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Darn hassling Police.


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I am driving my brother back from his birthday celebration at the local bowling alley through a stretch of rt. 66 which is basically the main road in Flagstaff where the speed drops down the 30 MPH for about 1/5 of a mile. I was doing 40, following my drunk friends who were in front doing about 50 to their house to shoot some pool. A cop pulls out of the local car dealership and pulls me over.

He asks for my liscence well I dont have it: I am wearing shorts that, while extremely comfortable, have no pockets to carry my wallet in, and I left my wallet at home because originally my brother was driving (I drove back because he had 1 beer and was afraid of some sort of zero tolerance policy getting him)

So I give him a bunch of my other info, handed over my registration and insurance card. The Maryland system was giving them a hard time and apparently I didnt exsist which he asked a few more questions about me, asked me my information in Maryland I guess to make sure I was actually a person and not just making it all up.

Anyways in the end he let me go without a ticket or a warning just said to keep it no more than 5MPH over...one problem: he didnt give me my registration and insurance card back. I forgot to ask for it back cause I really just wanted to get the hell out of there, so tomorrow my brother and I are going to go down to the police station to get it back.

I just dont get it. One of our friends was drunk, almost ran over 2 of our other friends in the parking lot of the bowling alley when they stood in front of her car because they didnt want her driving home before she hopped the curb speeding out of the parking lot. Our other drunk friends were doing 50 in front of us, but we are the ones who get pulled over. The only ones with a sober driver who for all intents and purposes was obeying the law. I wouldnt feel so bad about the whole incident if the system worked. He missed 2 drunk drivers before pulling over a sober driver and making him switch drivers with his brother who had actually had a little bit to drink. IMO he is 0-4 in decision making. How are these people counted upon to keep our streets safe?

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How did this make "darn and Hasseling" again.

You were speeding (10 over) .. admitted.

You didnt have a license.. admitted.

You didnt show up in the MD registration..

and you walked away without a ticket?

Your drunk friends drove home and you drove you friend who had 1 beer? by the time you switched seats he was only on 1/2 a beer...

You were driving the wrong car.

Yet the cop was supposed to know about previous incidents not seen AND the mindset of a car that went by in 8 seconds... They may have let up on the gas for that 200' of road.

Sounds to me like someone just wanted to vent about nothing while admitting they didnt drive the drunk people home... The cop wasn't 0-4... someone else was.

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How did this make "darn and Hasseling" again.

You were speeding (10 over) .. admitted.

You didnt have a license.. admitted.

You didnt show up in the MD registration..

and you walked away without a ticket?

Your drunk friends drove home and you drove you friend who had 1 beer? by the time you switched seats he was only on 1/2 a beer...

You were driving the wrong car.

Yet the cop was supposed to know about previous incidents not seen AND the mindset of a car that went by in 8 seconds... They may have let up on the gas for that 200' of road.

Sounds to me like someone just wanted to vent about nothing while admitting they didnt drive the drunk people home... The cop wasn't 0-4... someone else was.

We have a winner!

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I am driving my brother back from his birthday celebration at the local bowling alley through a stretch of rt. 66 which is basically the main road in Flagstaff where the speed drops down the 30 MPH for about 1/5 of a mile. I was doing 40, following my drunk friends who were in front doing about 50 to their house to shoot some pool. A cop pulls out of the local car dealership and pulls me over.

He asks for my liscence well I dont have it: I am wearing shorts that, while extremely comfortable, have no pockets to carry my wallet in, and I left my wallet at home because originally my brother was driving (I drove back because he had 1 beer and was afraid of some sort of zero tolerance policy getting him)

So I give him a bunch of my other info, handed over my registration and insurance card. The Maryland system was giving them a hard time and apparently I didnt exsist which he asked a few more questions about me, asked me my information in Maryland I guess to make sure I was actually a person and not just making it all up.

Anyways in the end he let me go without a ticket or a warning just said to keep it no more than 5MPH over...one problem: he didnt give me my registration and insurance card back. I forgot to ask for it back cause I really just wanted to get the hell out of there, so tomorrow my brother and I are going to go down to the police station to get it back.

I just dont get it. One of our friends was drunk, almost ran over 2 of our other friends in the parking lot of the bowling alley when they stood in front of her car because they didnt want her driving home before she hopped the curb speeding out of the parking lot. Our other drunk friends were doing 50 in front of us, but we are the ones who get pulled over. The only ones with a sober driver who for all intents and purposes was obeying the law. I wouldnt feel so bad about the whole incident if the system worked. He missed 2 drunk drivers before pulling over a sober driver and making him switch drivers with his brother who had actually had a little bit to drink. IMO he is 0-4 in decision making. How are these people counted upon to keep our streets safe?

Think about it guy, you just said your friends were going about 50 to your 40. They are going about 10 feet per second faster than you so your really not right behind them. You say a cop pulls out of a car dealership. How do you even know if the cop even had time by then to see your Drunk friends go by. Then they do stop you. Your speeding, you dont have your lic. And then they give your a verble warning to slow down. Your lucky, you can be arrested for not having your lic. with you and you did not get a ticket.
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I think that most people, maybe all people, have a very tough time recognizing when they are in the wrong, in regards to their moral and ethical judgments.

I also sometimes think that the only way to convince people that they're in the wrong is to have a public pile-on.

This is one of those times. You are wrong on this one, in all the ways already mentioned.

You're only 18, though, so there's still time for you to learn that the concepts of right and wrong are about more than your own personal desires. :)

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you got off, what's to complain about? Especially w/o a license, seems like there would be a zero tolerance rule for that. 10 mph over may not be a big deal and may be commonplace on that road, but the fact is, you were still 10 miles over. It's also pretty cool of the cop to say "don't go 5 over". I would love to be pulled over by cops like that.

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I think you did your friends a disservice by allowing them to drive. Seriously' date=' there could have been worse consequences for your friends than being pulled over.[/quote']

Bingo...you should have driven them, and the police I believe would have worked more into your favor..Their should be no excuses for allowing people to drive drunk...


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I am driving my brother back from his birthday celebration at the local bowling alley through a stretch of rt. 66 which is basically the main road in Flagstaff where the speed drops down the 30 MPH for about 1/5 of a mile. I was doing 40, following my drunk friends who were in front doing about 50 to their house to shoot some pool. A cop pulls out of the local car dealership and pulls me over.

He asks for my liscence well I dont have it: I am wearing shorts that, while extremely comfortable, have no pockets to carry my wallet in, and I left my wallet at home because originally my brother was driving (I drove back because he had 1 beer and was afraid of some sort of zero tolerance policy getting him)

So I give him a bunch of my other info, handed over my registration and insurance card. The Maryland system was giving them a hard time and apparently I didnt exsist which he asked a few more questions about me, asked me my information in Maryland I guess to make sure I was actually a person and not just making it all up.

Anyways in the end he let me go without a ticket or a warning just said to keep it no more than 5MPH over...one problem: he didnt give me my registration and insurance card back. I forgot to ask for it back cause I really just wanted to get the hell out of there, so tomorrow my brother and I are going to go down to the police station to get it back.

I just dont get it. One of our friends was drunk, almost ran over 2 of our other friends in the parking lot of the bowling alley when they stood in front of her car because they didnt want her driving home before she hopped the curb speeding out of the parking lot. Our other drunk friends were doing 50 in front of us, but we are the ones who get pulled over. The only ones with a sober driver who for all intents and purposes was obeying the law. I wouldnt feel so bad about the whole incident if the system worked. He missed 2 drunk drivers before pulling over a sober driver and making him switch drivers with his brother who had actually had a little bit to drink. IMO he is 0-4 in decision making. How are these people counted upon to keep our streets safe?

What I can't comprehend is the fact you intentionally left your wallet at home due to your brother wanting to drive, which indicates you went in his vehicle, but you conveniently had your own registration and insurance info with you. I'm a little curious as to where you kept all this paperwork, as well as the 'bunch of other info'!

You went out for a birthday celebration, but you intentionally left your wallet at home because you wore shorts without pockets - you obviously planned on sponging off your brother and friends all night.

Then we have the cop who suggested it's ok to speed, as long as it wasn't more than 5mph over.

If this experience has upset you so much, why not report the cop to his superiors, explaining the situation EXACTLY as you have done here.

Finally, you give your location as Arizona, but you say you still have a Maryland license. Are you now a resident of Arizona, or are you just visiting? Surely, if the former, not changing your details would also be an offense, like it is here.

Just be thankful the cop let you go without a warning.

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