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Trust in the man that won us 3 Superbowls!


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I do trust in Gibbs. I have no reason not to.

It's the rest of the supporting cast, with the exception of Buges, that I'm not so sure about! Mr "the Second G Stands for Genius" needs to change the spelling of his name, because it's becoming apparent that he CAN'T just plug and play "anyone" into his defense!

The only bone I have to pick with Joe Gibbs is that it appears that he is afraid to replace Scott Brunell. I don't know if this is because he's a little softer in his "old age" or what. I DO agree though that Scott isn't our biggest problem right now. Unless if Scott has been giving tackling drills to the secondary!

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I do trust in Gibbs. I have no reason not to.

It's the rest of the supporting cast, with the exception of Buges, that I'm not so sure about! Mr "the Second G Stands for Genius" needs to change the spelling of his name, because it's becoming apparent that he CAN'T just plug and play "anyone" into his defense!

The only bone I have to pick with Joe Gibbs is that it appears that he is afraid to replace Scott Brunell. I don't know if this is because he's a little softer in his "old age" or what. I DO agree though that Scott isn't our biggest problem right now. Unless if Scott has been giving tackling drills to the secondary!

HES NOT AFRAID. Maybe he doesnt like what he sees so far with JC.

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You know what? I do beileve in Gibbs. Even when he went 0-5 his first 5 games ever as a Skins head coach. However I also know that he has some very strong loyalty issues. I won't say he's a George Allen clone, but it does come to mind. George had a thing for his veterans as well, and to some degree he was spot on.

Sometimes you have to know when to say enough is enough. When he said at the end of 2004 that we hadn't heard the last of Mark Brunell, i didn't think he meant we would never hear the end of Mark Brunell. I understand that maybe he feels that benching Mark now would effectively end his career, but this undying loyalty bit is dragging your team down a long dark tunnel. I really think Coach G has lost a bit of his objectivity when it comes to his life-saving friend. When your offense is displaying signs of flatlining and you know you have the horses at wideout and running back, where else do you lay the blame.

We have $10 milliion locked up in assistant head coaches. something has to give. Injuries have severly limited the defense; you can't blitz when your corners can't cover. (almost makes me ask was Walt"the human toast" Harris really that bad?)

Now I'm not saying Jason Cambell is the answer, but I have to wonder can he really be much worse? At the very worst put Cambell in and ride Clinton; hmmmm sounds real similar to what we did at the end of last season.

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Trust in Gibbs!!!

He will turn this team around!

You fairweather fans make me sick.....

As irritating as every Bench Brunell thread has been-just as irritating are the threads calling fans "fairweather" for daring to question even ONE decision Gibbs makes.

It's been disussed way too many times why questioning your teams crappy play doesn't make you fairweather it makes you NOT stupid.

I don't have the energy to type it again.

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It really is pathetic. Redskins fans are probably the most fair weathered in the NFL. I have been to so many games and see how people change back and forth. Right now at a time like this everywhere you go people are talking smack on this team. Yeah we are playing bad but these are the same people last year that were all about the team. I swear to you I have almost fought like 3 people this week who are supposed Redskins fans. I keep wearing my gear, even the day after a loss like sunday. I will boo at the game if they deserve it, but I will never give up on them or stop having hope.

These people are the reason Fedex seats 90000 people and stadiums with half of that are louder than we are.

Heres to you Redskins (fan) :finger:

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I really don't think its about being "fairweather". I think its about expecting this team to be much better than the product they've put on the field. Quite frankly, considering that I've been a Skins fan since 1971, I think I've gone through enough hardships and success to be able speak up when I think we're not only wasting talent; but also a season.

Consistency wins in this league. The only thing this team has been consistent at is shooting itself in the foot. Actually the defense has been consistently bad, but I would like to attribute that to the injury bug that has ravaged that side of the ball. We don't consistently run the ball when we should and we're incapable of sustaining a passing game.

You know what type of team calls 2 reverses and "I don't know how many" bubble screens in the same game? Bad team that have no identity. We have a 1500 yard back on this roster that should be all the identity that we need.

This isn't 1991. You can't live off a rep you established 15 years ago.

Nothing worse than having a toolbox full of nice shiny tools and not having a clue as to how to use them. :2cents:

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This isn't 1991. You can't live off a rep you established 15 years ago.

this is fair....but it goes both ways...

If you don't expect Gibbs to live off his rep from 15 years ago that's fine, but then you can't be so upset and have such high expectations about a third year coach who took your team to the paloffs in only his second year.

Certainlly you'd give a third year coach with the success Gibbs has had more lee way. wouldn't you?

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You know it's bad when I have to tell my dad not to talk to me about the team. At least he leaves Gibbs alone though, I only ever heard him say something negative about Gibbs directly when we were 5-6 last year. You might say that the three superbowls were in a different era but last year was in the present. If Gibbs didn't prove anything to you last season, I doubt he ever will and it's a damn shame.

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It really is pathetic. Redskins fans are probably the most fair weathered in the NFL. I have been to so many games and see how people change back and forth. Right now at a time like this everywhere you go people are talking smack on this team. Yeah we are playing bad but these are the same people last year that were all about the team. I swear to you I have almost fought like 3 people this week who are supposed Redskins fans. I keep wearing my gear, even the day after a loss like sunday. I will boo at the game if they deserve it, but I will never give up on them or stop having hope.

These people are the reason Fedex seats 90000 people and stadiums with half of that are louder than we are.

Heres to you Redskins (fan) :finger:

Oh get a grip. You want to come in here and call a bunch of your fellow fans fair weather fans for not liking the fact we lost to a 0-5 team with a rookie QB, at home, with the worst run defense in the league? THis team has made the playoffs twice in the last 14 years, and YOU want to call fans of this team fairweather fans? THINK FOR ONE MOMENT. THINK. I dare you. Give some thought to it. Any person who is a fan of this team is no fairweather fan, hes a fan whos stuck in year after year, with only two playoff appearances, and 14 years of high expectations.

You sit and talk about booing the team if they deserve it, yet bash anyone who would do the same(in an online forum version)? Talk about being a hypocrit...


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Wow so now you can't even have a negative opinion on the Redskins anymore without being a fairweather fan.

These threads have passed the uniform theads as far as i'm concerned in the ridiculous department.

Incase you haven't been paying attention, we were suppose to be really good this year, we are 2-4.

We have been blown out in both our division games, we are 0-2 at home, and we lost to a team at home that was previously 0-5.

Posting negative remarks on these manners dosen't make me or anyone else a fairweather fan, it makes us observant, concerned, and just out right mad about what is going on.

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Trust in Gibbs!!!

He will turn this team around!

You fairweather fans make me sick.....

Hey moron, the Redskins have made the playoffs twice in the past 14 years.

Yet the stadium is still full, waiting list is still very long, and on a personal level i'm still a fan here in North Carolina even with the Panthers 10 minutes from my house.

Fairweather fans? Stop throwing around words just for effect.

You make me sick

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We have been blown out in both our division games, we are 0-2 at home, and we lost to a team at home that was previously 0-5.

Forgot about the big win already? I can understand forgetting Jacksonville has a team but however under the radar it might be, it does boast one of the best defences in the NFL, a defence that gave up 36 points to the Redskins and no one else before or since.

1-2 at home, where were you two weeks ago?

Edit: That 0-5 team had also held the Colts to just 14 points the week before, perhaps their record doesn't mean they completely suck?

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Does anybody here believe that Gibbs has us at 2-4 intentionally?

When Jason Campbell comes in, and we make the Super Bowl after such a horrendous start, Gibbs will be the Messiah once again.

If we went 11-0 to start the season, there wouldn't be the drama about it there is now.

Its just a matter of when the Master Plan is unleashed.

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Does anybody here believe that Gibbs has us at 2-4 intentionally?

When Jason Campbell comes in, and we make the Super Bowl after such a horrendous start, Gibbs will be the Messiah once again.

If we went 11-0 to start the season, there wouldn't be the drama about it there is now.

Its just a matter of when the Master Plan is unleashed.

:laugh: Yeah...we've got the NFC East right where we want 'em... :laugh:

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