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How to hit your wife and make it look like an accident


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Sorry guys...didn't laugh one bit. Since when is it funny when a man hits a woman. It is obvious that he did it on purpose...it is obvious that the couple next to him could tell too.

I was raised that there is only one reason that a man should hit a woman, and that is self defense, and even then, if she can be handled in such a way that you don't have to hit her, then don't.

I have since concluded that there is one other reason. If a woman insists on acting like a man, then there are times she may have to be treated like a man to show her she isn't one.

I have 2 cases for you...

One - A girl I used to date. When I was 18, I had extremely large muscular legs. We would sitting watching TV, and she would raise her hand up, then come down on my legs with a fist, really hard, and it caused severe frogging/cramping and was very painful. She kept doing this like it was funny over a period of a couple of weeks. I asked her repeatedly not to do this because it caused me extreme pain. She refused to listen to my request. So I told her that if she insisted on acting like a man, I would treat her like one. She called my bluff. She hit me, I popped on the leg, but not hard, just enough to get her attention. She didn't think I would do more, so she hit me again. I popped her harder. She still didn't believe I would do what was necessary to stop her behavior so she hit me again. This time, I treated her like a man and popped her leg good. She did it two more times, and after a total of 3 hits on her leg, she had enough. It stopped for good. IT was sad that it had to come to this. I told her that from that moment on, if she acted like a man, I would treat her like one. She believed me from that moment on.

Two - My sister-n-law thought it was funny to keep smacking me upside my head. Every time she saw me, she would pop me. She started getting harder and harder with the hits over a period of a couple of months. I kept asking her to stop and finally told her that if she didn't stop, I would treat her like a man as I did in my first story. BTW, she had gotten to the point that she wasn't just slapping me, but was getting quite violent with the hits. I am a man of great patience and am easy going with a temper that has a high breaking point, but once it breaks, you better be in the next state. I warned her of this and displayed great patience in warning her repeatedly. She wouldn't listen.

She walked up to me one day and popped me good. I told her that was the last time, from that moment on, I would treat her like a man. She popped me again. Although I lost it, I still refrained from "hitting" other than hitting her like she hit me. Anyone remember the wrestler "Wahoo McDaniel" that old indian who did the chops on people's head. I sort did that a couple of times and acted crazy for a minute. She panicked. I didn't hurt but I did scare the crap out of her. She hasn't touched me since.

What is it with some people in this world? Why are they like that? I was raised with "respect" for others. But too many people in this world have been raised by the TV, where disrepsect and violence is a way of life. It now shows in the behavior of our society. I think it is easy to see who was raised by their parents in a proper manner and who was raised by the TV.

So...I don't find the clip at all amusing. He hit her on purpose. There is no excuse for it. I vote to delete it. I wonder why some of you find it funny. Watch it again...he purposely slaps her. What is funny about that? Would you think it was funny if I did that to a woman in your family that was close to you? Let me do that to your sister, your mom, or your girlfriend or spouse. Let's trade places with the people in that video clip, and let me slap that woman you care about while you are the man next to me...I bet you knock me into next week. Why then is it funny that this man slaps this woman? THINK about it!

This is the first thread I have given the "THUMBS DOWN" signal to on this board.

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WOW SCskinsfan...it's not like he murdered the woman on the dance floor. I think it takes a sense of humor to laugh at this kind of stuff. Lighten up. I thought the video was hilarious because the guy gets upset that his wife messed up on one of her dance moves. Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee. Jab, jab, 1,2...jab,jab, 1,2.

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WOW SCskinsfan...it's not like he murdered the woman on the dance floor. I think it takes a sense of humor to laugh at this kind of stuff. Lighten up. I thought the video was hilarious because the guy gets upset that his wife messed up on one of her dance moves. Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee. Jab, jab, 1,2...jab,jab, 1,2.


The clip is funny because people on the internet arent real. :)

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Two - My sister-n-law thought it was funny to keep smacking me upside my head. Every time she saw me, she would pop me. She started getting harder and harder with the hits over a period of a couple of months. I kept asking her to stop and finally told her that if she didn't stop, I would treat her like a man as I did in my first story. BTW, she had gotten to the point that she wasn't just slapping me, but was getting quite violent with the hits. I am a man of great patience and am easy going with a temper that has a high breaking point, but once it breaks, you better be in the next state. I warned her of this and displayed great patience in warning her repeatedly. She wouldn't listen.

She walked up to me one day and popped me good. I told her that was the last time, from that moment on, I would treat her like a man. She popped me again. Although I lost it, I still refrained from "hitting" other than hitting her like she hit me. Anyone remember the wrestler "Wahoo McDaniel" that old indian who did the chops on people's head. I sort did that a couple of times and acted crazy for a minute. She panicked. I didn't hurt but I did scare the crap out of her. She hasn't touched me since.


Sorry, but I just found this story funny. Are you shorter than average or something? I can't think of why someone would walk up to somebody and smack them on the head. Maybe you're just a midget and she drew amusement from towering over you and smacking you like a child. :laugh:

just jokes.

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Interesting. Very interesting.

I'd just love to know where this idea that a man should NEVER hit a woman comes from? It's not a policy I'VE ever been taught or believed in... If these women want "equality" so bad, they better be willing to take the bad with the good. That includes getting a facefull of knuckles from time to time.

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Interesting. Very interesting.

I'd just love to know where this idea that a man should NEVER hit a woman comes from? It's not a policy I'VE ever been taught or believed in... If these women want "equality" so bad, they better be willing to take the bad with the good. That includes getting a facefull of knuckles from time to time.

I believe he included a exception for self defense.

The idea of never hitting a woman is one I strongly support, it is a bit chauvanistic ;) but I do consider them the weaker sex and afford them limited immunity. :D

It is a theme strongly ingrained in my family that a man who strikes a woman is not a MAN. This possibly is a result of lack of personal control when I resort to violence,similar to my policy of never spanking my children when angry to avoid injury.

There have been several instances where I have intervened in such action to good effect with no backsliders that I am aware of.

I came to find out my son's new girlfriend had physical abuse issues with her former BF and while I reassured her there was no reason for her to fear such action from my son, I promised remedial lessons IF needed.

Sorry for seriousness on a thread meant for humor,but I have seen too much of the ugly side of it to laugh. :2cents:

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Interesting. Very interesting.

I'd just love to know where this idea that a man should NEVER hit a woman comes from? It's not a policy I'VE ever been taught or believed in... If these women want "equality" so bad, they better be willing to take the bad with the good. That includes getting a facefull of knuckles from time to time.

Figured you were more inclined to use a .45.


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Interesting. Very interesting.

I'd just love to know where this idea that a man should NEVER hit a woman comes from? It's not a policy I'VE ever been taught or believed in... If these women want "equality" so bad, they better be willing to take the bad with the good. That includes getting a facefull of knuckles from time to time.

It takes a REAL MAN to beat up on a woman. When was the last time you punched your Mother in the face? I bet you wouldn't let any man punch her would you? So it's ok for men to go around beating up on women then? Is that what you were taught?

To THE STEVE... Sorry to disappoint you, she does not tower over me. She just likes to aggrevate people, it makes her very happy, and she pushes people to their limit to see what she can get away with. It makes her smile from ear to ear if she can piss you off. She stays away from now...I made it very clear, if you want to act like a man, I will treat you like one. People have to stand up to her for her to treat them with any respect.

I'm finding the comments to this quite interesting...a woman messes up and it's ok for a man to hit her??? It's even considered funny??? Wow...I'm glad I'm not married to any of you guys. How many of you hit your wife? And I didn't get the impression that he hit because she messed up, it looked quite intentional to me. I will review it to see if she did mess up, he was twirling her back and forth pretty fast then started smacking her...yet, a REAL MAN.

I'm 45, I was taught growing up to have respect for women. And yes, for all people too. I see some of you weren't taught to respect others. May I send someone over to slap your spouse, your mother, or even your sister or daughter. You wouldn't allow for it no matter what the reason, nor would you think it was funny...you would kick his butt. But it is funny when it is someone else. There is a real warped sense of reality in this world. The word hypocrite comes to mind. There is a really big double standard floating around this world today...and it has invaded this forum. If it's ok for him to slap that woman around...it is ok for me to slap your mother around, or your wife, or your sister, or your child...etc...don't have any of those, fill in the blank with a female you don't want me to hit. Get the point?

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I believe he included a exception for self defense.

The idea of never hitting a woman is one I strongly support, it is a bit chauvanistic ;) but I do consider them the weaker sex and afford them limited immunity. :D

I never said anything about self-defense.

I firmly believe that is a woman wants to tell me she's the equal of a Man that means I should treat her the exact same way that I would treat a guy. Which means if she says or does something that I'd punch or otherwise physically assault a Man over, I'm going to do the same to her.

If she wants the rights of a Man, she has to accept the potential downside of it as well. Whether that's the exact same requirements for a job, or the potential of being physically assaulted for her actions and comments.

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So it's ok for men to go around beating up on women then? Is that what you were taught?

A REAL woman earns the protection from that sort of thing by a: accepting her proper place in the world and b: by not putting herself in a position to have that happen. If a woman acts properly and appropriately, there's no need for it to ever be done.

If she presents herself as a proper Lady she is granted the protections of Chivalry. Now, if she walks up to me, tells me she's my equal and demands to be treated like a Mam; then fine.... she's going to get treated just like every other guy out there. Including being subject to physical assauly if/when necessary.

I'm finding the comments to this quite interesting...a woman messes up and it's ok for a man to hit her??? It's even considered funny??? Wow...I'm glad I'm not married to any of you guys. How many of you hit your wife? And I didn't get the impression that he hit because she messed up, it looked quite intentional to me. I will review it to see if she did mess up, he was twirling her back and forth pretty fast then started smacking her...yet, a REAL MAN.

If she wants to be treated like a Man (which is what Feminism is all about), then she has to accept the bad with the good. I have struck girlfriends of mine in the past. More than once. If they had chosen to present themselves as proper Ladies they would not have been treated that way. Instead they wanted to be modern Women, and they had to accept what comes with that.

I'm 45, I was taught growing up to have respect for women. And yes, for all people too. I see some of you weren't taught to respect others. May I send someone over to slap your spouse, your mother, or even your sister or daughter. You wouldn't allow for it no matter what the reason, nor would you think it was funny...you would kick his butt. But it is funny when it is someone else. There is a real warped sense of reality in this world. The word hypocrite comes to mind. There is a really big double standard floating around this world today...and it has invaded this forum. If it's ok for him to slap that woman around...it is ok for me to slap your mother around, or your wife, or your sister, or your child...etc...don't have any of those, fill in the blank with a female you don't want me to hit. Get the point?

I was taught to have respect for women. Unfortunately there are not many real "women" or "Ladies" around anymore. All too often what I find are "modern Women". Creatures that feel they're the equal of any Man on the planet. As so, they lose their ability to hide behind the veil of Chivalry when it comes to physical punishment. Regardless of whether she is mother, daughter, wife, sister, etc....

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Mass_Skins Fan,

Thanks for clarifying your position, I understand it much better now.

Technically, I tell women about the same thing which is what I did in the two stories I related...however, I still just can't bring myself to be able to hit a woman unless it is more of a self-defense position. Growing up, it was sort of drilled into my head (and I agree with it), that a man just should not hit a woman unless it is necessary. Those two women made it necessary for me, and I gave them repeated warnings. They learned the hard way...and I hated every moment of it. They acted like men (physically), I treated them that way. I can't treat them like men physically if they only act like it mentally. They cross the line when they hit me.

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SC Skins Fan you must look like a real wuss for every woman you meet to think they can beat the crap out of ya!:laugh:


Actually, quite the opposite. I just ran into two wackos. The first one I was stupid enough to marry. She didn't show her true colors until we were married 6 months at which time I asked her why she didn't show me this person when we dated, to which she replied "You wouldn't have married me." To which I replied, "EXACTLY!"

I was her first husband, she has been divorced 5 times. She had custody of our daughter, but I was able to get her out of there in her junior year of high school. I had her arrested twice on felony charges and the officer told me she had a rap sheet a mile long (I had no idea). She loved to fight men, even broke the jaw of one boyfriend and he was a big dude...I wouldn't have messed with him. She was the one that hit me on the leg, and that was when we were dating. It never happened again until we were married. She swung at me one day...and she knew after that to never do that again.

The only time she tried to hit me after that was while we were in the process of separating. Her lawyer was a close family friend and he told her to hit me so I would hit her back. But my lawyer had already warned me of this tactic, saying that women bruise easily and they always try this. If I were to hit her, she would probably win by default. So...she punched me in the face. I just looked at her and said "Is that all you've got?" (keep in mind she has broken the jaw of one big dude since). That really pissed her off and she left. She was hoping I would keep my promise from the first time she swung at me since I promised to beat the crap out of her is she ever swung at me again...I scared her bad when she swung at me that day and I did it without hitting her. I am a mild mannered and patient guy...until...somebody swings at me. Then it gets really bad.

As for my sister-n-law...she is one wacko woman. My wife and I were talking about her problems just an hour ago. She needs some serious help. But she stays away from me now after I went off on her. She hasn't come to our house in a long time and doesn't want to anymore. I'm a nice guy until you piss me off. And I'm still nice to her, but she doesn't doesn't want to see me unless necessary. Nobody in the family will call her down for her behavior but me, everyone else just looks the other way. She can't stand it when I have something to say.

I'm not a fighter, don't believe in it. I had a roommate once who grew up on the streets. We worked together too. He loved to fight and would beat people to a pulp, putting many in the hospital. He messed with me one time and I tortured him mentally for a month. He said that was the last time he would ever mess with me. We are still friends 12 years later, and we've talked about how he likes to fight and I don't, and he told me that I am the kind of guy he hates to fight with. Why? I am the quiet type. He said that guys like me are the most dangerous. That we keep quiet until...one day...we explode. And he is right. I don't like me when I explode, and it has happened. I consider myself a lover, not a fighter...but when pushed, it's not pretty. And I ran into 2 wacko women...and I have known a lot of women...I can't help it if 2 were lost in space...

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I was her first husband, she has been divorced 5 times. She had custody of our daughter, but I was able to get her out of there in her junior year of high school. I had her arrested twice on felony charges and the officer told me she had a rap sheet a mile long (I had no idea). She loved to fight men, even broke the jaw of one boyfriend and he was a big dude...I wouldn't have messed with him. She was the one that hit me on the leg, and that was when we were dating. It never happened again until we were married. She swung at me one day...and she knew after that to never do that again.


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Thanks for clarifying your position, I understand it much better now.

Technically, I tell women about the same thing which is what I did in the two stories I related...however, I still just can't bring myself to be able to hit a woman unless it is more of a self-defense position. Growing up, it was sort of drilled into my head (and I agree with it), that a man just should not hit a woman unless it is necessary. Those two women made it necessary for me, and I gave them repeated warnings. They learned the hard way...and I hated every moment of it. They acted like men (physically), I treated them that way. I can't treat them like men physically if they only act like it mentally. They cross the line when they hit me.

No problem, SC. Glad to have clarified it to the point where you can see where I'm coming from.

The thing that I feel all too many Men miss nowadays is that Chivalry was always intended to be a Two-Way street. Lords/Men were never expected to treat every woman on the planet like some golden idol. Only Ladies. To be a Lady meant a number of things, including knowing and accepting ones place in society. It meant having a proper and appropriate appearance. It meant being able to carry out ones duties in a timely fashion and right the first time. It also meant showing proper respect to a Lord (regardless of who He was) and deference to her Lord. THAT'S what I think all too many Men are not taught in these modern days.

All too often now Men are taught, as you were, that it is never appropriate, or only appropriate in the most extreme conditions, to strike a woman. The Lord's end of Chivalry has survived to a certain degree in that teaching. What has failed to continue on, is the requirements of the woman to earn such protection.

As I mentioned before, all too many women in this modern time want to have their cake and eat it too. They want to tell you they're the equal of any man out there.... at least until that isn't favorable for them. Until it makes it harder for them to get a job, or to be protected from physical violence. At some point in time hopefully society will remedy this issue; but I don't foresee it happening any time soon.

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