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Bush Attacks 'Party of Cut and Run'


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That really is a kickass slogan, though. What is should say is "No Spin Zone, (except for me)". Think about how great the slogan has worked for O'Reilly, though. He's selling "The Spin Stops Here" doormats and "No Spin Zone" golf balls.

I'd like to see O'Reilly spinning from a chuck norris round house kick.

that guy gets on my nerves

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Didn't Bush Cut & Run from Afganistan?

Also, I think Bush head's the party of "Cut & Paste" because he cherry-picked intelligence reports so much in order to justify war.

not really from afghanistan but one could say the reports for the iraq war were cherry picked right out of his @$$

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Don't like cut and run, never have. Not much of a slogan guy I guess.

But at least we have another thread where maybe we can learn what everyone thinks of Bush and the rest of the administration.

I am really hoping to hear what Chomerics, Midnight Judges, Air Force Cane, Sarge, etc think of the guy. If only Crazyhorse was still around then we could find out from him also.


Can i Tivo my life forward to December? That'd be swell.

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Whats fair is fair He was credible up until 09/11/01 then prceeded to prove beyond a reasonable doubt he was unfit for command. I am a GOP and am ashamed at what has happened to my country

let me see we have not been attacked since, the stock market is at the highest ever, jobs are out there for those who want them and the economy is doing pretty good

why is this country so bad right now??

I do not agree with everything Bush has done but this country is doing pretty well, except of course our ryder cup team, you can not blame him on that though :D

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let me see we have not been attacked since, the stock market is at the highest ever, jobs are out there for those who want them and the economy is doing pretty good


The Dow Jones is doing very well. The broader stock market itself is not at its highest levels ever, particularly the NASDAQ. The S&P was also about 500 points higher.

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The Dow Jones is doing very well. The broader stock market itself is not at its highest levels ever, particularly the NASDAQ. The S&P was also about 500 points higher.

It will by the end of the year.

The main reason is the drop in gas prices, this has such a huge impact on this economy and we are now producing at almost 100%

Yes Bush has not been perfect, but no president is and right now he has done quite a bit good, that no one notices.

As far as Iraq yes it is clear there were issues leading up to it however all those who take Clinton's side with our bad intelligence has to do with the same with Bush since our intelligence only recently is back up to par. From 1995 to 2003 or 2004 our Intelligence department was a joke, and we have suffered for that.

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Well, I hope you're right about the stock market soaring. I also have always wanted to be completely wrong in my frustrations with Bush, but like my thread a week ago showed, almost everyone seems to be dissatisfied in pretty much every major area both conservative and liberal. If we remove the labels, there are pretty substantial problems that conservertives acknowledge. Education, Energy, Homeland Security, Health Care, etc.

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Well, I hope you're right about the stock market soaring. I also have always wanted to be completely wrong in my frustrations with Bush, but like my thread a week ago showed, almost everyone seems to be dissatisfied in pretty much every major area both conservative and liberal. If we remove the labels, there are pretty substantial problems that conservertives acknowledge. Education, Energy, Homeland Security, Health Care, etc.

Yes but is that the presidents fault?? I blame the senate and house for not being able to work together and only care about themselves.

The healthcare issue I blame everyone, stop putting blame on the restaurants or food companies but it where it needs to be on the people. They are the ones who decide what they eat and it is clear health is not important to many.

These attempts in banning certain foods and oils from restaurants is a joke, they blame is on the us people and that is it. We would not have extremely high insurance rates if everyone was healthier.

Education is overated as well, so what if our scores are not the best in the world. We do have the most kids in college earning degress, we have the most # of colleges. Immigrants from overseas are in our colleges as well because they are the best in the world.

We have the most nobel prizes and certifications, letters etc...

My problem with Conservatives is they want to take away most of our freedoms and my problem with Liberals is they want to blame everyone except themselves for all these issues that are out there.

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:laugh: :laugh: You could at least buy me dinner first. :D

Have I ever said I "hate" Dubya? No, so don't try and put words in my mouth. In fact, I think George W. Bush is probably a nice guy who would be fun to drink a few beers with. Not a good President though.

Dubya doesn't drink

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.... The Democrats aren't going to be able to bring the troops home anyways, at least not without committing political suicide. It was Nixon who brought the troops home from Vietnam, and if anyone is going to pull it off this time around, it will be a Republican sounding an isolationist note....

Boy that has to be one of the most simplistic statements about the Vietnam war I've read. Try reading a little more about Nixon and Vietnam. You think he did that on his own. You think our leaving Vietnam wasn't because of the incredible opposition to the war. That opposition grew out of an antiwar movement labeled by the powers that be as unpatriotic, even treasonous, and cowardly. You know , the old "cut and run" canard. In reality it was the Democrats who brought the troops home. It was the antiwar movement - including those "hippies" you seemingly disparage. (Although I'm not so sure from your comment you actually know who or what the "hippies" or even the antiwar movement were)

And now we have Kissinger advising Bush on this war. That is disturbing. The specter of Kissinger trying to redeem himself through another war and off the backs of more troops is scary and appalling.

Dubya doesn't drink

Don't be so sure about that.

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