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The colts game isn't a test for the offense, but for the defense...


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Everyone is talking about Brunell if he could score against the colts D. I don't find it hard to score against the colts, but if our defense can force some punts, IDK about everybody here, but I feel an ancomplisment(sp) when we force a punt. This is more a test for Wright and Rumph, then Brunell and Moss. I am confident that Portis can run, one new guy doesn't make a D, the bye week does scare me a little. HOepfully, Our players PLAY IN A PISSED OFF MOOD, because they need to win this game..bLIZTZING MANNING isn't the answers. We all saw the Giants VS Colts game and Manning has eyes in the back of his head or something.

I just hope Our D shows up and hopefully we can stop ADDAI. EVen though, the colts don't run, they might after the Titans game.

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The D is suffering, from the standpoint of stopping the run, having the interior line both late round draft pick rookies didn't help, not much you can do about it.

The secondary is the part that will kill the Skins vs the Colts. Vince young picked the secondary apart with short passes, you know Peyton Manning should be able to do at least as well. The problem with the secondary in they are alomost playing a prevent type coverage thing. Throughout the entire Titans game the corners(and LB in coverage, usually Holdman) were playing way off of the receivers. There was no jamming at the LOS to disrupt the timing or route. Anything under 10 yards is almost automatic, there is no one defending these passes. There was only 2 defensive plays during the entire Titans game where there was jamming at the line by the corners, both of those plays were blitzes and the jamming kept anyone from being open long enough for the blitz to work, and it did work... both times. Springs played this way too when he was in. I don't get why this is the plan. GW says he can't send the blitz because he can't leave the guys in coverage but they aren't covering anything less than 8 yards. Why not play the WR agressively, jam them at the line disrupt the timing, disrupt the route, give the Dline some time to rush?

If you don't agree with my analysis...go back and watch the game again, pay attention to this.

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The Colts, in fact ANY NFL team, is a strong test for the Redskins right now. This team is dysfunctional on many levels and injuries have only muddied the waters further.

Even a team doing well is going to be slowed down by the loss of both starting DTs, their #1 and #2 corners and other injuries to players like Washington, Thomas and Sellers.

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Everyone is talking about Brunell if he could score against the colts D. I don't find it hard to score against the colts, but if our defense can force some punts, IDK about everybody here, but I feel an ancomplisment(sp) when we force a punt. This is more a test for Wright and Rumph, then Brunell and Moss. I am confident that Portis can run, one new guy doesn't make a D, the bye week does scare me a little. HOepfully, Our players PLAY IN A PISSED OFF MOOD, because they need to win this game..bLIZTZING MANNING isn't the answers. We all saw the Giants VS Colts game and Manning has eyes in the back of his head or something.

I just hope Our D shows up and hopefully we can stop ADDAI. EVen though, the colts don't run, they might after the Titans game.

Amen Kevin. This game is dependent on our D and blitzing Manning is definitely not the answer. Our blitzes have been uneffective all season and it's not going to shake one of the best offenses in the league.

I'm not worried about stopping the run now with Big Joe back in the lineup. The Colts haven't been successful running the ball this year, and we would've stopped the Titans last week with our two starting DTs in the game.

We can do this....I know we can.

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After seeing GW speaks about the 'D' last night, I am expecting #23 and #24 to be the primary play makers for our 'D'. All the young guys in the D line are getting better and better every day according to GW. But some of these young guys do not understand some of the things like veterans do (like #23 and #24). So yes it is a challenge for the 'D' but I am hoping and expecting some surprise from our 'D'. Some of our guys have faced Payton before so I think we will match up equally this Sunday.

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If the Skins want to win this game I would say both sides better show up and play. Not just the defense but our offense as well. We need to win this game going into the bye. This will make up for the loss of the Titans, and give confidence going into the bye.

Absolutely! Consistency is the "key" factor on beating the Colts. That's what Seattle did last year.

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If the Redskins can't score, like against Dallas and New York then I guess we should expect the defense to shut the Colts out too, right?

Or maybe Cartright should be returning more kicks for TD's?

The offense needs to control the clock and keep the defense off the field for as long as possible. They didn't do that in any of our losses this year.

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