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POLL: Why do you go to Games?


What do you think of the new site?  

63 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you think of the new site?

    • Amazing
    • Cool
    • Could be better
    • A letdown

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I sense a bit of a shot there Betterman ;)

Are you calling us soft? :D

I bet I'm louder than you and the two people next to you put together. Don't sleep on us up there. We're pretty loud :D


No shots there loudmouth;) I'm sure you make more noise at the games than my wife but i will give you a run for your $$$. I was just saying that the crowd is a bit more tame (in general) in the Club Level seats. I've sat in Club and i prefer the lower level, thats all. Just seems like the loud/crazy fans are fewer and farther between up in the Club (but they ARE up there). I am glad you are up there representing our Skins and making your section loud. Maybe it was just my experience at Club but it seems like it would be the best place for the original poster to view the game, given his crowd preferences. :2cents:

BTW, i sat in 318 for the 9/11 game and i was def the loudest one there. It's always fun being the loudest one in the section. Keep up the good work LoudMouth!!:notworthy :point2sky

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I'm in category B. I'm loud when the Skins D is on the field and quiet when they are not.

I will stand up for basically every important 3rd down in the second half, or if warranted, in the first (Other team in the 2 minute drill before halftime).

I usually go into the game with a good buzz going, but don't drink in the stadium. The people who get up to piss every 15 minutes are so obnoxious! They go beyond the D and C categories. Stay in your seat!

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I do not fit any of your categories! I go to the game to cheer on my team but I refuse to boo. To me it is disrespectful. I also do stand a lot but I am in no way a jerk I am as respectful as I can be to the people behind me. I had a older gentleman one day behind me who could not stand so instead of standing upright I would crouch where he could still see. Him and I did not have any issues.

We do not stand to be rude and to be a jerk. We stand due to our own excitement. I am the first to admit if I see a good play unfolding before my eyes I can not help but jump out of my seat screaming my team on. You need to actually come to a game before you make that accusation.

same here, but also come for the 3-4 hours of tailgating before and after the game, I enjoy talking with Skins fans and watching the people...some weird ones out there! So, tailgating before the game, cheering for the Skins during the game, and tailgating after.:cheers:

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I dont fit any of your categories. I go to the games for the fun of it. Its a blast, I was at the Red Lot at 8:45 am Sunday Morning, tailgated with some friends until noon then headed for my seats. Once in my seats I take a gauge of whats going on around me. Are there little kids near by? Old folks? Rowdy Punks? And I act accordingly. If there are kids then of course I do not cuss, unless we lose to an 0-5 team. In that case even the 5 yr old in front of me was cussing.

I do drink a lot of beer, but not in the stadium, too damn expensive. But I dont act like a jerk. Atleast no one has ever yelled at me and told me to shut up.

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same here, but also come for the 3-4 hours of tailgating before and after the game, I enjoy talking with Skins fans and watching the people...some weird ones out there! So, tailgating before the game, cheering for the Skins during the game, and tailgating after.:cheers:

I've never gotten into the Tailgating thing. I generally show up about an hour before a game (regardless of sport), pick up whatever food/drink I need on my way to my seat, and plant my backside in the seat as early as I can. I generally get up and stretch my legs at halftime, or between periods of a hockey game, and I leave as soon as the game is over (or as soon as it's obvious my team isn't going to win).

I know a lot of you people enjoy the Tailgating thing, it's just something I've never really found to be all that interesting of an idea.

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I don't understand the fans who get to the stadium and just start drinking non-stop. They spend half their time going to the mens room.

I actually know of one person who drank so much that she entered the stadium, then left to sleep in her car for the entire game. The worst part was that she didn't even remember entering the stadium.

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I go to the games to dress up as a medieval knight and have sword fights.

Your choices are a f'ing joke, but I'm not surprised...

I go to games and dress up like a stick of dynomite, and walk up to girls and say "I am the Bomb!" and then I run away and cry in a port a poty

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E. None of the Above

I go to give as much a support as possible and to enjoy my 4 hours of the week amongst fans like myself who love the 'Skins and want nothing more than wins, home playoff games, and a nerve-wrecking two weeks of Super Bowl hype followed by victory.

I am lucky to have good solid 'Skins fans around my seats. The norm where I am is high fives on big plays, me with obnoxious first down signals on crucial first downs, and the weekly discussion/debate on QBs, DB's, and RBs.

I think wishing for RFK is a futile exercise. As we all know, the place was great, but the variables that created the atmosphere are far different than those at FedEX. From late November into January last year, FedEX created it's own identity. All of us saw a glimpse of it's potential. The common threads between late '05 stretch and RFK....Wins, hardcore 'SKins fans, and fence sitting skins fans cheering their heads off. Within this lies the formula... I have seen the potential in all of us to make FedEX great and it doesnt exist in the argument placed within the poll at the top of this thread. It exists in in the team having exponential success. Those of us who are between b and c above have an obligation to make opposing offenses despise stepping foot inside the FedEx Cavern and to bring those sitting around us along.

It hurts to go from an emotionally draining win at home (Jax) to an emotionally draining loss (Ten). We are left pointing fingers and grasping for answers after the latter.

Just be respectable to those around you, detest the opponents' fans around you, yell your asses off on D, please sing HTTR at the top of your lungs, and please dont sell your Cowboys seats...

Hail to the Redskins and Hail to the Redskins Fans. I've said too much.

Unfortunately, there is no choice available as to why I go. This is the best answer I've seen so far.

My sole mission is to help ensure that WE win. I choose to sit in the endzone not because it has the best view but, because I feel I can have the biggest impact on the game from there. I scream and shout as loud as possible each and every single play our defense is on the field. I do my best to get my little section of FedEx field standing and shouting on every defensive 3rd down. I try to yell words of encouragement to our offense to get them fired up between plays and even more so after a bad play. Not, because I feel like it but, because that's when they need me most!

I feel that I have an obligation to ALL Redskins out there. Be it Redskins overseas fighting for our country, Redskins working out of state, Redskins laying in hospital beds or Redskins that just can't make it to the games for whatever reason. I owe them, I owe coach Gibbs, I owe my team and I owe my fellow 12th man to give every ounce of my being for a few measly hours on Sunday's to ensure our team wins. I have been given a great gift of being a season ticket holder and I tend to do my best to uphold my end of the bargain. I know there's thousands of Redskins out there that would do the same for me if our positions were reversed.

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I've only been to one professional football game. A couple years ago when the Redskins went to Buffalo, I made the drive down. It was something special to see my favorite team in person for the first time. So I cheered. The people in the section I was in, were pretty nice (except for that one guy in the hardhat). It's only fair to be respectful to them too. Respect breeds respect, golden rule and all that right?

I couldn't help laughing when the crowd started chanting "We want Rob". My cries of "you can have him" went unheard.

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Definitely D. I always end up getting drunk. It's really not much different than wathcing it on TV. Although one usually tends to rise above standards for a game at FedEx.

Tailgaiting is naturally the key because it is obsene how much alcohol is inside the stadium. Admittedly in cetain parts of the staduim a great beer can be found. My favorite is the Red Hook IPA on the first level near the band (it's got some decent alcohol and you don't have to buy as many).

Being obnoxious is merely an individual assesment. Many fans bedcome agitated when thier favorite team is playing a rival or a game with high implications. Personal tact should be excersized but the precence of belligerance is the true standard of the drunk ass-hole.

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Wow, this is an amusing thread. I'm not going to bother to vote in the actual poll...it's a little too sweeping to characterize me as a fan. Like most others, I'm a B. Based on what I've read, there are more B's than C's on here, even though your definitions kind of lump everybody who doesn't act the way you would LIKE them to into the classification of "jerk", which is really quite pompous, in my opinion.

I go to the games both to enjoy myself AND to do my part as the 12th man. I don't drink anything except soda, water, or hot chocolate. I cheer when there's a big play...that usually includes standing up. I make a very concerted effort to not stand up unnecessarily, as we are about 8 rows off the field and there's usually no need. But, if the folks around me start standing, I'm going right with them. I will reprimand a solitary person in the front who is the ONLY one standing and therefore blocking the views of others. But, generally, I'd prefer to stand the whole game, if I wasn't courteous of those around me.

The people in our section are used to each other now, but if there are ever new people sitting behind me, I give them fair warning ahead of time that I stand on defense and when people in front of me stand. If you've got a problem with noise, then the stadium is definitely not the place for you. I can be just as loud sitting as I can standing, and I am NOT shy about screaming at the top of my lungs when our team is on defense and they are asking for the 12th man to help them out. I am mindful of children and will not use profanity when there are any around.

I hug and high 5 and sing Hail to the Redskins as loud as I am physically able after we score. I participate in the wave (heaven forbid!). I talk good natured trash with opposing teams fans. I scream at the refs and yell at the players, because they're typically close enough so they can hear me. I reprimanded Lawyer Milloy for checking our cheerleaders out a couple of years ago...he heard me, looked to see who said it, laughed, and turned around. I've looked Sean Taylor in the face from my seat (I was standing) and screamed at him to punish somebody on special teams, and he nodded. You can call it being a jerk if you want, but if I've motivated a player on our team, caused a ref to look at something a little closer next time, or gotten the attention of another team's player? I feel like I'm doing my part more than I would be sitting on my butt with a "respectable clap".


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I do not fit any of your categories! I go to the game to cheer on my team but I refuse to boo. To me it is disrespectful. I also do stand a lot but I am in no way a jerk I am as respectful as I can be to the people behind me. I had a older gentleman one day behind me who could not stand so instead of standing upright I would crouch where he could still see. Him and I did not have any issues.

We do not stand to be rude and to be a jerk. We stand due to our own excitement. I am the first to admit if I see a good play unfolding before my eyes I can not help but jump out of my seat screaming my team on. You need to actually come to a game before you make that accusation.

I'm with you. I don't fit into any of the other categories either. I don't boo. I am respectful, but I cheer and scream and jump up and down in excitement, while trying to be politely aware of any older fans around me (and there are several in my section).. my pet peeve.. people trying to go in and out during plays.. at least wait til between plays!

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  • 1 year later...

Here's to the 49 people that voted for "D"!!!!

"D. To get drunk and act like a jerk.

This group is made up of those people whose sole purpose in attending games is to get as drunk as possible, and disregard as many social standards for behavior as possible. They go out of their way to annoy other fans and disrupt their ability to watch the game."

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None of the above.

I go to games (about 2 a year) and have the best time I possibly can because I think it's an honor to be there. Thats right, I, nor my fiance, grew up in families that could afford to go to games. Now we're doing well, yet removed from Landover slightly, and enjoy every second of being there; it's a gift to ourselves.

If we're not drinking $8 beers after tailgating...we're mixing Beam and Cokes after tailgating. We're not disrespectful and cognizant of every thing that's going on around us: The game, the fans, the ads, our friends and new friends that we high five when a stellar play is made.

Over the last 4 years we haven't had anything resembling a negative experience, maybe because we don't think that way. Over the last 4 years, we've never had a single person in our proximity complain to us or give us a problem for being us, maybe because they don't think that way.

I go to the game to be a fan and enjoy my life, sorry that wasn't an option.

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I go to the games to dress up as a medieval knight and have sword fights.

Your choices are a f'ing joke, but I'm not surprised...

:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

I haven't laughed that hard in a long time.

I drink a lil bit and cheer my ass off, but I always try to be respectful of the people around me.

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Yeah, you don't want to do that. Didn't you hear about all the looting, rapes, and murders at the last game thanks to all the drunk jerk fans?
Sarcasm duly noted....

Curious tho, just what level of adult misbehavior actually needs to be crossed before you consider it inappropriate at a public venue where all ages are welcome?

Please explain without using "Football" as an excuse.

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Sarcasm duly noted....

Curious tho, just what level of adult misbehavior actually needs to be crossed before you consider it inappropriate at a public venue where all ages are welcome?

Please explain without using "Football" as an excuse.

Come on man, it's Football! Lighten up a little...

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Going to the games and acting a fool is all in good fun! We love our skins. The only time I remember seeing someone really acting like a jerk was when a guy came back to his seat with fries and a drink. Unfortunately for him the guy sitting behind him was hungrier than he was and grabbed a handfull for himself. Needless to say the guy who did the grabbing had to spend the rest of the game wet from the beer that was poured on him.

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