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Could someone explain why we don't have a home divisional game...


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the Redskins offseason marketing machine put the team behind the 8 ball to start the season as the NFL decided that the Skins would open 2 weeks in a row on high profile national telecasts. the Reskins very rarely perform well in these games.

remember Gibbs' Monday night record during his first tenure? he wasn't close to .500.

and yet on Sunday games he was .700 and better than that for the playoffs.

go figure.

but there is no doubt this team had a bullseye on its back entering the season because of the expectations built up around the league and I don't think the Redskins players fully understood the import of this at the time:

Like the Steelers the Redskins were going to get the best effort from the teams on their schedule.

Meanwhile, the Eagles were able to slip under the radar and sneak up on teams and pound them, playing on Sunday afternoon at 1pm with no fan fare or extra press scrutiny.

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