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Are our Water Boys DONE!?!?!?


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If the Skins score a TD (it could happen!) and two waterboys happen to cheer and raise their water bottles at the same time, is that considered an illegal excessive TD celebration under the new rules?

Only if they pick each other up.

Its time to go back to the burgandy and gold bottles, the white on white just isn't making it.

Agreed. I'm thinking one white bottle and one burgandy bottle. Both with yellow caps.

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It seems to me that they are just walking the water out there during the commercial breaks :wtf: don't they realize the cramps and the hammy's their causing??? we can THANK them for Santana not finishing the game last week. :mad: Maybe we can replace them during the bye week (If the cap allows it, that is), maybe the Water Boy's the Eagles let go a couple of years ago (when they hired Pickle Juice Specialist) can help. :whoknows: they might be available for vet min.

Hell maybe Dan could hook up some bottles on the overhead cameras (like in a hamster cage) and just lower them during the commericals.

(just an attempt at humor, Not directed at anyone, I'm bored in the bye week)


Please come back STRONG!!!! :fingersx:

Nice way to breal up the same ol.

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I bet we'd get a 15 yard unsportsmanlike penalty for bringing out the wrong water bottles or towels. You know, we celebrated too much when water was finally brought onto the field. it was a "team" celebration.

No, the NFL would just fine the water boy later in the week for not having the bottles dressed right :silly:

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Uniform policy. They don't call it the No Fun League for nothing.
You mean...THEY let the Water Boy carry the towels too????

Listen...ignorance of the policy is no excuse... They carry their towels over their shoulders, not in their hands!!!!! This is what causes all the issues with the shoulder tendnitis and can cause early retirement with the waterboys. Hence the reason you do not pay these guys the big free agent money like we always do every spring. They never last and then we are stuck in bottle cap hell!:rolleyes:

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Listen...ignorance of the policy is no excuse... They carry their towels over their shoulders, not in their hands!!!!! This is what causes all the issues with the shoulder tendnitis and can cause early retirement with the waterboys. Hence the reason you do not pay these guys the big free agent money like we always do every spring. They never last and then we are stuck in bottle cap hell!:rolleyes:

HEY!! :mad: no need to get personal dooge, in my infinite ignorance, I thought they had a freaking Towel Boy in addition to the Water Boy, both of whom had to report to the Get Back Coach. But obviously you are far more informed in these matters than I am. And I thought I knew football :doh:

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Listen...ignorance of the policy is no excuse... They carry their towels over their shoulders, not in their hands!!!!! This is what causes all the issues with the shoulder tendnitis and can cause early retirement with the waterboys. Hence the reason you do not pay these guys the big free agent money like we always do every spring. They never last and then we are stuck in bottle cap hell!:rolleyes:

Oh sure. Here we go. The old water bottle cap hell thing again. Every year it's the same. :rolleyes:

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Oh sure. Here we go. The old water bottle cap hell thing again. Every year it's the same. :rolleyes:

:laugh: Yeah but see below to see how we will be generating the income to pay these guys...Snyder is genius!!!! Talking about making the most of your FA signing marketing oppurtunities;)

HEY!! :mad: no need to get personal dooge, in my infinite ignorance, I thought they had a freaking Towel Boy in addition to the Water Boy, both of whom had to report to the Get Back Coach. But obviously you are far more informed in these matters than I am. And I thought I knew football :doh:

Its not personal, it's just you didnt know the rules/policies of the cap implications of water boy football assistants. It's so frustrating to have to explain this over and over on this board.:doh: It's very complicated and it's understandable you couldnt follow it. Dont worry, your not the first to drown in gallons and gallons of information that can be tied up in these extensive contracts. We wouldnt expect you to understand it..... Heck they dont really understand it......this is why they have a bottlecapoligist.:rolleyes:



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Talking about making the most of your FA signing marketing oppurtunities;)

Its not personal, it's just you didnt know the rules/policies of the cap implications of water boy football assistants. It's so frustrating to have to explain this over and over on this board.:doh: It's very complicated and it's understandable you couldnt follow it. Dont worry, your not the first to drown in gallons and gallons of information that can be tied up in these extensive contracts. We wouldnt expect you to understand it..... Heck they dont really understand it......this is why they have a bottlecapoligist.:rolleyes:



Oh well, I think I'm finally catching on, at first it was like a tidal wave of information and it seem like I was trying to catch all of Niagara falls in a 8 oz glass. But I've gotten through the rapids and have reached the calm stream of information below. Yeah, I know now it wasn't personal, it's all water under the bridge, dooge. :thumbsup: And yes, that Snyder is one swift businessman. No matter what he gets involved in he always makes a splash! ;)

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