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Props to the Jags! What a great game.


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Thanks for giving us the best Redskins game that I have watched in some time! Leftwich is a real beast, it is amazing watching him develop even more each year. Those hits he took just to move the ball downfield was really something to marvel at. Thanks a lot for a real thriller today! I will be cheering you on when you face the Eagles and Giants. :)

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How 'bout Williams' TD catch? I really thought he was shaking his head to make sure it was still attached. Gotta him him credit -- that was a big time catch. Not many receivers could hold on to that ball when they know Sean Taylor is coming at them like a freight train.

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Leftwich is awesome........He had a great game w/ those receivers and defense. He'll be fine in the future...and mark my words folks; we may see them again thie year:cool:

LOL, I WONT be looking forward to that. I damn near had a heart attack today as it is.

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Great game by both teams. Hard to watch as a Skin fan because of how close it was though. Maybe next time they will think twice about calling out Porits before the game?

Yeah, when I saw that going on I was already having flashbacks to an eagles like meltdown on offense.

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Leftwitch is a Stud

He stayed in the pocket when he knew he was going to get rocked, stepped INTO the hit...and completed a long one that he couldn't have seen on his butt.

And he was threading the needle.

Its gonna be fun watching them vs the Gnats and Pigeons

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Yea, definately the toughest team we've faced this year, and maybe the past two years.

No Doubt. Definetly feels like a turning point, Our D gave it to a good Offense while in past games G.W. was afraid to bring it without Springs.

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This game TOTALLY reminded me of last years S.D. game.

Remember we were up by 10 in the beginning of the fourth quarter???

Tough AFC opponent.....OVERTIME game?!!??!?

I was thinking oh damm...dejavu all over again.

And then the clock struck MOSS.

Is there any argument that Santana is pound for pound BETTER than Randy Moss?

I think stats speak for themselves.

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This was the best game I've had the pleasure to watch in a long time. The was aboslutely no quit in either team, and just when you thought one had established control, the other came back with guns blazing. Our skins cam in and played a hell of a game, against a hell of a football team.


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