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Improve the Eagles?


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Okay Eagle fans, Who Del was just given three wishes by a genie. He saved one for football :laugh: and he wished Andy Reid was fired due to frustrations with his play calling.

If you're given three football wishes to improve the Eagles, what would they be? Take back Who Dels wish or make some other alterations?

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Three wishes:

Andy Reid removed as Head football coach but retained as General Manager.

Tony Dungy named defensive coordinator.

Mike Holmgren named head coach with play-calling responsibilities.

I have very few complaints about the makeup of our roster. There is room for upgrade, but its nothing that isn't possible through an extremely modest free agency period.

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I have very few complaints about the makeup of our roster. There is room for upgrade, but its nothing that isn't possible through an extremely modest free agency period.

I must agree with your assessment, although you must explain what a modest free agency period means to Redskin fans:laugh: . Through FA and the draft, you should be solidified as long as ownership is willing to spend.

At a glance I would think CB, LB, WR and backups at RB and QB would be most important.

I find your three wishes quite interesting and well thought out! Surprised about the Dungy choice, although he is good.

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I must agree with your assessment, although you must explain what a modest free agency period means to Redskin fans:laugh: . Through FA and the draft, you should be solidified as long as ownership is willing to spend.

At a glance I would think CB, LB, WR and backups at RB and QB would be most important.

I find your three wishes quite interesting and well thought out! Surprised about the Dungy choice, although he is good.

I thought about Lovie Smith, but I figured since he runs the Tampa 2 that Dungy made famous It'd make more sense to go with the innovator.

We absolutely need a playmaker at linebacker. There is no position on the Eagles in more need of help. Hopefully Considine develops into a solution at SS. If not, SS is our next biggest problem area. WR and RB need to be addresed in one way or another, but I don't see a need for drastic upgrades.

** Though I'm pretty disapointed in this team, I don't want to give the impression that I'm looking to the offseason already. We've made things tough on ourselves, but I don't think rebounding to 9-7 or 10-6 is totally out of the question.

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You want my serious opinion on this DWinzit? Ok. First of all. I agree with OWU. Fire Reid as coach and remain as GM. (Or at least take him away from playcalling. He sucks.)

Jim Johnson has got to go. He's defense is not that great anymore. Philadelphia has always had great defenses (for the most part) and he's starting to really **** that tradition up. I liked Jim. In my mind he carried the early Reid era Eagles. Now he's nothing but a tired old coot. Just like his defense.

It's time for new blood in the Eagles organization. I will say this about Jeff Lurie. He does not like retreads at coach. He always tries to get someone young and hungry (Rhodes, Reid) and for the most part they were the right choices at the time. Reid has built a talented team. It's time for someone to finish the job or try and start over.

Reid will be remembered as a good coach. Thats all. Even if he won a Super Bowl somewhere else I wouldn't care. He just cannot think fast on his feet. I want him gone. Sorry King Andy. Your reign is over.

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Bring back Vermeil for one last run. It almost killed him that he couldn't deliver a SB to the city of Philadelphia.

Now, if you bring him back, one of two things happen. He brings a SB to Philly and becomes the most loved icon in Philadelphia history, or he dies trying. I'm content with either option, at this point.

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Bring back Vermeil for one last run. It almost killed him that he couldn't deliver a SB to the city of Philadelphia.

Now, if you bring him back, one of two things happen. He brings a SB to Philly and becomes the most loved icon in Philadelphia history, or he dies trying. I'm content with either option, at this point.

That's the single most black heart statement i've ever read here... It made me laugh so damn hard :laugh:

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We absolutely need a playmaker at linebacker. There is no position on the Eagles in more need of help. Hopefully Considine develops into a solution at SS. If not, SS is our next biggest problem area. WR and RB need to be addresed in one way or another, but I don't see a need for drastic upgrades.

Your LB position definitely sticks out as your biggest weakness. The Eagles need Bunkley to step up and become the beast advertised! If he played better and Patterson was healthy, their play would make your current LB's much better.

** Though I'm pretty disapointed in this team, I don't want to give the impression that I'm looking to the offseason already.

Disappointment leads to searching for future answers. I have been dong it since 1993:doh: . At least your team still has a chance at making the playoffs.

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Frankly, if your WRs made catches instead of dropping the ball, you guys would be 7-1 and talking SB.

Fire Reid? He's the best thing that has happened to your organization.

A big back wouldn't hurt, but I put your losses on the wideouts.

Also, losing Kearse has hurt you more than you thought it would.

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Spend money like a winner. Lurie cares more about his bottom line than winning. Mcnabb is the best QB in this league, flat out, and the Iggs will never get a better look at it than right now. So, why are you 10 mil under the cap?

Teams that "spent like winners" this offseason:

Cleveland Browns

Washington Redskins

Minnesota Vikings

I think that's about it. Certainly plenty of teams spent less than these three and more than the Eagles and are now having success, but clearly the corollary between pay roll and winning percentage is a false one.

I don't have much of a problem with the makeup of our roster. I have a problem with the lack of emotion and competency with which they play. This team has tuned Andy Reid out. Over the course of seven years it can definitely happen.

From 2000-2004 we won games we shouldn't have won with as much or less talent than we now have. Now we lose games we should win. This past week obviously was not one of those situations.

There was a time when I could count on a few certainties:

The Eagles would not lose two games in a row.

If the Eagles scored 20 points, they won the game.

The Eagles rose to the occasion when their backs were to the wall.

The Eagles had a better game plan than their opponent.

These things are no longer the case. Granted, these advantages never translated into a championship, but they at least provided a team for whom I could be proud to root for about 18-19 weeks a season. This team is an embarrasment.

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You want my serious opinion on this DWinzit? Ok. First of all. I agree with OWU. Fire Reid as coach and remain as GM. (Or at least take him away from playcalling. He sucks.)

Jim Johnson has got to go. He's defense is not that great anymore. Philadelphia has always had great defenses (for the most part) and he's starting to really **** that tradition up.

Who Del, you inspired me to start this thread after reading your fire AR posts during the Eagles game thread. You also followed this theme in later threads. I was surprised due to all he has done for your team, yet I understand the frustration. OWU and you installing him as GM shows me you have acknowledged hi importance to your organization.

Your comments regarding Jim Johnson lead me to this question; is it his fault or a personnel issue? Kearse's absence is big and Gocong to a lesser degree. With all the cap money available, what if Lurie had allowed the team one good LB and a DB in FA? These differences could dramatically alter your record, making Johnson look more like the Johnson we all remember.

As I've posted in the past, Duckett would have been a great fit for your offense! I do feel part of the reason he is on our roster is due to the Skins recognizing this and keeping him out of the Eagles hands.:2cents:

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- Fire Andy Reid, replace with Rich Kotite to restore former glory

- Fire JJ and bring in Mike Nolan as defensive coordinator

- Hire Norv Turner as offensive coordinator

I like your thinking. :eaglesuck

I also don't like Andy as a head coach, because he can't adjust to what the opponent gives him. He just keeps plugging away with his game plan with blinders on, despite opportunities given to him.

WHen Eugene Wilson went down in the super bowl at the end of the first half, and Reid didn't attack the safety in the third quarter, that was a perfect example.

But he's not going anywhere, even if this team goes 6-10. I really don't see Lurie firing Reid.

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If I were the Eagles, I'd look to what they did in 2003 where they had the "3 headed monster" at tailback between Staley, Westbrook, and Buckhalter who rushed for nearly 1,700 yards at 4.8 yards per carry.

Westbrook is a tough situation for them. He's a valuable player, but he clearly needs somebody else to help him carry the running load. However, it's probably difficult for them to sign a high priced RB or draft a RB in the first round due to the amount they are already paying Westbrook.

But I think that's the main problem there. They don't have balance on offense and thus they throw the ball too much and they get dominated in time of posession. That puts a lot of stress on the defense to not only shut down the opponent, but to get off the field ASAP. And there have been injuries on the defense and Reid's offensive philosophy isn't helping matters.


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