock russian city in the woods with the camo netting covering it... Of course I can't verify that, but it was cool to hear some of the stories...

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That is one of the most facinating articles I have read in a long time. The part about AF 1 is crazy.

The part about AF 1 is bull****

Marine One maybe.

Mt Weather is right down the road from where I grew up. My Dad took me up on the mountain the that plane hit.


And yes, there are plenty of roads to make out on :D

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My parents had a house not too far from Mount Weather, the rout 50 side. on rout 602. About the plane crash in the 70s up there, saw it not long after it happened, big long patch of trees just gone. Also my aunt used to work in Mt Weather, so ive heard a few stories from her about the place.

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My parents had a house not too far from Mount Weather, the rout 50 side. on rout 602. About the plane crash in the 70s up there, saw it not long after it happened, big long patch of trees just gone. Also my aunt used to work in Mt Weather, so ive heard a few stories from her about the place.
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The part about AF 1 is bull****

Marine One maybe.

Mt Weather is right down the road from where I grew up. My Dad took me up on the mountain the that plane hit.


And yes, there are plenty of roads to make out on :D

Yeah, no chance AF1 lads there. Needs too much room to take off.

Where did you grow up?

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Yeah, no chance AF1 lads there. Needs too much room to take off.

Where did you grow up?

The nearest town anyone has ever heard of is Berryville. The next nearest town anyone hardly ever heard of is Boyce. Grew up on the river not too far from there

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The nearest town anyone has ever heard of is Berryville. The next nearest town anyone hardly ever heard of is Boyce. Grew up on the river not too far from there

I thought you were gonna say frog town :)

My friends and i used to ride our 4 wheelers all over the mountains between mt weather and 602 (sometimes on rt 50 )down to the shenandoa river in clarke, up to warren county. My aunt lived in berryville, close to rout7, you know that big old mansion looking house next to the cemetary there? Thats the one.

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I thought you were gonna say frog town :)

My friends and i used to ride our 4 wheelers all over the mountains between mt weather and 60, down to the shenandoa river in clarke, up to warren county.

Now THAT is someplace known only to the locals :laugh:

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