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I can get 2 tickets to the Jags game but should I?


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I can get 2 tickets in the 400 level on the 30 yard line but I'm wondering if I want them. It's a 3 hour drive to the game, it's a 4:15 game I won't get home till midnight or so and my son is 11. Do I want to expose him to the 400 level, I have this picture in my head of nothing but drunks, fighting, beer throwing (which still blows my mind since beer is so freaking expensive there) am I wrong about this? Help me people.

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Just watch out for the guys that are screaming "Kill, Sean, Kill" and you should be OK :D

In all seriousness, this game will be a turning point for our season for better or worse. You're going to kick yourself (and your son will never forgive you;) ) if the Skins show up big and put a W on the board. Conversely, if they get destroyed, three hours down a dark highway will seem like an eternity.

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I sit in the 400 level, 35 yard line, section 402. There are the same number of drunk people everywhere in the stadium outside of the premium seating. Remember that drunk doesn't mean vulgar. It can also mean very enthusiastic.

Plus, let's be real: If your son is eleven, then he's probably heard/said worse in school.

And let's be even more real: If you have an opportunity to take your kid to see Joe Gibbs on the sideline, then do it.

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I can get 2 tickets in the 400 level on the 30 yard line but I'm wondering if I want them. It's a 3 hour drive to the game, it's a 4:15 game I won't get home till midnight or so and my son is 11. Do I want to expose him to the 400 level, I have this picture in my head of nothing but drunks, fighting, beer throwing (which still blows my mind since beer is so freaking expensive there) am I wrong about this? Help me people.

This isn't Philly your going too you and your son should have a good time and not have to worry about beer being thrown on you.

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Great info so far, TC, lol, that response didn't surprise me at all. He has been to a game before. I payed way to much for tickets Joe's fist game back against Tampa. 12 rows from the field. It's not so much the normal words you hear from the drunks and it's not so much being around drunks in general it's the other's that I'm worried about

if they get destroyed, three hours down a dark highway will seem like an eternity

and that's what I'm really worried about. :doh:

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Don't worry about the 400 level, it is not bad at all. There will be drunk people, but I have been going to games for years and I can only really remember one instance where a fan was not respectful.

Absolutely go to the game, this is a huge game for both teams and should be a good atmosphere. I used to drive seven hours each way from Tennessee to watch the Skins during the Schottenheimer and Spurrier years. Luckily, I do not have to do that anymore, but if I had to, I would do it for this game.

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I can get 2 tickets in the 400 level on the 30 yard line but I'm wondering if I want them. It's a 3 hour drive to the game, it's a 4:15 game I won't get home till midnight or so and my son is 11. Do I want to expose him to the 400 level, I have this picture in my head of nothing but drunks, fighting, beer throwing (which still blows my mind since beer is so freaking expensive there) am I wrong about this? Help me people.

I can't believe you, I live in Cali anytime the skins near me I go and your complaining about a 3 hour drive. You Skins fans near the Skins have no idea how good you got it.

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I can get 2 tickets in the 400 level on the 30 yard line but I'm wondering if I want them. It's a 3 hour drive to the game, it's a 4:15 game I won't get home till midnight or so and my son is 11. Do I want to expose him to the 400 level, I have this picture in my head of nothing but drunks, fighting, beer throwing (which still blows my mind since beer is so freaking expensive there) am I wrong about this? Help me people.

The drive should not take 3 hrs at this time of the year. I would

say 1.5 - 2 hrs tops. I make that drive about 15 times a year.

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The Jax game will be the third year in a row I've taken my soon to be 7 year old to my seats in the 400 level. Only once did a group of guys a couple of rows back get out of hand. I let it go for a bit and when it became apparent they weren't going to stop, I just turned around and said "Guys, come on." and pointed at my son. They apologized and toned it down immediately.

I really don't think you'll have a problem.

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Are you guys Jaguar fans? Showing up in Jags gear and then talking s*** to Skins fans might make for a bad experience for you and your son, but showing up to FedEx to root for the Skin!!??? What are you even considering!!! Go!! I can't wait for my daughter to be old enough to enjoy going to the games with me, and I'll happily sit in the 400's with her, my dad never took me to a game when we lived in the DC area and I wish to this day that he had.... don't pass up a situation to build memories that you'll both remember for your lives...

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I'm flying to Maryland on Saturday night to go to this game and I'm bringing my son. Now, he's a little bit older, 25, but I started taking him when he was younger than yours is. It's the only way to raise a kid!! If you do happen to run into any unruly drunks, just use it as a teaching tool. Best of luck.

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I sit in the 400 level, 35 yard line, section 402. There are the same number of drunk people everywhere in the stadium outside of the premium seating. Remember that drunk doesn't mean vulgar. It can also mean very enthusiastic.QUOTE]

What row, This is my first year with season tickets, im in row 28 with tissues in hand.

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