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Colts vs. Redskins Prediction Thread


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"Spurrier and Lewis: The complete idiot's guide to understanding football like a pro"

Uhhhhh yea FSF.... Unlike you, who understands football like a...........well.... let's just say the guide had you in mind.

Welby24..... please tell me you don't believe that's what the team "should" be playing for at this time.

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the Redskins are healthy on defense so I don't see the Colts scoring 30-35 points unless Indy gets the benefit of some well-placed turnovers.

James has looked ragged on the ground, averaging less than 4 yards a carry, so this isn't the Colts offense of 2000 reborn.

They have struggled and on defense the Colts are average. Their front seven is small and their corners average as well.

This one will be a close game, perhaps Vanderjagt is the difference on a long field goal, say 20-17 or it could go the other way with Tuthill.

The optimist in me says at some point the Redskins are going to have to show some life, heart and effort at HOME in front of the home fans.

The Eagles and Saints games were like getting smacked in the face and then being kicked in the back repeatedly :mad:

Man, am I sick of exiting FedEx with a sour taste to digest all the way home.

This bull*** has to stop at some point.

This team doesn't have the talent to win 12 games, but it does have the talent and SHOULD be competitive AT HOME with the 12th man, even against solid clubs coming in.

The home record in Monday Night and ESPN national audience games the past 3 years has been an absolute disgrace :shootinth

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as the games get closer I always get more nervous. 2 days ago I predicted the Redskins would win 23-20, and now I am fighting to hold on to that good feeling. I always knew these long fingernails would come in handy. :)

hanging on: Redskins 23 Colts 21.

now if the game would just get here! I haven't left much more wiggle room for narrowing the gap.

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I've managed to run the gamut this week. Went from just knowing we'd get killed again on national television, to deciding that Shane will stablilize things enough to let the defense actually do what we all thought they'd do before the season began -- namely, keep us in it and let the offense do just enough to win, to thinking "you know, this is the week it all comes together adn we have a coming out party", to ... I have no effing idea what to really expect.

And that's where I am right now. No effing idea.

Maybe it's because I've bitten OFF all my fingernails watching this team play for the last few years, and unlike Candy, can't seem to hold on to my convictions any more. :)

It's all just so unsettling.


Colts 23, Redskins 19.


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Matthews will run the offense much more efficiently. I would be surprised if we have one turnover, unless of course Davis fumble or one of the receivers puts the ball on the ground.

The way the Steelers had their way, I'm expecting the Skins best offensive performance.


COlts 21


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Dear coltsstompskins,

I read your previous post and find it very interesting. You appear to be fixated on boys, sissys [sic], smelly things and mommys [sic]. Tell me about your childhood and the things your mother did to you. Don't be ashamed because you had stinky britches. The pain your mother inflicted on you can be eased. I'm a doctor, I can help you.

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Y'know tex, maybe it's generational thing, but the last thing I wanted to do when I was ten or eleven years old was to hang out in a place where grownups were discussing things...

There are times when I'm really glad my kid's a girl. She's thirteen now, but even fve or six years ago, she was not nearly as peurile as coltsstompskins.

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