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Ahmadinejad defends suicide bombers


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Ahmadinejad defends suicide bombers

Deutsche Presse Agentur

Published: Wednesday September 20, 2006

New York- Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, in one of a series of high profile television interviews during the annual UN General Assembly, Wednesday defended the practice of suicide bombing and said it was not a "bad thing." Israel and Washington claim that Iran is trying to destabilize the Middle East by backing terrorist organizations like Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in the Palestinian territories.

Ahmadinejad has vowed to wipe Israel off the map, and has snubbed his nose at the international community's attempt to dissuade it from enriching uranium, a process that can lead to developing nuclear bombs.

Ahmadinejad was asked by an NBC journalist how he would feel if his child became a suicide bomber.

Ahmadinejad, who often bounced questions back on his interviewer, asked the reporter what he would like his own son to do.

"What would you like your son to do?" Ahmadinejad said. "Would you like him to defend America? I think you would like that.

"It's the same with our people. If you don't have arms, what would you do? It's not a bad thing. The war was imposed on the Middle East," Ahmadinejad said.

Iran is sandwiched between Afghanistan and Iraq, where the United States has hundreds of thousands of troops.

"Hundreds of thousands of troops surround us under the pretext of democracy," Ahmadinejad said.

© 2006 DPA - Deutsche Presse-Agenteur


This dude is a friggin nut....did anyone see him on anderson 360 (CNN) last night? I swear he answered every question with a question.



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And this surprises people?

Too bad there are so many morons in this country that get their news from TV.

They sit on their asses every night and then see something like this, where his handlers dress him up and tell him" Don't talk about jihad and death to Israel. Then the stupid AMericans will think you're like them, just a nice guy"

Go here to see and hear what he really thinks


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Is that surprising?!!

Every day he claims the Holocaust never happened. Every day he says how Israel will be destroyed soon. Every day he says how evil the United States is.

Everyday he says how Persian will regain its rightful role as a world power.

Every day they continue to build nuclear bombs.


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We already had them surrounded. We had bases in Afghanistan, Qatar, the UAE, and Kuwait, and from what I understand, a few more regional locations that are not disclosed.

Yep and we will know the exact second he pushes any funny buttons too. This guy just looks like slime, and when he opens his mouth, it ooozes out.

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Are you saying he is connected to 9-11?

All terrorists including the Nazi's, the IRA, the Islamic radicals are all connected to 9/11. We must destroy terrorism in our world and not appease it. We need to uncover and destroy all terrorism. Don't get caught into the trap of fighting only those who have been involved in 9/11. We must stamp out terrorism in the same manner that we stamped out piracy in the 19th century. We did not stamp out piracy only by protecting our borders.

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Would have been nice if we had the option to use all that Iraq money/resources kicking this guys arse instead.

Yeah untill things got tough in Iran like they are now in Iraq, then you would be saying "we should have saved the resources for iraq, hussein is the real threat":rolleyes:

How long before Iraq started enriching uranium and pursuing nukes just like iran is now, had we gone into iran instead of iraq? Only a matter of time my friend, that is what this whole thing is about, keeping dictators and extremists from getting nukes and causing a crisis that makes the war in iraq look like a food fight.

Are you saying he is connected to 9-11?

:laugh: :laugh: exactly....

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