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Whatz Up Redskin Fam, Im New!!!!!


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Finally Im here!!!! I just wanna say whatz up to all my distant relatives here on ExtremeSkins.com. I'm 27 and I've been a Redskin fan since I was 3, and a DIE HARD fan since I was 8. If we lose every game for the next 10 years (knock on wood), I still will be a DIE HARD fan bringing up our past Superbowl victories :laugh:, and I will bring up our two unforgettable victories last year over the those sorry a** cowgirls. And I will bring up how we pissed on their lil ceremony they were having for Troy "LaVar ended my career" Aikman, Michael "Sniff Sniff" Irvin, and Emmitt "I wouldnt have been crap w/o my allpro offensive line" Smith. Thatz one for the books :dallasuck :)

Not to ramble, but, I first came across this website the night of our opener against Minn. when John Hall missed the field goal that would have tied the game:cuss: :cuss: :cuss: . I was so pissed, I couldnt even talk to anyone. Anyway, I found myself on this site reading all the post by all the DIE-HARD frustrated fans like myself. And all the post were very insightful, frustrating and at the same time very funny. And I needed to smile after that game, cause that hurt. But I came back to this site after we lost to those **** cowhoez, and after the win in Houstan:cheers: . I just never signed up, cause I was having problems registering, but now Im here!!!!! Jacksonville is not ready for what were about to do to them on Sunday. Believe that.

And for goodness sake, can we pleeeaaase get some deep balls to Moss this game!!!!


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Don't mean to take the wind out of his sails, but I'm new too!

I've been a die hard 'Skins fan since I was three because I had the Redskins game on the TV during my 3rd birthday party. (Of course, I barely knew what football was, but it runs through my dad's veins just like it runs through mine)

Worked for the Official Redskins Store in Fair Oaks Mall for over a year

Going up to the game this Sunday to be a beer vendor :cool:


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Welcome man! Yea I agree with getting those deep balls to Moss, I think we'll beat them by using our speed.

Thankz Santana, I agree. Mannnn, for real, we can beat ANY team in the league if we play use all our tools correctly, and play like we're capable of playing. Them 3 yard passes are only gonna get us but so far against more superior defences. We're better then that. We dont have to go deep every other play, but we gotta open it up a little. If we didnt have the talent, that would be one thing. But hell, we gotta Santana out there. He was the 2nd best reciever in the league last year. Even if he doesnt catch it, maybe we can at least get a pass interference. I hope we at least try going down field this game.

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Finally Im here!!!! I just wanna say whatz up to all my distant relatives here on ExtremeSkins.com. I'm 27 and I've been a Redskin fan since I was 3, and a DIE HARD fan since I was 8. If we lose every game for the next 10 years (knock on wood), I still will be a DIE HARD fan bringing up our past Superbowl victories :laugh:, and I will bring up our two unforgettable victories last year over the those sorry a** cowgirls. And I will bring up how we pissed on their lil ceremony they were having for Troy "LaVar ended my career" Aikman, Michael "Sniff Sniff" Irvin, and Emmitt "I wouldnt have been crap w/o my allpro offensive line" Smith. Thatz one for the books :dallasuck :)

Not to ramble, but, I first came across this website the night of our opener against Minn. when John Hall missed the winning field goal:cuss: :cuss: :cuss: . I was so pissed, I couldnt even talk to anyone. Anyway, I found myself on this site reading all the post by all the DIE-HARD frustrated fans like myself. And all the post were very insightful, frustrating and at the same time very funny. And I needed to smile after that game, cause that hurt. But I came back to this site after we lost to those **** cowhoez, and after the win in Houstan:cheers: . I just never signed up, cause I was having problems registering, but now Im here!!!!! Jacksonville is not ready for what were about to do to them on Sunday. Believe that.

And for goodness sake, can we pleeeaaase get some deep balls to Moss this game!!!!


go cowboys! crybaby
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