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Trust in the man that won us 3 Superbowls!


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HES NOT AFRAID. Maybe he doesnt like what he sees so far with JC.

Well then, if that's the case, that speaks volumes for the front office! First, we "wasted" a draft pick on Patrick Ramsey, only to have him play a few games and then send him off to the J-E-T-S-Jits-Jits-Jits.

Now, we've wasted another draft pick on another number one, Jason Campbell?! Are we going to send him to the J-E-T-S-Jits-Jits-Jits, too?

I love this team, and I KNOW that we aren't going to start against Indy with Campbell. Im fine with that (although Brunell's decision making and his throwing at receiver's feet and WAY above their reach or behind them, throwing only to #89 are driving me insane!). But in my opinion, Brunell should only start each week IF we've won the previous week! This team needs a spark -- mainly on defense -- but how many times have we seen a personnel change that sparked a team, both offense AND defense?

I say, Brunell gets ONE more start. If we win, he gets to start again. Otherwise, let's start Campbell for game 8!

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I trust Gibbs and believe in him but at the same time, I have disagreements with him. I'm not sure if your old enough to remember when Gibbs was here the first time, we had the same problem with Joe Theisman. His numbers were terrible and everybody was calling for his head but Joe Gibbs said the same things then as he is today. The only way Joe Theisman got replaced as the starting QB was a hit by LT of the giants that snapped Joe's leg in half.

I disagreed with his decision then to keep JT in as I do now with his decision to keep Brunell in. That doesn't make me a bad fan and as a matter of fact, Schroeder came in that game and won it for us. He'd never played in a regular season game and we ended up in the playoffs that year or damn near got there, it's been so long it's hard to remember. I'm sure there's somebody here that can find out and post the record for that year.

The point being is that Joe Gibbs isn't always right. Sometimes he actually makes mistakes. In my opinion, I believe he's making one now by keeping Brunell in as our starting QB. I hope I'm wrong as I would love nothing more than to see Brunell actually throwing and completing passes down field and taking us to at least the playoffs.

Now, at the current level of play that Brunell has shown us, can you honestly say that he can lead this team to the playoffs?

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Oh get a grip. You want to come in here and call a bunch of your fellow fans fair weather fans for not liking the fact we lost to a 0-5 team with a rookie QB, at home, with the worst run defense in the league? THis team has made the playoffs twice in the last 14 years, and YOU want to call fans of this team fairweather fans? THINK FOR ONE MOMENT. THINK. I dare you. Give some thought to it. Any person who is a fan of this team is no fairweather fan, hes a fan whos stuck in year after year, with only two playoff appearances, and 14 years of high expectations.

You sit and talk about booing the team if they deserve it, yet bash anyone who would do the same(in an online forum version)? Talk about being a hypocrit...


You are missing the intent of the message. To think that there are NO fair weather fans on this message board whom post idiotic things is just plain STUPID! If you have legitamate constructive critisisms then I agree with you that you should be able to speak your mind. But all of this BullSh*t that people say {ie: " Gibbs is favoring Brunell because he's a Christian" } is nothing short of crazy! I believe we all should trust Gibbs simply because he's the reason we have a contending team to trust in the first place. What were the Redskins before him ( part 1 & part 2) ??? I don't agree with everything he does, but I'm not going to throw him or this team under the bus!

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I have trust in Gibbs, unfortunately the offensive reigns aren't in his hands. It's in Saunders' hands. Trusting Gibbs to run the Redskins now is like trusting the Queen of England to run her country, she's highly respected and a great person but she ultimately has little power compared to their Prime Minister, which to us in Al Saunders.

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I have trust in Gibbs, unfortunately the offensive reigns aren't in his hands. It's in Saunders' hands. Trusting Gibbs to run the Redskins now is like trusting the Queen of England to run her country, she's highly respected and a great person but she ultimately has little power compared to their Prime Minister, which to us in Al Saunders.

I have to disagree with you because Gibbs, not Snyder is the one that brought Saunders in. Why isnt the reigns in Gibbs hands? Because Gibbs himself felt that the offence could run better if it had a more updated feel to it, but it was Gibbs that made the decision, not Snyder.

Any failure that Saunders, Williams, Blache, etc etc will ultimatly fall on Gibbs because Gibbs is the one that rounded up the group.

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