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Food For Thought


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ok first off dont crucify me but i was thinking. being from tennessee i know that titans fans love jeff fisher. i also know with all the turmoil here with the cap and all that the titans have problems. the owner of the titans made a statement that he wouldnt let fisher go so he can just sit on the couch. i take this as being that fisher may well be on his way out after this season.

i have heard and seen many rumors and posts thinking that this may be gibbs final year. desppite his contract not saying so. and we all know that he is most likely going to go to the front office when he is done coaching.

i love JG dont get me wrong.... i miss the "good ole days" but maybe joe doenst have it anymore. i ahte to think that believe me but maybe he doesnt. he is sticking by brunell which i think is a lost cause and many seem to think he has lost his nerve.

hypothetically speaking of course, but what if joe goes to the FO next year and fisher is on the market........ how would yall feel about picking up fisher as HC?

i know we have williams and saunders. but saunders just got here and williams defense while competitive has gone downhill since we were overall 3 defense when MARviN LEWIS was here.

as for me...... id take fisher in a heartbeat.

and before you bash me about this thread remember,..... at leaqst its not another start campbell thread or a john hall thread!!! he he he.

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Change your screen name to Jeffknows.

Damn these threads. Damn them all.

Your thread is not so bad compared to the other ones here... I'll give you that. I just can't take this board anymore after a loss.

i never said it is what i wanted i just said that SHOULD JG step aside as HC, would this be viable or what direction should we go?

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If we get a new coach in here it has got to be a young aggressive, no BS guy that is very discipline. If you look at all the teams that are doing well. The Bears, Saints, Rams, Falcons, Viks, they all have that. I am as old school as anyone, but I just think that this is a new modern era, and young inovative coaches are what the NFL is all about.

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If we get a new coach in here it has got to be a young aggressive, no BS guy that is very discipline. If you look at all the teams that are doing well. The Bears, Saints, Rams, Falcons, Viks, they all have that. I am as old school as anyone, but I just think that this is a new modern era, and young inovative coaches are what the NFL is all about.

true enough and im not quite sure where fisher lines up in that seeing as his team is in serious cap trouble or has been anyway. now, is that his fault or the FO in tennessee? i dont know. but JF is not exactly an overly conservative coach.

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If we get a new coach in here it has got to be a young aggressive, no BS guy that is very discipline. If you look at all the teams that are doing well. The Bears, Saints, Rams, Falcons, Viks, they all have that. I am as old school as anyone, but I just think that this is a new modern era, and young inovative coaches are what the NFL is all about.

What those teams have in common is an easy schedule so far.

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hypothetically speaking of course, but what if joe goes to the FO next year and fisher is on the market........ how would yall feel about picking up fisher as HC

a joke?

i believe we call the above....... a dsiclaimer

who said anything about dropping anyone?

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What those teams have in common is an easy schedule so far.

What those teams have, schedule aside, is the players buying into what they are doing. They are playing hard every week, and getting better and better each game. I don't buy this schedule crap. This is the NFL, and every week is a tough game. Do you think it will be easy for us this week? The Titans will give us a good game, and on paper, they should get blown out. These other teams coaches that I mentioned, are getting maximum effort out of their players every game. And I know all those teams would score more than 3 points on O against division rivals. I think the coaches have a little to do with that

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:doh: Man were you saying the same thing last year when he took them to the playoffs ? We're at 2-3 not 0-4:doh: faith my friend have a little faith. Yes things are not going the way that we would like it to go but if anyone can right the ship it is JG.

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i never said i had no faith in gibbs. i, in fact, have a lot of faith in gibbs. im just throwing a hypothetical situation out there. no more ridiculous than many others i have seen on this site.

trust me i am one of gibbs biggest supporters..... but then there is reality to contend with. i just hope my faith in jg is the same as reality

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ok first off dont crucify me but i was thinking. being from tennessee i know that titans fans love jeff fisher. i also know with all the turmoil here with the cap and all that the titans have problems. the owner of the titans made a statement that he wouldnt let fisher go so he can just sit on the couch. i take this as being that fisher may well be on his way out after this season.

i have heard and seen many rumors and posts thinking that this may be gibbs final year. desppite his contract not saying so. and we all know that he is most likely going to go to the front office when he is done coaching.

i love JG dont get me wrong.... i miss the "good ole days" but maybe joe doenst have it anymore. i ahte to think that believe me but maybe he doesnt. he is sticking by brunell which i think is a lost cause and many seem to think he has lost his nerve.

Last edited.... :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

What was the point in editing? Relax man. Gibbs isn't going anywhere unless his health becomes an issue. I think GW would get the nod anyway, and you'd probably see Gibbs oversee the team. I think he feels more comfortable in the roll he is in now. Joe still has it. Have you been drynknig? :laugh: :D


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