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Cooley on Elliot


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Cooley is a stand up guy

Yea, he's pretty funny too. He said he was proud of his whole 3 catches. :laugh:

But seriously, Elliot said he didn't think we were as bad as the other 0-2 teams in the league. Cooley agreed, and said we're just missing on a few (fixable) things...mainly 3rd downs.

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You mean Cooley was at the Cowboys game? I sure didn't see him doing anything. Hopefully he'll show up for the Texans game this weekend. Their cheerleaders aren't nearly as much of a distraction as the Dallas squad.

Unless your names are Betts or Sellars, you really didn't have an opportunity to show up because of Mark Boonell.

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Cooley said it's time to panic if they lose to the Texans (which most of us probably agree with). It's pretty bad when you've got a player on the team telling you that.

I kinda thought he'd be more upset about the game. I guess these athletes are good at detaching themselves after the fact.

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Unless your names are Betts or Sellars, you really didn't have an opportunity to show up because of Mark Boonell.

Alright man, enough of the Boonell ****. Even I am hoping to see JC this week, but the Boonell crap is ****ing childish. If you want to talk that way feel free to find the cowboys board...

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Brunell is a solid back up QB at this point, a good guy and is not to blame.

That is unless he is to be blamed for not wanting to sit his own ass down.

It is the marketing machine front office and any Coach that is worried about "giving up" and the effect that will have on merch sales - that is to blame.

I am not buying any Skins merchandise until they do somethign a little different, and eeking out a win against the Texans because Portis is a beast does not count.

Then I'll just buy one of Portis' own shirts. :laugh:

Oh as far as Cooley not doing anything, I sure saw him beating Ayodele often but the ball just never seemed to be thrown to him. Hmm... must have been those cheerleaders.

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Guest sith lord
Well, Chris knows because he is actually THERE, unlike the so called fans on this board.

What so called fans are you talking about? What, we shouldn't be dissappointed in the way this team has played for 6 games (including preseason)? We thought we had a SuperBowl team, but instead we have a team that won't even break even. Every year it's the same old thing. Big signings and very big expectations and just about every year we're dissappointed. And some wonder why this team is a laughing stock and don't get any respect from the media.

I'm sorry but I'm gonna tell it like it is and tell you that my confidence in Gibbs is shaken and that doesn't make me any less of a fan than you.

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Well, Chris knows because he is actually THERE, unlike the so called fans on this board.

So called fans? because we don't mind questioning a quarterback who has led us to nothing in the last 6 games? because we question why our defense is so dependant on one man? because we question why the QB can't seem to stand upright in the pocket? because we question why most of the passes went to the backs when we see the talent virtually bursting on the WR corps? because we question the fact that we didn't hardly blitz in the game DESPITE what the Jags did to the puke line in game 1? because we question the fact that Betts STILL can't blitz pickup? because we question why all-pros can't block a 4 man pass rush? because we question where this new offensive power was? because we question why a guy who had 71 catches last year can't seem to get the separation he did last year and catch the ball - we wonder if his head is focused where it needs to be? because we question why Moss, Randle-El, Patten, Lloyd, Cooley, Fauria can't seem to get open (or that Brunell "reads" as open enough)? because we wonder why so little attention was paid to the two lines? because we wonder why the interior d line is getting pushed so easily aside on goal line situations allowing guards and centers to pancake linebackers? because we wonder why the secondary is making a bunch of great hits but allowing big completions while we can't ever seem to get a big completion on third down unless it is inside the marker? because we wonder why the secondary is having to play zone unless it is because we are missing ONE guy and none of the replacements are good enough to take his place so the whole defense suffers because we didn't get someone either in free agency or in the draft who might have been able to step up because we were concentrating so hard on linebackers who can't stop the run or stop TE's from catching first down passes?


You're right - I should just ignore all that.

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Well, Chris knows because he is actually THERE, unlike the so called fans on this board.

I love the types who defer the ability to formulate individual ideas based on the fact that they're not an intimate part of the daily activities at Redskins Park. We're here b/c we obviously give a damn....some of the more active members on this board probably actually care more than some of the players. To say that our opinions aren't educated enough is asinine.

Besides, do you really think it takes a rocket scientist or NFL Tight End to figure out that Brunell should be yanked? Everybody and their brother seems to realize it but Gibbs.

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I caught part of Monday Nite Live and both Jansen and Randel El said almost

the same thing. Might be company line or the truth or little of both.

Can someone seriously tell us what the "Fixable Things" are????? I mean, didn't they have all offseason and training camp to fix "fixable things"?????

I'm getting tired of hearing that term btw, they've had too much time to work on things not to be able to atleast show some type of competence as an offensive unit.

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Can someone seriously tell us what the "Fixable Things" are????? I mean, didn't they have all offseason and training camp to fix "fixable things"?????

I'm getting tired of hearing that term btw, they've had too much time to work on things not to be able to atleast show some type of competence as an offensive unit.

good point.

We didn't know what to expect from Brunell going into the opener, because we hardly saw him and the starters in pre-season. We did see a mobile and accurate Campbell, and even good play from Collins - especially at getting out of bad situations and finding receivers on broken down plays. - 2 games into the season we know what we have in our QB's. - Why isn't it fixed yet?

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What so called fans are you talking about? What, we shouldn't be dissappointed in the way this team has played for 6 games (including preseason)? We thought we had a SuperBowl team, but instead we have a team that won't even break even. Every year it's the same old thing. Big signings and very big expectations and just about every year we're dissappointed. And some wonder why this team is a laughing stock and don't get any respect from the media.

I'm sorry but I'm gonna tell it like it is and tell you that my confidence in Gibbs is shaken and that doesn't make me any less of a fan than you.

I am sorry that you thought that we had a Super Bowl team when we revamped our offense with talent and playbook. See what happens when you set the bar too high? You feel like your cheerios have been pissed in every morning. Sucks huh? Try taking it game by game so you are not so bitter? :yes:

Stand behind the team. Crying and getting your blood pressure up is getting nothing solved. You will just have a red face and not much oxygen to the brain. :silly:

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Seems to me that the people who are questioning are the ones getting abused instead of being abusive.

We see things wrong and don't believe it is showing just a wee little problem. I haven't said much up until now, but that last game showed a lot of problems and we were truly fortunate that it wasn't 41-10.

The problems that showed up the whole preseason are still with us and I don't see a lot of fixing going on yet. I just imagine you'll be crowing if we beat Houston even though there shouldn't be much doubt we should... but what if they don't beat Houston? What if we look like gods versus the Texans but run up against a brick wall with Jax? When do you see it? When we are 1-5?

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This is not a comment on Cooley. It is an unwritten rule however on a Joe Gibbs team, that if you start pointing fingers, the dog house will be your home. I really don't know that any player can honestly speak their feelings without such consequences. Not that this is all bad, because we do know teams which begin pointing fingers usually fall apart quickly.

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