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Why is Ade in the Doghouse? (... and just exactly how bad our pass defense is)


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I seem to remember him making strides last season and came away with a favorable impression after the Cardinals game.

How come he's not been starting this season? He's got to be better than Wright at the very least.

How bad is our pass defense exactly?

vs. #1 WRs: Ranked 27th in the league (HOU, GB, PHI, MIN, NO are worse)

vs. #2 WRs (even worse!): Ranked 31st in the league (only NE is worse).

The problem is, we are the worst team at covering WR. Only NO is as bad. All the other teams as bad as us are only bad covering one side of the field.

vs. #3-5 WRs: Ranked 23rd.

vs. TEs: Ranked 24th

vs. RBs: Ranked 22nd

To compare, 2005:

Pass Defense: Ranked 3rd

vs. #1 WRs: 3rd

vs. #2 WRs: 21nd (Rogers is much better in run support, also Walt Harris)

vs. #3-5 WRs: 10th

vs. TEs: 7th

vs. RBs: 2nd

Yes, Springs is our best CB (no duh!), but our pass defense has slipped considerably against TEs and RBs (safeties, I'm looking at you and the LBs!). This trend would show our whole back 4+LBs are doing horrible in coverage.

I hope I didn't crush the hope of those optimistic fans out there, but a lot of us are quite down on the defense right now, for good reason.

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Warrick Holdman is the reason against RBs and TEs for the most part. I don't think there is a TE in the league that hasn't just flat out ran Holdman without even doing a move. It is pitiful and he needs to be benched for Rocky, no matter what mistakes Rocky might make his athleticism will make up for it.

Remember last years #2 WR nos were mostly against Walt, Carlos played the #1 CB as much as he did the #2 CB last year.

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Didn't Ade get juked by a receiver on a TD by the Titans?

This is correct-he absolutely got his doors blown in-didn't even get a hand on the guy and it was inside the 10 so there wasn't a lot of space for him to get burned that badly-yet he did.

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