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LONG Breakdown of the first 2 games


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Hey guys, don't mind the spelling or grammar, this is a breakdown of what i have seen as our problems but not with many solutions. Some of it will be pretty obvious to some of you, but it was written for non redskins fans to start with, but i decided i would post it here as well.

Let me debunk a myth that has been stated repeatedly by the media.

Myth: The Redskins lost to the Vikings because the Vikings ran the ball well and controlled the clock.

The Truth: The Vikings carried the ball 34 times for 86 yards that’s 2.53 a carry, which is terrible. I give the Vikings credit for sticking to the run but it was not effective.

The Redskins lost the Vikings game for 2 reasons. One the skins went 1 for 4 in the redzone; the redskins kicked field goals of 22, 26, and 27. That means the ball was on the 5, 9 and 10 yard line. If the skins convert 1 or two of those chances the redskins win and put up big points.

The second reason the redskins lost that game and more importantly were 3rd downs. The Vikings would run and get shut down for the first 2 downs, then face a third and long. The Redskins knew a pass was coming, but couldn’t do anything about it. Here are the stats:

Minnesota converted 9 of 17 third down conversions, most of them over 5 yards. Meanwhile the Redskins went 4/13. The Redskins had just 10 possessions, and were held to five plays or less on seven of them. What does this mean; it means that while the Vikings kept drives alive and tired out the skins D, the Redskins were unable to sustain a drive because they had to punt after a failed 4th down. That was the difference in the game. Plain and simple the Skins sucked on 3rd downs on both sides of the ball.

After this game many people were saying different things, but for the most part the skins played average just choked on 3rd downs.

Then came Dallas and guess what happened. Yes, Dallas ran the ball better, but their stats are inflated as being up 17 points lets you run a lot, during the game the run was decent but nothing special. However, once again 3rd downs on both sides of the ball were killer. Here are some stats: Redskins 1 for 10 on third down, "3 and out" 5 of their first 10 drives. That means the defense gets tired, but that is no excuse for their play. The Cowboys went 6-16, but actually went 8-16 as they got 2 more first down on redskin penalties. So 1/10 compared to 8/16. Again the redskins are not going to win that way. In total 17/23 possessions for the redskins have been 5 plays or less. That is TERRIBLE.

So what is wrong with the team, why are these stats happening? Ill start with the defense because last year this team was able to win games on D and use ball control O, but this doesn’t seem possible this year. Here is why:

No PASS RUSH. I mean none from blitzing and none from front 4. Let’s deal with blitzing first. The first 4-5 plays of the Vikings game, the Redskins came with it, like GW's defenses are known to do and do so well. While the skins got a little pressure with the early blitzes, the redskins got no sacks, and more importantly the corners got torched. Williamson deep over and over. Kenny Wright, Mike Rumph, and Carlos Rodgers, all got beat badly when put on islands. Why are they getting beat? Because the top corner springs is out with an injury and now every player moves up 1 spot, making every single WR/CB match up a mismatch. To top it all off Adam Archuleta cannot cover in the pass game (he'll make the tackle after his man catches the ball though), but Greg knew AA couldn’t cover, but he had starter Perioson Perlou to play all 3rd downs and passing situations, with AA playing runs and at the LOS. Well, PP went down on the opening kickoff, so the skins are without SS and PP. The lack of coverage ability forced Gregg to stop blitzing very early in the Vikings game. The skins rushed 4 and dropped into coverage on third downs now, so what happens...Andre Carter and crew get no pressure; I mean Brad Johnson had days and days to throw the ball, after the first possession Brad got pressured 1 time.

The Dallas game comes and I am praying that Greg and Joe come up with something for our defense, maybe blitz with new guys, maybe get the front 4 to do something. What happens? Gregg never blitzes Bledsoe; I think the redskins came 3 times all game with more than 4 rushers, but never more than 6. Lots of time and no coverage, then Bledsoe kills the skins. I knew just from watching tape of the games last year that a team has to come after bledsoe..Watch the second Dallas game from last year (35-7 skins) and watch how the first 7 defensive plays were blitzing, which resulted in 2 turnovers and a 3 and out. The coverage didn’t even matter, the redskins got there so fast. So back on topic, the skins D gets torched in pass coverage with no pass rush and an inability to cover on 3rd downs. Dallas rapes us.

Offense time.

Not much to say really, look at the stats above. 17/23 drives end in 5 plays or less. What I did notice was that Clinton Portis (in week 1) hit holes 2-3x faster than Betts could, and if he was healthy he would greatly improve the run game, as it becomes a home run threat. Jon Jansen, who never got credit for being a top 10 maybe top 5 tackle, is now poo poo, something is wrong with him or he has just lost it. The skins are not getting out in space in the run game and don’t block well is pass protection. This is not to say the line is terrible, but the redskins are not above average.

Back to the first statement I made...I was always in support of Brunell 3000 yards, 23 tds, 10 picks...managed the game and let our D win it. He even has some crazy stat of being in the top 3 qbs for least amount of turnovers per pass attempt, exactly what I want. **** first 4 games of last year, Mark was top the league in passing and looked great, then he got hurt, and production slowed down late, but it was blamed on the injury. I believed it. Not anymore. Mark Brunell has gone back to his form of 2 years ago and is now Scott Brunell.

Where is Chris Cooley, Where is Brandon Lloyd who had a good year as a number 1 last year, why does moss get 4 looks a game? 1 of two things is happening, 1..no one on the team is getting open at all, which I cant believe because last year b4 double teams Moss raped, Cooley raped all year, and this year they cant double cover moss, not with ARE and Lloyd and Cooley. So the second thing must be happening, Mark Brunell has not learned the playbook well enough and cannot find the open man/ he does not have confidence to throw the ball downfield (maybe the redskins don’t call plays downfield?) I am not sure but I always see Brunell look long for a second, then get happy feet and just do some play for 3 yards. I have no problem with checking down when nothing is their, but the redskins have to move the chains, I mean damn.

Mark cannot throw the ball in the middle of the field, which makes it very easy to defend him, look at Marks stats its like 80% of his completions are to the sidelines, he never even looks in the middle. His only looks are, short to the side or long to the side, making it very easy to take away our weapon. Dudes have to be open, they have to be. I think Mark needs to get talked to or the redskins need to see Jason Campbell (who is not ready to play by the way) just so the redskins can start the new QB process and get him experience.

Are the skins cooked? I don’t know, something needs to happen on both sides of the ball, and our coaches need to make it happen, if this team is bad, the coaches need to take all the blame, not the injuries, not Danny S, only the coaches because this team has talent to beat average teams. This team could be great, but with injuries is should just be good, decent at worse. Right now they are terrible.


The defense, while laying an egg in both games, came with intensity in the Dallas game and every single player hit people so hard, however it doesn’t matter how hard u hit, if u don’t do it on 3rd down.

Sean Taylor...dude is all over the place, got a weak penalty on reputation alone in week 1. Dominated TO. He is not good enough in play recognition yet, so he is not the best safety in the league, but dude is good, real good, TO have alligator arms on his last target of the game, he looked like Todd Pinkston.

Santana Moss--He is for real man, I don’t care if his receiving numbers are down, check his running stats, as they started counting bubble screens as runs, so his total yards are pretty good. But seriously EVERYTIME he touches the ball he goes 110% and looks like he is going to take it the distance, I have never seen a faster player.

ARE-playing like a very good player on ST and as the slot WR. He has a chip on his shoulder, **** I would too if everyone was saying I was overpaid on TV.

Lamar Marshal-Most underrated player on the D, yea Mwash is nasty too and playing well, but Marshal can do it all, cover, tackle, blitz, so underrated.

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Best (and longest) post I've read since the regular season started. good job. :) I think the return of Portis will be what the Offense needs. Right now defenses don't have to respect our running game even with Betts and Duckett, so they can send a lot of players into coverage. No, one player doesnt make or break the team, but one running back can make or break the running game. :2cents:

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Lots of good points, all of them valid. I think one of the things I get out of your post is how important EVERY single player is on a 53 man roster. They all play an important role. This is literally a different team on defense without Springs and PP and a completely different team on offense without portis.

The defense, however, worries me much less than the offense. The defense has given up some points, but nothing major considering how long they have been on the field. They are making the most of what they have.

The offense, however, is doing just the opposite. They're being held back by Scott Brunell--it's obvious to everyone who watches football except our genius coaching staff.

I can't wait to hear what Gibbs says when Scott blows it in Texas.

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You'd have to have game film and SHOW me where receivers are open and Brunell is missing them. You'd have to have a split screen with the O-line on the left and the receivers on the right. Show me where he has time and is missing them and then I will believe you. Until then, I'm going to stick with blame on the o-line. If you can't pass block and you can't throw and if you cant' run block ....

Otherwise it's a great post and thank you for putting forth the time and effort for all of us to read.

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You'd have to have game film and SHOW me where receivers are open and Brunell is missing them. You'd have to have a split screen with the O-line on the left and the receivers on the right. Show me where he has time and is missing them and then I will believe you. Until then, I'm going to stick with blame on the o-line. If you can't pass block and you can't throw and if you cant' run block ....

Otherwise it's a great post and thank you for putting forth the time and effort for all of us to read.

We can't view the tape unless we are at the game. I plan on going to the cowboys game on Nov. 5 and if Brunell is still the qb, you can expect a full report from me regarding whether our receivers are open downfield. I find it hard to believe that we are the only team in the NFL that cannot produce an intermediate passing game.

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Great post, I read the whole thing.

I agree especially with this:

"Are the skins cooked? I don’t know, something needs to happen on both sides of the ball, and our coaches need to make it happen, if this team is bad, the coaches need to take all the blame, not the injuries, not Danny S, only the coaches because this team has talent to beat average teams. This team could be great, but with injuries is should just be good, decent at worse. Right now they are terrible."


Also.. I think you guys have it backwards. Scott Brunell is the good one.

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Great post and Im glad I took the time to read it. One of my issues with Mark Brunell is this. I am a supporter (although skeptical now) and I think that the problem is this: he lacks confidence right now. I think that because of the new system and huge playbook he is second guessing himself. Because of this, when he looks downfield he doesnt have the confidence to throw if there isn't a big window/a wide open wide receiver. This means that even if a receiver has a little bit of room, Brunell is being hesitant, which brings me to another point. Pressure. Our o-line hasn't been too good so far, and theyve faced a couple good d-lines. We're also missing Portis's ability to pick up the blitz. They're not allowing Brunell a lot of time consistently, so aside from worrying about passing the ball, Brunell is also worried about pressure.


Remedy. The Houston Texans. The Texans defense isn't very good, and it may be just what Brunell needs to get some confidence back. Our o-line should be able to protect him and give him time, and Portis's return should help the running game which will, in turn, open up the passing game even more.

This week should be very telling for our offense. If we struggle against the Texans defense, WE ARE IN HUGE TROUBLE. but i think this is the game where we catch stride and get some rythm. Brunell will have a good game, and our run offense SHOULD be dominant. The question is, can we do it week 4 against Jacksonville's great defense. We shall see. HTTR!!

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not to mention....the fact that Brunell got picked by Roy Williams when he did look downfield to Cooley in the Dallas game definitely didn't help. that made him second guess passing downfield even more, thus his hesitance and inability to get rid of the ball

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The vikings running the ball 34 times was effective, our DB's were getting burned. In the NFL, you must stick to the run to keep the defense honest. So we did not convert on 3rd downs and did not score in the redzone, who's at fault? Brunell or the WR's?

You say we can't blitz because we lost PP, if we are dropping guys back in coverage and we are still getting burned, then we might as well blitz and get burned with less people in the secondary.

Moss, El, Cooley, Lloyd, how come we can't get the ball to one of the other guys other than Santana. Something is wrong, either is Brunell or the O'line really stinks.

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Great post and Im glad I took the time to read it. One of my issues with Mark Brunell is this. I am a supporter (although skeptical now) and I think that the problem is this: he lacks confidence right now. I think that because of the new system and huge playbook he is second guessing himself. Because of this, when he looks downfield he doesnt have the confidence to throw if there isn't a big window/a wide open wide receiver. This means that even if a receiver has a little bit of room, Brunell is being hesitant, which brings me to another point. Pressure. Our o-line hasn't been too good so far, and theyve faced a couple good d-lines. We're also missing Portis's ability to pick up the blitz. They're not allowing Brunell a lot of time consistently, so aside from worrying about passing the ball, Brunell is also worried about pressure.


Remedy. The Houston Texans. The Texans defense isn't very good, and it may be just what Brunell needs to get some confidence back. Our o-line should be able to protect him and give him time, and Portis's return should help the running game which will, in turn, open up the passing game even more.

This week should be very telling for our offense. If we struggle against the Texans defense, WE ARE IN HUGE TROUBLE. but i think this is the game where we catch stride and get some rythm. Brunell will have a good game, and our run offense SHOULD be dominant. The question is, can we do it week 4 against Jacksonville's great defense. We shall see. HTTR!!

That's an interesting take on it...and to some extent that could be true. However, I question Brunell's arm big time right now. His arm combined with his hesitency is killing us.

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Santana Moss--He is for real man, I don’t care if his receiving numbers are down, check his running stats, as they started counting bubble screens as runs, so his total yards are pretty good. But seriously EVERYTIME he touches the ball he goes 110% and looks like he is going to take it the distance, I have never seen a faster player.

As for bubble screens counting as runs. Is this a rule change or something? I was under the impression that any pass that goes backwards is seen as a pitch out to an RB, hence, counting as a rush for stat purposes.

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This post is accurate on every front. We don't need to get the goodyear blimp arial archive film to know that our WRs (probably the best positional corps on our team) are getting open. I know how open Santana Moss is getting consistently. Maybe the route combinations are too complicated for Brunell. Maybe he's locking on to Moss (LLoyd where are you?) I don't know for sure, but I do know that he is NOT upholding his portion of the offensive load.

If we're not getting good enough protection to run 5 step drops, run 3 step drops, slant routes, get the ball out quickly and let our enormously talented WRs do it with YAC. There is WAY too much talent for our passing game to look so thoroughly inept.

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As for bubble screens counting as runs. Is this a rule change or something? I was under the impression that any pass that goes backwards is seen as a pitch out to an RB, hence, counting as a rush for stat purposes.

No it is not a rule change, you are correct. However this year they are counting the bubble screen as a backward pass and not a pass even with the qb, i guess. Last year when moss had a 88 yard td on a screen agaisnt KC it was a pass, but that same play is now a run.

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You'd have to have game film and SHOW me where receivers are open and Brunell is missing them. You'd have to have a split screen with the O-line on the left and the receivers on the right. Show me where he has time and is missing them and then I will believe you. Until then, I'm going to stick with blame on the o-line. If you can't pass block and you can't throw and if you cant' run block .

I cannot show you split screens, but i could show you 2-3 clips of Moss waiving his hands and jumping up and down. Almost looking like Randy at how upset he was that the ball wasnt thrown to him. The difference is Santana doesnt do this unless he is actually open and not getting thrown to.

My point however is that with Moss, LLoyd, ARE, and Cooley on the field at the same time, it is not possible for every player to be double covered, let alone covered at all. Everyone on of those players can beat 1 on 1 coverage at there same level ie.. Moss vs a 1 corner, lloyd vs a 2, ARE vs an LB or a 3, Cooley vs an Lb.

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You say we can't blitz because we lost PP, if we are dropping guys back in coverage and we are still getting burned, then we might as well blitz and get burned with less people in the secondary.


I understand what you are saying and i never said we shouldnt blitz, i simply stated that is why we called the dogs off because williamson killed us big time, Greg prob hoped the front 4 could get enough pressure that we wouldnt have to cover for 3 hours per play. I do agree that if we cant get any pressure then we have to blitz to at least give us a chance.

The vikings running the ball 34 times was effective, our DB's were getting burned. In the NFL, you must stick to the run to keep the defense honest. So we did not convert on 3rd downs and did not score in the redzone, who's at fault? Brunell or the WR's?.

I agree you must stick to the run to keep the defense honest, but that wasnt working for the vikings, check out the stats. They kept running but it wasnt working. They converted on 3rd and longs, not becasue they were running and kept the skins guessing as these were obvious passing situation, where the redskins new the vikings were passing but could not do anything about it because of lack of pressure.

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