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Time to take a look at the division and schedule...


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I hope you're not putting too much faith in Jacksonville. They've been struggling lately, but maybe they can turn it around to beat the Eagles and the Giants.

one game does not mean they are struggling. Leftwich was banged up, and they had a flat game.

Before that, they blew out the Jets, lost to us in OT, lost to Indy by a TD, and shut out the Steelers.

The Texans were a trap game, I expect the Jags to turn it around this weekend. Maybe they won't beat the Eagles, but it wont be a walk in the park for Philly......

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So our season rests in the hands of Jacksonville, who got beat by the Texans and us!!! Sorry, dont have a lot of faith in them steppin up!

Oh and lest we forget. WE GOTTA WIN ALMOST ALL OF OURS! Thats pretty funny!

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Even "IF" the division is out of reach, which I don't think it is...there is still the wild card. There might come a point where we actually need to root for the Giants...They still have game against Philly and Dallas (In New York) which could help us climb the ranks in the East.

The South is tough...they will be beating up on each other like every year...We still play the entire division so our destiny is VERY MUCH in our hands in that regard. The 2 toughest games IMO are vs Carolina and Atlanta which we have at home...New Orleans is playing inspried football but could very easily be kicked back to reality. The Bucs game is one we have to win of course...I think we will actually have no problem with them.

If we beat Dallas...it all starts there! I am so pumped!

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Where do i sign up for my free pair of burgundy and gold colored glasses??....this thread is absolutely insane...get a grip folks. Leave the delusionary comments and lack of analysis to the higher ups at Redskins Park. I'm a life long fan but I refuse to let this ripple effect of "let's just hope the problems go away by sweeping it under the rug" insane rationalization creep into my psyche...the Skins are done. There is no fire. There is no emotion. The players aren't buying into any of it so why the hell should we?? 2007...here we come.

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You know we might as well give up on the Redskins. We will never get it turned around. We will always have bad coaches. We will never have any luck. The players we bring in will never work out. Our draft picks probably will never work out. We will never win the coin flip for overtime. Our QB's will never be any good. Our offensive line will never get it together. Our owner will probably go bankrupt. Our field goal attempts will always hook left or hit the uprights. All the other teams will win the superbowl 3 times before we make the playoffs again. Woe is me. It sure is a bad time to stop drinking. It feels good to wallow in the pain. Nothing will ever be good again. Maybe I need some Prozac.:doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: ;)

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Good work. Game-by-game is the only way analyze it. If they win the division with a so-so record, who cares? We knew before the season that they weren't going to get home field advantage with the Seahawks and Bears playing a division III schedule.

As the baseball Cardinals are proving now, it doesn't matter how you got there as long as you come home with the trophy.

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Hey, as the original poster, I am as sick as the next guy about the way things have gone this season....but the season IS 16 games long, not 7. If everything was ALWAYS determioned by what happened during the 1st 7 games, then why the hell does the NFL INSIST on having 16 games?

Was my original post optimistic? Yes, I'll grant you that. But isn't that what being a fan is all about? It's not my job to worry about the player's psyches...it's not my job to worry about the cap money we spent of don't have available...it's not my job to worry about developing Jason Campbell...it IS my job to hold out for as much optimism as I can for the next game coming up...and if we can win that one, why not the one behind it.

I've been a fan for 25 years! When we were 2-13 heading into the season finale to play the Rams in 1994...I was pumped up to win that one game! When we were 0-7 in 1998, I was pumped up to beat the Giants!

Every single victory is special to me! If we are 14-2, great! If we are 5-11, so be it! I will still look to our next game with optimism and hope! And rejoice when we win!

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Here is the way i break it down:

Lets assume either seattle or st.louis win the west. Chicago takes the central. Minnesota takes one of the wild cards(have edge over us and easy sched.). That leaves 3 spots to be taken from the East and South. 8 teams 3 spots.

We all know that we play that division this year . We still have to play all 8 of these teams. The least anyone of these teams plays against each other is 6.

Mathematically, we want all these teams to lose the games in which they play out of this scenario, like indy @ dallas. Somebody has to take some losses, most likely assuring an 8-8 team will make the playoffs. I didnt have to time to break down the w-L that would occure, but you get my point.

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